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Example sentences for "screening"

Lexicographically close words:
screeches; screeching; screed; screen; screened; screenings; screens; screes; screw; screwdriver
  1. The curtains, screening the doorway of the two rooms, parted very slightly, and Britton entered, throwing the hangings in place behind him.

  2. Laurance put one weapon in Simpson's hand, whipped the other over to Giraud, and stepped between the door-jambs, screening the thing from Aline.

  3. Startling as the statement was, when Narkom and the rest came on tiptoe to the end of the trampled path and peeped around the last screening bush into the open beyond, they found it to be the case.

  4. I quite understand," said Cleek, the smile on his face hidden in the screening darkness.

  5. Havana of the mosquito carrying the yellow-fever organism through screening barrels and receptacles holding water, and by treating drains, cesspools, etc.

  6. The protection of the person from mosquito bites is obtained by proper screening of habitations and the avoidance of unscreened open air, at or after nightfall, when the pests are most in evidence.

  7. The captains of the other ships were screening in, wanting to know what to do.

  8. Valkanhayn and Spasso were taking their time about screening back, and he began to wonder if they weren't maneuvering the Nemesis into a cross-fire position.

  9. In dry weather thoroughly saturate the trench with water before sowing, and keep the seedlings as cool as possible by screening them from the sun.

  10. Seed sowing should be practised with exceeding caution; but great things may be done where there are warm, sheltered, dry borders, and suitable appliances for screening and forwarding early crops.

  11. Now the screening only takes away the finest dusty part of the coals, and admits more small pieces of round coals to be filled into the sack.

  12. She was standing by the window fumbling with the woodwork, and in a moment he heard the click of a knob and then, just opposite his head, the screening grill slipped aside and an aperture appeared.

  13. They nevertheless pursued their way, screening themselves as far as possible behind the bodies of the cattle, which were driven in front of them.

  14. As the left in all probability would find it necessary to act independently, the Mounted Infantry belonging to General Tucker became attached to the main column for screening purposes.

  15. The rocks having thus been reduced to fine powder, the mass was ready for screening on its way to the magnetic separators.

  16. The screening process allowed the finest part of the crushed rock to pass on, by conveyor belts, to the magnetic separators, while the coarser particles were in like manner automatically returned to the rolls for further reduction.

  17. Edison's persistence in reducing the cost of his operations is noteworthy in connection with his screening and drying inventions, in which the utmost advantage is taken of the law of gravitation.

  18. The last I saw of him, he was screening himself behind an old ruin.

  19. Their third shot ricocheted, striking the top of the strong plank behind which the major was screening himself, and only frightening the latter by the shock upon the timber.

  20. Simple enough, Jefson," he replied, "we were screening a big transfer of our forces towards Metz.

  21. The Latins were thus deceived, and accordingly Philotis set up a torch in a wild fig-tree, screening it behind with curtains and coverlets from the sight of the enemy, while visible to the Romans.

  22. It is also desirable for screening in factory districts and similar situations.

  23. Its chief value is for screening and for underplanting in woodlands.

  24. The floor was cement, three of the walls heavy screening with mosquito wire inside, the roof slab shingled.

  25. Without making a light, he threw himself on the bed in the outdoor room, and lay looking through the screening at the lake and sky.

  26. Of all recreations in the world, screening tailings on a hot day, with a long-handled shovel, is the most undesirable.

  27. It was like the woman at the inn--an outward repose screening intense inner activity and purpose.

  28. There was a fireplace which, it being summertime, had a screening brown-paper skirt that fell to the hearth.

  29. She was in her room, in the same pink dressing-gown, and standing in the same attitude as though screening her papers from me.

  30. I thought, screening my face from the snow.

  31. This screening will help also to incorporate the several ingredients evenly and thoroughly.

  32. Her snowy arras her darling son around She threw maternal, and behind a fold Of her bright mantle screening close his breast 365 From mortal harm by some brave Grecian's spear, Stole him with eager swiftness from the fight.

  33. In dread of detection, I stealthily climbed a tree, and, screening myself behind the foliage, peered out towards the sea till I beheld the cook at work beyond the reef.

  34. And just about the time when the Buddleia is in bloom, masses of the sweet homely English Elder, screening off the little wood, will perfume all the approach to the house.

  35. Its enormous disc was almost invisible from the surface of the world as the Thought sank slowly through fifteen thousand miles of air, due to the screening effect on light passing through so much air.

  36. Finally, as Thett's forces had planned, they came to one of the ionized layer ray-screen stations that was still projecting its cone of protective screening to the layer above.

  37. Orion believed that she had failed in her promise of screening him by her silence, and this, this was his revenge.

  38. She had promised to keep the secret; and she would repay the father's kindness by screening the son from this disgrace.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "screening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.