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Example sentences for "outgrow"

Lexicographically close words:
outgoes; outgoing; outgoings; outgone; outgrew; outgrowing; outgrown; outgrows; outgrowth; outgrowths
  1. Do not wait too long in the hope that the child will outgrow the condition, for the effect of adenoid growths persisting throughout childhood may injure the person for life.

  2. The idea that children will outgrow these defects without treatment is erroneous.

  3. He will outgrow it; most men have stage fever, as most babies have measles," he answered evasively.

  4. There is no danger that the children will not outgrow this stage of comic appreciation--the danger is that they will outgrow it instead of adding to it all the other stages.

  5. Thus, without outgrowing the emotions, we may outgrow emotional behavior that is socially unacceptable.

  6. Man does not outgrow instinct, any more than he outgrows emotion.

  7. He does not outgrow the native reaction-tendencies.

  8. When I outgrow that, thou shalt take me down to the sea, for there I shall be beyond destruction.

  9. When I outgrow that, thou shalt dig a hole, and keep me in it.

  10. I don't think from what I hear, that her father has ever given up hoping that she will outgrow her peculiarities.

  11. But this is only the sentimental side of the matter; for grow we must, if we outgrow all that we love.

  12. I love to think that now that the people have, or at least think they have, the power in their own hands, they will outgrow this form of madness, which is almost entitled to the name of a Parisian endemic.

  13. With these follies mingled sweet delusions, which I loved so well I would not outgrow them, even when it required a voluntary effort to put a momentary trust in them.

  14. Certainly it is true that we rapidly outgrow that state of mind common to enthusiastic adolescence when we can develop a love for the universe in the abstract.

  15. Hardships and errors were blessings, if you could only outgrow them; and they, in their splendid vitality, knew how to outgrow everything.

  16. In the beginning, as for a child at his first pantomime, the play's the thing; and a human audience can never quite outgrow this initial illusion, since this world is a theatre nobody can visit twice.

  17. We do not need to outgrow ourselves in order to understand it; no one summons us to pause, to recant, to renounce any part of our being.

  18. How did he, even to the extent that he has, outgrow his ignorant, abject terror, and throw off the yoke of superstition?

  19. It is claimed that every member of the church has solemnly agreed never to outgrow the creed; that he has pledged himself to remain an intellectual dwarf.

  20. As Herr Waltenberg says, one must outgrow all national prejudices.

  21. True, such an ambition is still natural at your age; but you will soon outgrow it when loftier interests come to the fore.

  22. It would be wholly impossible if we were never to outgrow our androcentric culture.

  23. It is that extreme susceptibility which makes the church say "Give us the first five years of a child's life, and he will never outgrow our influence!

  24. One may as well tell a drunkard to keep on drinking and eventually he will outgrow the habit.

  25. Instances without number could be cited where students have been told to keep right on singing and eventually they would outgrow these habits.

  26. Jerusha did not outgrow it; instead, the thought grew more intolerable with every passing year.

  27. Moreover, some of the older ones have told her that only poor children are here and she is ashamed of being with them, but I earnestly hope she will outgrow the feeling.

  28. For the first two weeks there was no perceptible difference, when gradually the young Pekins began to outgrow the crosses, the difference increasing with age.

  29. I suppose with that name she never had any incentive to outgrow her nature.

  30. Norris Whitehouse's nephew will outgrow the ball-room, and Pet will find in Louise an incentive to grow womanly.

  31. All that he will outgrow will be his faults, his mannerisms, his limitations.

  32. Rather than outgrow it, he will grow in it.

  33. If a crooked sprout is not made straight before it gets to be a young tree, it can never entirely outgrow the defect.

  34. If a kitten, calf or colt be starved or crippled while young, they will rarely outgrow these defects.

  35. Was it not her duty not to outgrow Pittsburg, for there she must live her life out.

  36. Oh, child, it would be hard to have you outgrow us.

  37. She might outgrow this--was it childishness?

  38. The Jewish people should outgrow their own superstitions.

  39. I said you'd outgrow the phase," my uncle commented one morning at breakfast.

  40. He gave me five years to outgrow it, didn't he?

  41. As Bertrand predicted, I was to outgrow the phase, but, ere disillusion came with weariness, the life of those summer months was a long, unbroken dream.

  42. He must outgrow that phase," said my uncle impatiently.

  43. You'll soon outgrow that," he hastened to add, as though repentant of having found one good thing in life.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outgrow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.