Of thys sorte commonly be all those thynges whych some haue deuised of the arte of memorye for to gette money, or for a vayne boastynge, rather then for profite: for they do rather hurte the memorye.
Take you suche thought to gette money and possessions, & take you no care for your children for whom you get these thynges?
It greueth vs not in thinges much more vile, to gette all the vauntage we can, be it neuer so lytle.
And then me thought I harde you saye euen nowe that you had a watche word, at which word we wyll all stepforth, being fiue of vs besydes you, for you shalbe none because it is your husbande, but gette you to bed at your accustomed houre.
Then when the day doth appeare, he rouses him vp, and shakes his eares, and awaye wanderinge where he may gette oughte to the hurte of others.
Gette thee therefore to morowe in the morninge (so soone as the daye doth breake) vnto my frendes and neighbours, and praye them to come and helpe me in with this Corne:” and so departed.
For Tudenham and H[eydon] wyll brynge with hem sufficiaunt counceyll as any kun they gete in London; And also the Cetye must purvey that as many sufficiaunt mene as can be gette or spoke to, that they be redy yf it happe of any tryall.
So I fele by him he wold forsake his master, and gette him a newh yf he wyste he schuld rewle; and so wene I meche of all the contre is so disposyd.
Spende sum what of your good now, and gette yow lordshep and frendshep ther, quia ibi pendet tota lex et prophetae.
Go now and disprayse thine husbande whiche yf he gette children by playe, what wyll he do when he goeth to it in good ernest.
In lyke wyse when he commeth home wel whitled, I gyue hym gentyll and fayre woordes, so with fayre entreatynge I gette hym to bed.
No, I assure you (quod the Ladie) and I am certaine if hee gette hym not a good Surgeon, the markes will be seene to morowe.
Portugall should be put before equall judges, it woulde be very doubtfull which party woulde gette the better.
The old Capitaines have sought to gette Tounes by treason, corruptyng some within, but thei have used divers meanes.
To whom mayster Skelton sayde: I praye the, gette the awaye fro me: for thou lokeste as though thou camest out of helle.
A certayne scriuener, whiche hadde but a bare lyuynge by his crafte, imagyned howe he myght gette money.
Of the Welcheman that coude nat gette but a lytell male.
Fabius Minutius was of his sonne exhorted on a tyme to gette and conquere a place that was mete for them, and to theyr great auauntage, the whiche thynge he sayde, they myght do with the losse of a fewe men.
Thus the man of lawe, neyther for fayre nor foule, coulde gette any other thinge of his client but Bea: wherfore all angerly he departed, and went his waye.
Gette the home to thy bedde: for I parceyue thou canste nat lyue an houre to an ende.
Well, syr, quod she, lette me here with alone andgette ye forthe a-towne; and I shall handell this matter well ynoughe.
There was a peinter in Rome that was an excellent counnynge man, and bycause he had foule children, one sayde to him: by my feyth, I maruayle that you paynte so goodelye, and gette so foule chyldren.
He quitted his position near Louvain, advanced to Nether Hespen, and encamped there with the river Gette in his rear.
In the time of their sitting they make muche noise to gette them heate withall.
And the shéepe doe greately trouble the Honnye Bées, if so be they happen to fall or lighte into the Wooll of theyr backes, out of whyche, they cannot easylye wynde or gette themselues againe.
I have sent to Hary Halman of Sporylle to helpe to gete as ze desyerd me, and he canne not gette passyd v.
And Ryschard Sharman hathe asayed on hys parte, and he cane not gette passyd v.
Verily it is proved that richesse, dignite, and power ben not trewe way to the knotte, but as rathe by suche thinges the knotte to be unbounde; wherfore on these thinges I rede no wight truste to gette any good knotte.
And so I say: though thou be put to serve the ilke jewel duringe thy lyfe, yet is that no servage of underputtinge, but a maner of travayling plesaunce, to conquere and gette that thou hast not.
Why gette ye your dispensacions, to have it more esy?
And gyf yee gette awaie to Denmarkes shore, Eftesoones we will retourne, & vanquished bee ne moere.
He saide; the Monke departyd out of hande, 175 And to Kyng Harolde dyd this message bear; Who said; tell thou the duke, at his likand If he can gette the crown hee may itte wear.
They pray, not God to sauve you, or send you to the porte, but to send you to them by ship-wrack, that they may gette the spoile of her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.