We might, indeed, did we not know that this egotism germinated in Flaubert as a means of discipline.
Therefore, I inferred that the seeds of revolt which germinatedso readily had been long since sown.
From over two hundred and fifty different kinds of plant seeds fed to a variety of birds over 80 per cent germinated perfectly after passing through their digestive tracts.
Nearly all these seeds germinated when sown, some sprouting more quickly than if they had not passed through the bird’s stomach.
It is probable that the principal ideas of the Sâṅkhya germinated several centuries before our era but we have no evidence whatever as to when they were first formulated in Sûtras.
A more severe trial was now made; little tubes of very thin glass, closed at their upper ends and coated with black varnish, were slipped over the cotyledons of Phalaris (which had germinated in darkness) and just fitted them.
A few were selected, which from having germinated on sand were crooked, but when suspended in damp air the terminal part grew straight downwards.
This bean had germinated on bare damp sand, and the epicotyl began to straighten itself much sooner than would have occurred if it had been properly planted.
Acorns of an American oak which had germinated at Kew were planted in a pot in the greenhouse.
To test this, many seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness in a very narrow box several feet in length, were placed in a darkened room near to and in front of a lamp having a small cylindrical wick.
In order to observe how long the after-effects of light lasted, a pot with seedlings of Phalaris, which had germinated in darkness, was placed at 10.
Fifteen radicles which had germinated in friable peat were suspended vertically over water.
The seeds germinated in sawdust, and one side of the tips of the radicles were slightly rubbed once with dry nitrate of silver; and after a few minutes were allowed to dip into water.
Of two pots containing seedlings of Phalaris which had germinated in darkness, one was still kept in the dark, and the other was exposed (Sept.
Lastly, the radicles of four beans, which from some innate cause germinated later than all the others of the same lot, and which grew slowly though appearing healthy, were similarly tried, and even after 24 h.
Unfermented cacao is liable to go mouldy, so is germinated or over-ripe cacao with broken shells.
The human extractor has the advantage that he or she can distinguish the diseased, unripe or germinated beans and separate them from the good ones.
The germinated green or dried barley is called malt.
Barley germinatedaccording to proper methods is called malt, and its preparation is fully described in Chapter VI.
The heat so germinated after 25 or 30 hours produces at the end of each grain a small white rootlet.
If this species is not well represented, germinated nuts should be planted.
Since the tree develops a long tap root which makes it difficult to transplant, it is recommended that the nuts be stratified in the fall, and the germinated nuts be planted in April or May.
Carter found that if he cleaned gemmules with a handkerchief and placed them in water exposed to sunlight, they germinated in a few days; but in Calcutta gemmules of Spongilla alba var.
He found that each statoblast produced in the first instance a single polypide, and that the statoblasts, which were produced in autumn, lay dormant through the winter and germinated in spring.
Their cellular contents appear to be in good condition, although the cells show no signs of development; but they have not germinated in my aquarium, in which some of them have now been kept for more than six months.
These bushes were produced by the drops of water which fell from the clothes, and from which germinated a number of little plants, each yielding precious balm.
In olden times there appears to have been a notion that in some cases plants could not be germinated excepting through the direct intervention of birds.
Storp found that when clover seeds were germinated in the dark on filter paper moistened with water containing ·025 gm.
As a rule germination was better in the presence of copper, whether in pure water or food solution, the stimulus being indicated both by the greater number of germinated grains and by the regular and rapid growth of the pollen tubes.
The seeds are sown in damp sawdust--clean deal sawdust, sifted and mixed up with water into a nice crumbly mass--and as soon as they have germinated and the plantlets are big enough to handle they are put into the culture solutions.
He states that some of them germinated in eight days after being planted, and are now alive.
After the beans have germinated it may be necessary to cultivate them once or twice with a sweep of some type, to destroy any weeds which may have sprung up from the moist ground.
Value of germinated beans in the treatment of scurvy.
The antiscorbutic value of dry and germinated seeds.
As semen germinated in the positive male organ is projected into the negative uterus at conception, so ideas are generated by a positive Human Ego in the spirit-substance of the Region of abstract Thought.
When our present visible body first germinated in the spirit, it was a thought-form, but gradually it has become denser and more concrete until it is now a chemical crystallization.
The pupils should watch the development of germinating grains, such as corn and beans, germinated in the same way as in the last exercise.
When it has germinated and its root is a couple of inches long, place the pea in a thistle tube or small funnel, with the root projecting down the tube into a glass of water in which the funnel tube rests.
The following year some of the seedsgerminated and repeated the novelty.
Seedlings havegerminated around this little group, and have been mostly dug up and transplanted into neighboring gardens.
At home these natives consume a large amount, as much as three gallons a day, of Kaffir beer, which is made from freshly-germinated corn, and is consumed shortly after it is made.
The antiscorbutic potency of beer as formerly used was due to its preparation from freshly-germinated grain and its consumption shortly after brewing.
The writer adds that he believes that the health of the natives at home is protected by Kaffir beer, which they consume even to the amount of 3 gallons a day, and which is made from germinated Kaffir corn.
The recent suggestion of using germinated dried pulses and seeds, under circumstances where fresh food is not available, is practical and probably will be resorted to in the future.
The Antiscorbutic Value of Dry andGerminated Seeds, Biochem.
The recent introduction of the swede, of the canned tomato and of germinated pulses suggests and even renders this probable.
In the treatment of some Serbian soldiers suffering from scurvy, Wiltshire found that this amount of germinated beans brought about a cure.
This cereal is germinated by steeping it in water for forty-eight hours and is then dried in the sun.
And the cells thus germinated divide themselves into two or three tiny folds of "primitive folioles" from which all the organs are evolved, beginning with the alimentary canal.
But the highest form of humility in men of science is their ready self-abnegation, not only in externals, but even in spiritual things, such as a cherished ideal, convictions that have germinated in their minds.
Some of these two lots of seeds were left on sand, but nearly all the self-fertilised seeds germinated before the others, so that I was forced to throw all away.
Many of these lighter self-fertilised seeds placed on damp sand germinated before the crossed; thus thirty-six of the former germinated whilst only thirteen of the latter or crossed seeds germinated.
Produced late in the summer plenty of seeds, whichgerminated well.
Many of the self-fertilised seedsgerminated before the crossed ones, and these were of course rejected.
Many of the self-fertilised seeds germinated before those of the two crossed lots, and these were of course rejected.
The lighter seeds, whether produced from crossed or self-fertilised flowers, generally germinated before the heavier seeds.
But this plan is less accurate, as the seeds sometimes germinated more quickly on one side than on the other.
Eight pairs of the above crossed and self-fertilised seeds, after they had germinated on sand, were planted (1867) on the opposite sides of two large pots.
The three lots of seeds thus obtained were allowed to germinate on bare sand; and whenever a seed in all three lots, or in only two, germinated at the same time, they were planted in pots superficially divided into three or two compartments.
Many of the self-fertilised peas just referred to germinated on sand before any of the crossed ones, and were rejected.
A good many of the crossed seeds germinated before the self-fertilised, and were of course rejected.
The seeds from the crossed perfect flowers and from the self-fertilised cleistogene flowers were allowed to germinate on sand; but unfortunately only two pairs germinated at the same time.
A magnificent idea germinated in this noble heart at Antioch.
The Talmud germinated in official Judaism, and Christianity had no affinity with the Talmud school.
Some migration from the spot where the individuals of a species have germinated is an essential provision against extinction.
The seeds were germinated on moist sand; two seedlings of the same age, one from a cross and the other from a self-fertilised flower, were selected and planted on opposite sides of the same pot.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "germinated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.