They shall be delivered from this bondage when there shalbe a newe heaven and a newe earth; not that the substance of these shalbe abolished, but a newe forme and perfection added, when they shall enjoy their ends and be of religion.
What the spies undertooke and promised according to their commission was firme and ratified by Joshua; whose synnes the disciples, and nowe the ministers, according to their power, remitt or binde on earth, shalbe remitted or bound in heaven.
Paule sayth our body shall rise a spirituall body, not a body that shalbe a spirit, for spirits are noe bodies: but a body glorious, nimble, incorruptible as a spirit.
Or in that common wealth which hath decreed that if he doth not pay, nor lay in sureties at the day appointed he shalbe banished the country?
If they be rich, then in prosperitee Shalbeour londe, lords, and commontee, And in worship.
And do straightly command that he which is taken the third time in that beastly act shalbe punished with death?
See schedule of "Reasons against free trade to or from any ports of his majesty’s dominions that are or shalbe in hostility against the king and parliament," October, 1644.
Nay but the terme (said he) is limited, 2 That in this thraldome Britons shall abide, And the iust reuolution measured, 4 That they as Straungers shalbe notifide.
Than said the frere: you must make the eldest that shalbe a beggar a frere, and the seconde that shalbe a thefe a man of lawe, and the thyrde that shalbean homicyde a phisicyon.
And the shreve of Kent doth weche the body, and sent his under shreve to the juges to wete what to doo, and also to the Kenge whatte shalbe doo.
Brayn and I shalbe with you on Saturday nest at evyn, with the grace of Jesu, to whom I be take you.
Which if contrarywise you omit and forget, your enemies malice shalbe satisfied with your confusion, which God defend, and for his mercies sake keepe you.
That greatest foles, and fullest of lewdnes Hauynge least wyt: and symplest Science Ar fyrst promoted: and haue greatest reuerence For if one can flater, and bere a hawke on his Fyst He shalbe made Person of Honyngton or of Clyst.
But, if any such debts shalbe yett standing out, it concernes you that made them [to receive them] in before the shipp come awaye from thence.
But we are assured of the contrary by the prophesie of Christ, whereby we gather, that after his word preached thorowout the world shalbe the end.
When we are at sea proofe shalbe made: if it be to our desire, we may returne the sooner hither againe.
Iuly, whom we met againe at seuerall places vpon the Newfound land coast the third of August, as shalbe declared in place conuenient.
The prisoners which thou hast of ours, shalbe rendred in exchange for those which we haue of thine, without raunsome of eyther parts{.
The treasure for which you striue, and committed to the will of Philene, was found by me, whereof if it please you both, I wyll take sutch order, as both you shalbe satisfied.
But if perchaunce (which the thundring mighty God aboue forbid) that I shalbe forced to render thee the Romanes prisoner, be well assured, that on liue they shall not possesse the.
I minde to leaue it to some other, whose chance was to be present at the action, as myselfe was not, and shalbe of more sufficient ability to performe it.
Then bespacke the eldest sonne, That was both whitt and redde: 'O mother dere, geve over your howsse, Or elles we shalbe deade.
Bishopp of London to take order herein accordingly, the said poore man first puttinge in sufficient bond to appeare at all tymes when he shalbe called, and readdy to aunswere to any matters whatsoever shalbe objected against him.
Polydore saith, that this riuer is seldome increased or rather neuer ouerfloweth hir banks by landflouds: but he is herein verie much deceiued, as it shalbe more apparentlie seene hereafter.
You shalbe a king whilest you rule well, but if you doo otherwise, the name of a king shall not remaine with you, but you shall vtterlie forgo it, which God forbid.
But in a short processe of time a third sprung vp in the verie middest betweene them both, which from thence-foorth was called Powisy, as shalbe shewed hereafter.
Thirdly, it shalbe lawfull for anie whatsoeuer to play with false dice in a corner on the couer of this foresaid Acts and monuments.
It shalbe flat treason for any of this forementioned catalogue of the point trussers, once to name him within fortie foote of an ale-house.
Item, Gif it shalbe askit of yow to confirme for us, and in oure name, the thingis past and granted be oure formare Commissionare the young Laird of Lethingtoun?
Item, Gif it shalbe askit, what pioneris shalbe had?
The Superintendent of Brechin; whose Diocesye shalbe the hole schirefdomes of Mearnis and Anguss, and the Bray of Mar to Dee.
But wounder it is, that he and his uther freindis should nott considder, that the tinsale of this godlie interpryse, shalbe the routing of thame and thair posteritie frome this realme.
Your Grace hes entreated him so familiarlie befoir, that ye have offended all your Nobilitie; and now yf he shalbe secreatlie slane at your awin commandiment, what shall the world judge of it?
Item, Gif it shalbe askit that thair layed money shall have passage for thair viveris?
Item, Gif it shalbe askit of the Castell of Edinburgh, gif thei will stand freindis or nott?
In the secound classe, shall be tuo Reidaris in the Municipall and Romane Lawis, who sall compleit thair coursses in four yeares; after the whiche tyme, being by examinatioun fund sufficient, thei shalbe graduat in the Lawis.
Lineamente, shalbe the certaine and constant prescribyng, conceiued in mynde: made in lines and angles: and finished with a learned minde and wyt.
And these Artes, shalbe such, as vpon Magnitudes properties do depende, more, then vpon Number.
Thou wylt prepare a table before me in the presence of myne aduersaries; thou has annoynted my head with oyle, and my cup shalbe brymme full.
And though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdome be not with him, he shalbe of no value.
For there be yet (saith he) in the Gospels very many darke places, whiche without all doubt to the posteritie shalbe made muche more open.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shalbe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.