The chief granitic mass extends from Broad Sound to Cape York, with an occasional capping of "Desert Sandstone.
Because the granitic crustal layer is absent, the magmas are not appreciably modified or changed in composition and they erupt on the surface to form basaltic volcanoes.
Basaltic magmas, generated in the mantle beneath the ridge, rise along fractures through the granitic layer.
During passage through the granitic layer, magmas are commonly modified or changed in composition and erupt on the surface to form volcanoes constructed of nonbasaltic rocks.
These magmas commonly will be modified or changed in composition during passage through the granitic layer and erupt on the surface to form volcanoes built largely of non-basaltic rocks.
Still more remarkable are the cases in which these lava-streams have descended into the old river channels which drained the granitic plateau.
Towards the close of the Miocene epoch volcanic eruptions commenced on a grand scale over the granitic platform in the districts now called Mont Dore, Cantal, and the Vivarais.
This great lake, occupying a hollow in the old granitic platform of Central France, must have been in existence for an extensive period, which MM.
Except towards the south-west, about Aurillac, where lacustrine strata overlie the granite, the platform from which rises the volcanic dome is composed of granitic or gneissose rocks.
In granitic porphyry that is very poor in quartz, the feldspathic base is almost granular and laminated.
The soil, where the granitic rocks do not come too near the surface, is usually fertile, and cultivation is easier than in the regions to the south-west, because the rains are more copious.
In Finisterre province of western Brittany, the people along the more fertile coastal strip are on the average an inch taller than the inhabitants of the barren, granitic interior.
The same result follows where no barrier on the land side exists, but where a granitic or glaciated soil in the interior discourages agriculture and landward expansion, as in Brittany, Maine, and Newfoundland.
A dark colored rock of granitic texture composed of striated feldspar with broad cleavage surfaces and usually an abundance of pyroxene.
A heavy and dark colored rock of granitic texture which is nearly or quite devoid of feldspar but contains olivine.
When subjected to long-continued erosion, the generally fissured granitic core of the laccolite weathers in a wholly different manner from the bedded sediments which surround and still in part mount over it.
Two Rhododendrons were taken, one from the calcareous soil of Mount de la Salle, the other from the granitic soils of Mount Bevern.
These granitic masses have upheaved the superincumbent beds of stratified rocks, partly melting them.
These factors, added to the granitic formation of much of its area, have made it a country of bleak moorland varied with thickly-wooded deep valleys--dampness being the leading characteristic of both.
The south-west wind almost invariably brings rain and warmth together, for the high cold granitic moorlands are naturally calculated to arrest these warm airs and chill them, causing thereby a downfall of the suspended water.
Still more curious is the occurrence of two distinct forms (a species and a well-marked variety) on the small granitic Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel.
They are of granitic formation, and rise from the sea in precipitous cliffs, worn into countless caves and hollows, which furnish convenient resting-places for the sea-fowl.
Through the Mesozoic beds are intruded granitic and other igneous rocks of Tertiary age, and upon the folded Mesozoic foundation rise the volcanic cones of Tertiary and later date.
The coalfield is divided into two by a mountain range of ancient granitic formation running north-east and south-west, termed the Ho-shan.
Amongst the Archean rocks granitic and other intrusions are abundant, but of more modern volcanic activity the remains are comparatively scanty.
A first cursory examination of the material was enough to show that the specimens from Mount Betty and Scott's Nunatak consist exclusively of granitic rocks and crystalline schists.
In proportion as the masses are more voluminous, they become more granitic in their texture, less conformable, and even begin to send forth veins into contiguous strata.
The breadth of each represents the whole width of the fissure at six successive periods, and the outer walls of the vein, where the first narrow rent was formed, consisted of the granitic surfaces 1 and 7.
We have already seen that, near the immediate contact of granitic veins and volcanic dikes, very extraordinary alterations in rocks have taken place, more especially in the neighbourhood of granite.
That region had already acquired in some degree its present configuration before any volcanoes were in activity, and before any igneous matter was superimposed upon the granitic and fossiliferous formations.
A stream of lava takes its rise at the western base of the hill instead of issuing from either crater, and descends the granitic slope towards the present site of the town of Pont Gibaud.
This "gelatinous flint" is supposed to retain a considerable degree of plasticity long after the granitic mixture has acquired a low temperature.
The limestone is sometimes changed in character by the proximity of the granitic mass or its veins, and acquires a more compact texture, like that of hornstone or chert, with a splintery fracture, and effervescing freely with acids.
The volcanoes of Bolivia lie almost entirely in the Western Cordillera--the great summits of the eastern range, such as Illimani and Sorata, being formed of Palaeozoic rocks withgranitic and other intrusions.
Going forward a mile or so to rejoin the cavalry I climbed the rugged granitic slopes of Surgham Hill.
Their only shade from the noon-day glare was such as they could get behind detached black granitic boulders and blocks.
Granitic hills appeared on each side, and the sweet-scented Callitris grew around, with many a curious shrub never seen to the eastward of these ranges.
Mount Harris; and certainly the general bed of this watercourse was broader than that of the Bogan, and moreover contained much granitic sand, all but identifying its sources with those of the Macquarie.
A few walks into the country showed me that it was very hilly, and full of granitic and laterite rocks, with a dry and stunted forest vegetation; and I could find very few insects.
Coutances is beautifully situated on the right bank of the Soulle on a granitic eminence crowned by the celebrated cathedral of Notre-Dame.
It is difficult to conceive that water could have been the solvent of the different granitic and porphyritic formations; for, in that case, some combinations of water with the pure earths ought to be found in them.
The drift-clays are the result of the grinding up of granitic rocks.
If the destroyed world possessed no sedimentary rocks, then the entire material of the comet would consist of granitic stones and dust such as constitutes clays.