In “Curiosities of Olden times” I have pointed out the connection between the story of the disgrace of Solomon and that of Nebuchadnezzar, Jovinian, Robert of Sicily, etc.
It is unfortunate that I have already written on the myths relating to the formation of Eve in “Curiosities of Olden Times.
With this latter fable agrees the ludicrous myth of the Kikapoo Indians, related in my “Curiosities of Olden Times.
Here was the burial-place of the family of Edinbellie, and here lived in olden times an attractive and wealthy young lady named Jean Kay, whom Rob Roy, the youngest son of Rob Roy Macgregor, desired to marry.
A curious custom prevailed in Lutterworth in olden times.
Vaccination is one, and an important cause of our increasing population; small-pox, in olden times, decimated the country.
He therefore begged the old Queen Blanche, widow of Philippe de Valois, to preside over the ceremony, and to have it conducted according to the custom of olden times.
They were indeed almost like the Romans who in olden times, before their wars with eastern nations, gave up making bread, and ate their corn simply boiled in water.
The wheel is the name applied to a torture of very ancient origin, but which was applied during the Middle Ages to quite a different torture from that used in olden times.
We thus see that in olden times, as also later, freedom was more or less the natural consequence of the possession of wealth or power on the part of individuals or families who considered themselves free in the midst of general dependence.
The cloth had been removed, and the wine and dessert of summer fruit placed on the table in the style of olden times, before Mr. Armstrong ventured to refer to the subject which had so raised his spirits.
The old school-bell for breakfast woke him next morning from a heavy sleep, and also awoke in him painful memories of olden times, when a happy innocent lad, he had so often answered its summons.
But Mrs. Halford, the Clara Marston of olden times, was more calm and self-possessed in cases of emergency than her erudite husband.
This again is not new; to the present dispensation the law of consecration is given as a re-enactment; it was recognized and observed with profit in olden times.
Such prominence and importance are attached to this work of gathering, in the predictions of olden times, that from the days of Israel's exodus, the last days have been characterized in sacred writ as a gathering dispensation.
We have still to-day a custom much like one of olden times, when we have the crumbs removed from our tables after a course at dinner.
There was one distinct characteristic in the house-furnishing of olden times which is lacking to-day.
Samp was often pounded in olden times in a primitive and picturesque Indian mortar made of a hollowed block of wood or a stump of a tree, which had been cut off about three feet from the ground.
To those living in the hurry and bustle of modern existence, there are few pictures so attractive as that of a stately manor-house in olden times.
The greater freedom which women enjoyed in olden times in regard to trading is remarkable on account of the severe restrictions applied to all forms of industry.
In olden times a great lady would choose for her almoner a monk, or at least a priest.
There is reason to suppose, too, that a religious house existed at Hodgeston in olden times, which would probably exert a refining influence upon the local craftsmen, for the monks of old were often goodly builders.
Mathry was a place of some local importance in olden times, receiving a patent for a market and fair from Edward III.
In a corner of the churchyard, overlooking the tidal inlet, rises a picturesque little chapel frequented in olden timesby the seafaring folk, when embarking upon or returning from their ventures on the vasty deep.
With his steel pencil and gravers, his chisels and his drills, the craftsman of olden times produced an article of utility which was at the same time a work of art.
In olden times it was a common practice to carve the choir seats.
In 1863 the level of this lake having been lowered, the fact became apparent that it had been, in olden times, the abode of a lacustrine population.
The Gaelic of to-day, where it yet lingers, is to the ancient dialect much what modern English is to the Anglo-Saxon of olden times.
A considerable portion of the townland of Kilnamaddo (the wood of the dog) had apparently, in olden times, formed the basin of a sheet of water, and upon one of its shoals some primitive tribe had erected a habitation.
Such were some of the sights and sounds of May Day in olden times.
Between the towers, in olden times, as we know from an illumination in a Froissart MS.
In the original tower was the judicial torture-chamber (an adjunct of every court of justice in olden times), used to wrest confessions from prisoners and evidence from unwilling witnesses, hence its name of Tour Bon Bec or Bavarde.
Enter any of the ordinary farmhouses, which you may come across in a day's travel by road, and you will see preserved many of the usages of olden times.
The river glides by as in olden times, and there is much boat and barge traffic.
Lanne possesses a diminutive chateau--called a gentilhommiere in olden times, a name which explains itself.
In the upper valley, in Spanish territory, is Elizondo, the tiny capital of olden times, and three other tiny Spanish towns whose names suggest nothing but an old-world existence.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "olden times" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.