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Example sentences for "great prostration"

  • Sometimes there has been vomiting and purging, and there is great prostration, with cramps and convulsions.

  • Persons in attempting to acquire the habit of smoking often suffer from severe nausea, vomiting, great prostration, and insensibility; while in some instances, more severe effects have ensued.

  • In cases of great prostration, accompanied with loss of appetite, much valuable time would be lost.

  • When taken from the system by accident or the lancet, it is succeeded by great prostration of strength, and a derangement of all the functions of the body.

  • MILK is one of the most important foods in fevers and acute diseases attended with great prostration, and in which the digestive powers are enfeebled.

  • If there be great prostration, with cold extremities, the carbonate of ammonia should be administered, in doses of from one to two grains, every second hour, in gum arabic mucilage.

  • They are usually characterized by great prostration of the system, and are called putrid when they manifest septic changes in the fluids, and malignant when they speedily run to a fatal termination.

  • One to two tablets on tongue every fifteen minutes until better, when there is watery burning vomiting, with terrible thirst, great prostration.

  • One to two tablets every one to three hours, with retching, vomiting, intense thirst, great prostration.

  • The algid or asthenic form begins with vomiting and great prostration.

  • All the cases were characterized by great prostration.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great prostration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great adventure; great amount; great astonishment; great banquet; great central; great consolation; great depth; great favorite; great force; great harm; great indeed; great influence; great island; great lord; great masses; great musician; great occasions; great passion; great poem; great point; great rage; great religious; great shape; great straits; great weakness; greatest diameter