Chlorlyptus is not a coagulant, as aregermicides of the phenol or hypochlorite types, and the germicidal action is therefore not strictly comparable.
In 1913 this method was formally adopted by the Council for the valuation of disinfectants orgermicides of the phenol type, and the method is now in general use for this purpose in the United States.
The power of these substances is greatly decreased by heat, grease, oil, mucus, and even blood will cover germs with a coating which prevents chemical germicidesfrom reaching them.
Furthermore, substances which are really active germicides very often produce a marked toxic effect upon the patient and produce a very decided irritation of the skin with which they come in contact.
In the modern aseptic operating room germicides and antiseptics do not play so important a part as they formerly did.
Sometimes such a bacterial affection may be localized in places where it can be specially treated, as in the case of an attack on a dermal gland, and in these cases some of the germicides have proved to be of much value.
It has not proved an easy task to discover drugs which will have any value as germicides when used in quantities so small as to produce no injurious effect on the body.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "germicides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.