The new knight, in turn, not wishing to be outdone, invited them all to dinner for the following Sunday, at his place at Asnieres.
I invited them to accompany us, and we started off again, the old man who knew the road acting as our guide.
One evening, having accompanied two women friends of his with their husbands to the theatre, he invited them to take some ice cream at Tortoni's after the performance.
So saying he invited them to take part of the collation, and he and his queen sat down with them.
I invited them to a sofa made to hold four persons, which was placed full in view of my garden.
He invited them to his table with his officers, and ordered them a passage in the William Harris, a government transport, which was to sail for England in a day or two.
A young Fellata was the first who invited them on shore, and they despatched Pascoe to the chief to tell him who they were, and what they wanted.
Several times I invited them to fulfil that duty, which I considered, then, of the utmost importance to be saved.
Remarking that they were covered with mud, I invited them to go to their sleeping rooms, to wash and refresh themselves.
He invited them and a few Russian people all interested in the conditions in the Soviet Union, which I left in 1924, and never corresponded with my own mother since that, and my own sisters.
Then we saw them again for Christmas and invited themto another party, and that is all.
I invited them to my little house, so that they might spend the whole time of their stay in Zurich with me, as their visit was mainly on my account.
On Christmas Eve I invited them all to my house, where I had the Christmas tree lighted up, and gave each one an appropriate trifle.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invited them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.