Haggard it hangs o'er the slimy pool, And gapeswide open as corpses gape: It is the very murderer!
More grim within sits the monstrous Hydra with her fifty black yawning throats: and Tartarus' self gapes sheer and strikes into the gloom through twice the space that one looks upward to Olympus and the skyey heaven.
The lover of nature gazes with delight on the beauties of the landscape; the rustic gapes with wonder at the strange sights of a large city; the idiot stares on those around with a vacant look.
Defn: The parasitic worm that causes the gapesin birds.
See how the pit gapes wide for you, And flashes in your face, And thou, my soul, look downwards too, And sing recovering grace.
The strong men keep aloof, Lover and friend stand far, the mocking ones pass by, Tophet gapes wide for prey: lost soul, despair and die!
This was the plague vex'd him so: Tactus, your grave gapes for you; are you ready?
GAPES There are many remedies for gapes, but the following is always beneficial and dependable.
Hell gapesand the Devil's great guts cry cupboard for me.
To whom the coiner thus: "Thy mouth gapes wide as ever to let pass Its evil saying.
The wound gapes unnaturally after the expulsion of the lens, and the clear vitreous may be seen presenting in the wound in the still unruptured hyaloid membrane.
This incision usually gapes sufficiently to give a clear pupil (Fig.
If I have not yet filled your lap, but still it gapes for more, then neither Crœsus' wealth nor the realms of Persia will ever satisfy you.
Have I or treasure, jewels, land, or houses That some informergapes for?
Say, As you may truly, that her infinite pride, Propt with the hopes of her too fruitful womb, With popular studies gapes for sovereignty, And threatens Caesar.
The ventral margin of the valves is sinuous and gapes slightly at a central point for the accommodation of the byssus.
The shell is ventricose, is closed or gapes slightly posteriorly, and has prominent subcentral umbones and an external ligament.
The shell is nacreous, rounded anteriorly, and produced posteriorly into a sort of upturned tip which gapes to accommodate two little siphons.
The shell is inflated and gapes slightly posteriorly; it is shining white within and is deeply grooved concentrically in accordance with the external ribs.
In passing he picks up his helmet that gapeson the earthen bench.
XIV Of Burdens AT the end of the yard of the Muets farm, among the outbuildings, the barn gapes like a cavern.
It gapes at both ends, has neither true hinge nor ligament, and is often strengthened externally by two or more extra or accessory valves.
In these, too, the ligament is very prominent, and the shell gapes slightly at both ends.
The shell is oblong rather than triangular, and gapes at both ends; and the animal buries itself deep in sand or mud, principally in the estuaries of rivers, from low-water mark to a depth of about ten fathoms.
Where low and treeless hills roll out to the cliffs, and the gulls cry their sea message over farms and fields, a mighty mouth opens upon the midst of the land and gapes five hundred feet into the earth.
The broad boulevards of the morning sink into the soil, and in their place there gapes a mighty moat with massive buttresses above it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gapes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: anthrax; blackleg; distemper; hydrophobia; mange; rabies; rot; scabies