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Example sentences for "gabions"

Lexicographically close words:
gabbling; gabbro; gaberdine; gaberlunzie; gabion; gable; gabled; gables; gach; gadding
  1. A traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire.

  2. A structure of gabions sunk in lines, as a core for a sand bar in harbor improvements.

  3. Gabions are made of various sizes, and filled with earth in building fieldworks to shelter men from an enemy's fire.

  4. Defn: A traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire.

  5. After a hard hand to hand fight we drove out the Russians, and turned round the gabions and commenced to fortify ourselves in our newly acquired position.

  6. The corpses which encumbered the earth, and were in process of removal, gave out faint tokens of coming putrefaction; fragments of bodies and marks of carnage were interspersed with, as usual, gabions and broken firelocks.

  7. The pioneers laboured during the night, and were protected by gabions and mantelets, but they suffered severely from the fire of the besieged.

  8. Immediately behind me were pioneers, carrying gabions and fascines to fill up any cavities we might meet with.

  9. The fascines and gabions were thrown in; but they were as a drop of water in the mighty deep: the fire became hotter, and my little band of heroes plunged into the water, followed by our two companies, and part of the 75th regiment.

  10. Cannon and mortars were brought ashore, fascines and gabions made, intrenchments thrown up, and batteries planted.

  11. On account of the sharp curvature somewhat better brush is required for gabions than will do for hurdles.

  12. If brush is scarce=, gabions may be made with 6 ins.

  13. Gabions may be made without the forms, but the work is slower and not so good.

  14. The use of gabions in revetments is illustrated in Fig.

  15. Several forms of gabions of other material than brush have been used.

  16. To protect the head of the trench he had a shield on wheels, under cover of which he placed the gabions in position one after another as the sap-head progressed.

  17. The besieger therefore could place his guns close to the walls, with only the protection of a few large gabions filled with earth, set up on the ground on either side of the muzzle.

  18. It is no longer possible to place gabions in position at the sap-head under fire.

  19. Beyond the desert waste, lay the enemy's entrenchments--earthworks strengthened with gabions and trunks of trees, and here and there crenelated with the embrasures for their batteries.

  20. Finally, the companies of arquebusiers were massed upon the breach, which was defended by heaped-up beams and gabions that the Rochelois women assisted in bringing together.

  21. I ran the gauntlet here several times, and brought gabions of earth, always leaving some of my poor fellows behind, when I returned for more, and glad enough I was when the Engineer said "We have now sufficient.

  22. Sidenote: 8th] Several regiments had been ordered to prepare gabions and fascines, which we were aware could only be for the siege.

  23. In half an hour I found the guns did not go off so frequently as before I commenced this practice, and soon after, gabions were stuffed into each embrasure to prevent our rifle balls from entering.

  24. The gabions were replaced without firing the shot.

  25. Gabions and screens of sandbags, to save the men from undue exposure, were placed on each side of the guns.

  26. Gabions were sunk to act in the place of cesspools, and receive the drainage, while a small parapet guarded the entrance to the passage, with a small hole through which ammunition was handed out.

  27. In the other arm and below the fort, fourteen gabions were made and twelve large pieces of artillery mounted for the defense of the entrance and passage.

  28. Whereupon the captain-general again sent word that he must order the said gabions to be destroyed; because, if they were not destroyed between that time and the evening of that day, he would take it for granted that war was declared.

  29. To please him, the said governor, although the gabions were for the defense of the said artillery, yesterday (the twentieth of the said month) ordered the men to stop work.

  30. The quantity of broken gabions and gun-carriages here was extraordinary; the ground was covered with them.

  31. On the right hand, as one issued from the head of the French trench, was a line of gabions on the ground running up to this bridge.

  32. In front of the huge mounds thrown up by the Russians, foreshortened by the distance, so as to appear part of them, were the French trenches--mounds of earth lined with gabions which looked like fine matting.

  33. The French had got forty-six guns ready to mount when the embrasures should be made and faced with gabions and fascines, and the platforms were ready.

  34. The dead were lying about among the gabions which had been knocked down in front of the French sap in great numbers.

  35. The grey-coated Russians stalked about the inner parapets, busily carrying gabions and repairing the damaged works.

  36. Some few French, dead, were lying far in advance among the gabions belonging to the advanced trenches, which the Russians had broken down, evidently slain in pursuit.

  37. There were eight rows of gabions piled one above the other, and as each row receded towards the top, it left in the ledge below an excellent banquette for the defenders.

  38. The gabions were going fast, for the men received permission to use them for fuel.

  39. The result was that the earth for gabions and for sand-bags had to be carried from a distance in baskets, and in some instances enough of it could not be scraped together for the most trifling parapets.

  40. Goodram was blown into the air, and then buried amid fragments of gabions and falling earth, and both men were buried in the Guards' cemetery next day.

  41. The French were in the habit of sending out working parties towards the valley of Baidar, to cut wood for gabions and fuel.

  42. Their supply of gabions seemed inexhaustible--indeed, they had got all the brushwood of the hills of the South Crimea at their disposal.

  43. The parapets were all pitted with shot and shell, and the sides of the embrasures greatly injured, so that the gabions were sticking out, and dislodged in all directions.

  44. Here they dug their first line of rifle pits, a straight ditch, and in it inserted the gabions at intervals, with sufficient room for a single man to pass round them without getting out of the ditch.

  45. On the 30th, they had out a strong force to protect their pioneer corps in constructing roads on which to bring up gabions to protect the rifle pits, to be constructed, from the enemy's flanking fire.

  46. They were again repulsed, but not before they had succeeded in over-turning the gabions which had been placed there.

  47. Excellent gabions can be made from it, as can the framework of hut roofs.

  48. Baskets, crates, or gabions of any size, may be made by setting up squares or circles of stakes, and removing them when wattled; or houses may be built by fixing them more permanently and using them as the walls.

  49. In this operation, gabions are placed in juxtaposition on the side towards the besieged work, and filled with all possible speed by the workmen.

  50. Gabions were also employed to repair the damage caused by the enemy's artillery.

  51. Three rows of fascines are usually placed on the top of the gabions to increase the height.

  52. The old men and young children were occupied in making gabions and cutting turf for the taluses of the boulevards.

  53. The boulevard, E, had been well furnished with fascines and gabions that very night.

  54. The first troop of the garrison advanced resolutely against the flank, throwing grenades into the trenches, and destroying the gabions and fascines.

  55. On the plateau towards the north arose, in front of the boulevard D,[37] an intrenchment of earth, with barricades of trees and large gabions screening two culverins.

  56. There were neither gabions nor fascines nor stakes for palisades.

  57. Germans being repulsed, the guns rendered useless, the munitions scattered, and the gabions and earth-bags thrown down.

  58. They brought up gabions and fascines, and endeavoured to gain a footing on this flank, not without some loss, when about three o'clock in the afternoon another attack was contrived against the flank, D.

  59. Gordon at once jumped on to the parapet himself and called the corporal to join him, letting the sapper hand up the gabions from a place of safety.

  60. The batteries consisted of simple gabions or baskets masked with turf, and concealing fourteen pieces of cannon and 250 men, with flanking earthworks thrown up to protect the gunners.

  61. They had now entrenched themselves behind gabions in a narrow road, impassable on either side with trees and strong thickets.

  62. Gabions are like large round hampers, without top or bottom, to be filled with earth.

  63. We were employed also in making gabions and fascines [Note 1] out of the brush-wood which grew near, and practised in throwing up trenches and fortifications.

  64. Our guide saw him fall, on a heap of dead Russians, with the gabions on fire by his side.

  65. Even with gabions on the top, the men could not have stood upright in the trench.

  66. Temporary parapets of loose clods were thrown up, the earth was cleared out of the ditch, gabions were filled to block up the main breaches, and palisades fixed to impede the progress of assailants through others.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gabions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.