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Example sentences for "great excitement"

  • Their novel appearance created a great excitement in Edinburgh; and our announcements filled our hall with the most respectable and fashionable people.

  • The writer of this History was in Dublin at that time, and remembers the city being thrown into a state of great excitement by the foregoing intelligence.

  • They came in in great excitement, each pair of eyes fixed upon Robina, and all the seven pairs of lips eager to say something to the girl who had so strongly excited their curiosity.

  • Did he say anything to you," asked Harriet, in great excitement.

  • Robina, on the other hand, was in great excitement.

  • We reached Wascopum on December 25, the Indians being in great excitement, having different views and impressions respecting the nature of the approaching visit.

  • The plans proposed to quiet the Indians, whom you found in a state of great excitement, were doubtless conceived in wisdom, and produced the desired effect.

  • One morning at daylight this Tupa came running to us in great excitement, wielding his club furiously, and crying, "Missi, I have killed the Tebil.

  • All at once there arose a great commotion over my head; an oriole fled precipitately to another tree and stood there watching me, scolding his harshest, flirting his wings and jerking his body in great excitement.

  • Polly, hopping up and down in great excitement.

  • Pip, in a joyful voice, and whirling around in great excitement.

  • The girl entered in great excitement; her oval cheeks were red; a plait of her hair had got loose, and floated over her lovely neck.

  • That witness deposes that you were in a state of great excitement.

  • The whole audience is in a state of great excitement.

  • She walked about the room as she talked, touching a book on one table and a photograph on another, in a state of great excitement.

  • There was a moisture in her beautiful brown eyes that told of great excitement.

  • The prince paced the little room in great excitement as soon as he was alone.

  • The general was alone, and was pacing the room in great excitement, gesticulating and muttering as he went.

  • Father, you cannot, you dare not order me thus," he cried out now in great excitement.

  • He had just made up his mind that he would wait right where he was for Shadow and then put up the best fight he could, even if it was hopeless, when he heard Tommy Tit calling to him in great excitement.

  • Presently he saw Tommy just ahead of him flying about in great excitement.

  • It was just at that very minute that he heard the voice of Tommy Tit the Chickadee calling to him in great excitement, and somehow, he didn't know why, a wee bit of hope sprang up in his heart.

  • They evidently thought at first that the assemblage was connected with some military demonstration, and galloped about in a state of great excitement to and fro.

  • After dinner the men walked out in full dress; there were crowds of people and plenty of whiskey drunk during the day and night; great excitement to see so many soldiers in the town.

  • Here there was a scene of great excitement, and after the meeting had decided by a very large majority that there should be no rate, a poll was demanded by the pro-rate party.

  • They dissolved Parliament, and the elections were attended with great excitement.

  • All at once the sparrows who had disappeared from sight came flying back in great excitement, twittering as they flew: “Coming!

  • At last came a day when Sam was told he could visit Billy, and he was in a state of great excitement.

  • The little place, from which travellers over the lonely plain were in the habit of taking their military escort, was in great excitement.

  • But just then the Neuenfaehr man came back in a state of great excitement.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great excitement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    empirical knowledge; great black; great comfort; great credit; great disappointment; great distances; great extent; great fame; great friend; great improvement; great intelligence; great literary; great loss; great majority; great multitude; great necessity; great nuisance; great party; great perplexity; great prosperity; great prostration; great resemblance; great risk; great society; great trial; great wrath