He described a gramophone he had purchased down at Port Dupre and brought back to her three hundred miles up the coast--it seemed to Marjorie an odd gift for an Esquimaux maiden--and he gave his views upon its mechanism.
He said God was with the man who invented the gramophone "truly.
The gramophone he had given his betrothed possessed records of the Rev.
He imagines that he is looking at the corpse of a young officer whose head has been carried away, and in place of the head, screwed into the neck, is the gramophone disc.
In his growing delirium, he fancies that the same thing has happened to all the common soldiers, to all the officers, to himself; that in each one the head has been replaced by a gramophone disc.
While the regimental officers were listening to a gramophone playing the Rakoczy march, a bomb exploded among them.
The phonograph recorder digs vertically downwards into the surface of the record, whereas the stylus of the gramophone wags from side to side and describes a snaky course (Fig.
Gramophone master records are made on a circular disc of zinc, coated over with a very thin film of acid-proof fat.
Some gramophone records have as many as 250 turns to the inch.
Its pivot had been destroyed in transit and Correll had replaced it by a gramophone needle, which was found too insensitive.
At the entrance to the tunnel, the roar of the tempest died away into a rumble, the trap-door opened and perhaps the strains of the gramophone would come in a kind of flippant defiance from the interior.
After the toasts and speeches came a musical and dramatic programme, punctuated by choice gramophone records and rowdy student choruses.
Speeches, toasts and a gramophone concert made the evening pass quickly and enjoyably.
Cooks of lyric inclination would enliven the company with the score of the latest gramophone opera, and the messman and company would often feel impelled to join in the choruses.
The spirits of the crew were excellent, as was shown by the merry warbling of the gramophone from the men's room.
We laid in provisions for the long journey, and at the last moment even cigars and--gramophone records were brought on board.
I told the Major that if we could only get a moving picture of the corporal and a gramophone record of his song with its accompaniment we could make thousands of dollars by an exhibition of it in Canada.
There is not much in the poem, but, like a gramophone record, it carried our minds away into another world.
She did her best, poor child, out of politeness and recognition of his desire to alleviate her lot; but I don't think the gramophone conveyed to her heart the poor dear fellow's unspoken message.
One offering was a gramophone which nearly drove her mad.
He accidentally sets the gramophone working and jumps back, a little alarmed.
I entered, sat down, and found that they were crowded around a cheap gramophone which was hawking, spitting and screeching some awful rag-time music and nigger jigs.
In increasing measure the teaching of music appreciation is coming into vogue, and as an aid to this the piano-player and gramophone are demonstrating their value.
Therefore the mechanical piano-player with a constant change of rolls, and the gramophone with its ever-increasing list of records, are adjuncts to education which are at present only in the stage of small beginnings.
The slogan of the musical advance guard is "a gramophone in every school.
The gramophone will give us the actual notes of the singer, but it depends upon ourselves as to whether we catch the real thing or not.
By the end of dinner a very cheerful spirit prevailed, and the room was cleared for Ponting and his lantern, whilst the gramophone gave forth its most lively airs.
The gramophone is usually started by some kindly disposed person, and on three nights of the week the lectures to which I have referred are given.
But now we ought to be able to acquire whatever accent we choose, even when living far away from every instructor, having the gramophone to repeat to us untiringly the true Spanish "manana" and the French "ennui.
The gramophone had been placed on a table outside, and the Shetland pony and cart were in readiness near the door.
They listened smiling while the gramophone blared forth selections, and clapped their hands when the Juniors danced for their amusement.
The people next door ain't runnin' the gramophone tonight!
Well, there is an upright piano, and there is a gramophone with latest musical records, and close by the davenport where hangs a grizzly bear pelt, stands a banjo.
Down the study passage a gramophone struck up Florrie was a Flapper.
Hazelton invited them in second hall to supper in the games study; the gramophone played rag-time choruses.
They had the run of it now, and, with an enormous basket of strawberries before them, played tunes on the gramophone and roared the chorus.
Every day dawned without a trace of trouble imminent; every night closed with a feed in Mansell's big study, while the gramophone strummed out rag-time choruses.
Put on a gramophone record--then crawled up into a corner of the large, empty drawing room and ate my heart out.
So this morning, before Madame's appearance, this kind and obliging youth put a gramophone record of it on, to which we listened like two intelligent parrots with heads sideways.
The alarm clocks were all going off, each gramophone was working a record (a different one!
It was usual to start the gramophone after dinner, and its value may be imagined.
We started to live in the hut on January 18, beautifully warm, the gramophone going, and everybody happy.
London, in which, in 1906, the Royal Court of Milan held that reproductions of music bygramophone constituted infringement.
And so the evening passed with the Bunny Hug and games, and the gramophone shouted forth its nigger songs, in which they all joined.
Outside the limits of the programme we were treated to an extra number by a singer, who imitated the gramophone in utilizing a big megaphone, to make up for the deficiencies of his voice -- according to his own statement.
On board the Fram gramophone music had not been heard since Christmas Eve, 1910, and the members of the sea party were glad enough to encore more than one number.
Very sorry, sir," said she, turning her head negligently from the gramophoneand eyeing him seriously.
Mr. Prohack had unpacked the gramophone in person.
II The woman in the cubicle near the door was putting a fresh disc on to a gramophoneand winding up the instrument.
There was a round hole in the match-board partition, and the trumpet attachment of the gramophone disappeared beyond the hole.
At the end of the lesson they had relaid the carpet and replaced the furniture and enclosed the gramophone and unlocked the door, and Mr. Prohack had issued from the drawing-room like a criminal.
The woman immediately released the catch of the gramophone and lowered the needle on to the disc, and Mr. Prohack heard music, but not from the cubicle.
When the record was finished, Rukh called for no other—Watkins waiting at the gramophone had a sinecure.
The gramophone reeled out its first, slow bars, and a wonderful sunset flooded the loggia.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gramophone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.