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Example sentences for "gaols"

Lexicographically close words:
gaol; gaole; gaoled; gaoler; gaolers; gap; gape; gaped; gapers; gapes
  1. Besides these ordinary things favouring contagious epidemic fever both in town and country, there were two special sources of contagion, the gaols and the fleets and armies.

  2. The magistrates of Kent appear to have paid the tax for the gaols in that county from the county funds; but in most cases the burden fell on the keepers of the gaols.

  3. The Bridewell at Taunton was filled for the occasion of the Assizes with drafts of prisoners from other gaols in Somerset, among whom several from Ilchester were said to have been more than ordinarily noisome.

  4. Receives many prisoners from other gaols at Quarter Sessions.

  5. Descriptions remain of the state of the gaols at Tralee and Castlebar in 1847, from which it appears that they were frightfully overcrowded and filthy.

  6. In the opinion of Lind, a great part of the fever, which was a constant trouble in ships of the navy, came direct from the gaols through the pressing of newly discharged convicts.

  7. The poor themselves do not appear to have suffered much from the more malignant typhus, unless in the gaols and workhouses.

  8. But in some of the gaols great epidemics arose which cut off many of the poor by malignant infection.

  9. The law requires the Commissioners to visit gaols where any lunatics are reported to them to exist; but the duty of reporting is made the business of no particular individual, and therefore, as a natural consequence, no one attends to it.

  10. Footnote 1: An amusing article might be written on the more primitive gaols of the early settlements.

  11. The empty territories of the Empire were no longer to be treated only as gaols for convicts, fields for negro slavery, or even as asylums for the persecuted or refuges for the bankrupt and the social failures of the Mother Country.

  12. The intermittent inhabitants of Asylums and Gaols constitute the greatest danger to society.

  13. Thyphus spread easily in hospitals and gaols where vermin could live in the beds made of wood.

  14. In 1773, clergymen were employed in gaols to alleviate the distress of prisoners and to contribute to morality and religion.

  15. Assessments were made for building and repairing gaols in order to maintain the health and safe custody of the prisoners.

  16. Nothing but the horror of such conditions, and the fact that they prevail still in Pretoria Gaol, and presumably in other gaols more removed from critical supervision, could warrant allusions to such a disgusting state of affairs.

  17. In this gaol, all kinds of work was performed for the private benefit of the officers, a practice very generally prevalent in the gaols until a much later date.

  18. The prisoners were not treated any better in the local gaols than in other places.

  19. Life in the old gaols for any extended period must have been a very dreadful experience.

  20. Horrified at the state in which he found the prison and at the abuses of justice that prevailed, John Howard determined to find out what was done in other parts of the kingdom, and visited a number of gaols throughout the country.

  21. The man is John Howard, who travelled tens of thousands of miles, and spent many years in visiting gaols all over England and the Continent, and in endeavouring to render prison life less degrading and brutalising.

  22. Footnote 217: A Quaker called on Bunyan one day with "a message from the Lord," saying he had been to half the gaols of England, and was glad at last to have found him.

  23. He lay confined in Austrian gaols for ten years, eight of which he passed in the Castle of Spielberg in Moravia.

  24. But what has happened owing to the desire of the Government to do away with as many local gaols as possible?

  25. The right of entry into the gaols has already been conceded to our people in Australia, where they have free access to, and communion with, the inmates while under going their sentences.

  26. My lord, replied Boldero, I have suffered long and severely for my attachment to my royal master, as well as your lordship, and I believe your lordship and I have been in all the gaols in England.

  27. The sailors left the ships in the bay with scarcely a man to take care of them; even the very policemen deserted, and the warders in the gaols resigned in a body.

  28. Here, under Captain Logan, the first permanent commandant of the settlement, large stone barracks for the soldiers were erected, and lines of gaols and other buildings for the convicts.

  29. In a short time the gaols of England were crowded with felons.

  30. Another of the famous Southwark gaols was the King's Bench, but in justice to Mr. Micawber, it demands a chapter to itself.

  31. Another thing was, that the Judges knew it to be one of the worst, the most confined, and most unwholesome Gaols in the kingdom.

  32. The many who pass through our gaols and show no signs of reform does not prove that although they may reform they never will.

  33. In about half the county gaols debtors had no allowance of bread.

  34. Seventy-two houses and four gaols had been destroyed.

  35. Until recently, the scaffolds in use in the various gaols differed very much in the details of their construction, as there was no official model, but in each case the local authorities followed their own idea.

  36. The crowds that assemble outside the gaols when executions are in progress, are interesting studies.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaols" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.