By the po feet is understande, As I have lerned in Avynet, Executours false frendes That fulfille noght his wille That was writen and thei witnesse To werche right as it wolde.
I have a neghebore by me, I have anoyed hym ofte, 2660 And lowen on hym to lordes To doon hym lese his silver, And maad his frendes be his foon Thorugh my false tonge; His grace and his goode happes Greven me ful soore.
For youre frendes wol feden yow, And fonde yow to quyte Youre festynge and youre faire gifte; Ech frend quyteth so oother.
Those whom their frendesprocured their passe in open courte from the Companye were, by private direction, neverthelesse made staye of, others procuringe private letters having been lett goe.
Also ye must make frendes of suche as be nere aboute my said Lord of Caunterbury, and may do, as Maister John Stokys and his styward, for to remembre his good Lordship as ofte as nede is.
Job, be not compellyd to sey with gret lementacion and mornyng, Have mercy on me, have mercy on me, namely yee that myfrendes shuld bee, for the hande of Goddes punysshynge hathe grevously touchyd me.
At suche a tyme a man may knowe hese frendes and hese fooes asonder, &c.
And this was in the paleys of Egiste, That in his hous was lord, right as him liste; And thus the day they dryven to an ende; 2620 The frendes taken leve, and hoom they wende.
Her frendes axen what her aylen mighte, And who was deed?
The wo to tellen hit were impossible, (160) That she and alle her frendes made atones.
Vaspasian was so humble that whan Nero was slayn alle the peple cryed for to haue hym emþour/ and many of his frendes cam & prayde hym that he wold take hit vpon hym/ so at the last he was constrayned to take hit vpon hym.
But these don yvell +ayenes good, And ben his foon under frendes face; I tolde hem how hir living stood; God amende hem, for his grace!
Now good (quod she); for how moche woldest thou somtyme have bought this verry knowing of thy frendes from the flatteringe flyes that thee glosed, 115 whan thou thought thy-selfe sely?
Shal not the loos of thy frendes ayenward dequace thilke enfame, and saye they graunted a sothe without a stroke or fighting?
Thou might in love so thee have, that loos and fame shul so ben raysed, that to thy frendes comfort, and sorowe to thyne enemys, endlesse shul endure.
This man is one of the best frendes we have in Japan.
Soe, late at night, we went downe to Dembo, to goe over the bar next mornyng, unto which place divers frendes accompanid us with bankets.
This man and his father are the trustiest frendes we have in these partes.
We put over bar of Osakay at night, and divers frendes came after us with banketes for a farewell.
Yt seemeth there is many papistes in these partes, which would doe us a mischeefe yf they could; yet the best is, the Emperour and them about hym are no frendes of Portingals nor Spa.
Yet I have geven order to frendes that may goe abord the said shipp, to look out whether ther be any such matter or no.
I answerd hym we could not take any that were frendesto the King of England, as the Chinas weare and all others till wars were procleamed.
He tould me that he had noted a long tyme that the Hollanders and we were frendes but from tooth outward and not cordially, as neighbours and frendes ought to be.
I gave hym councell that, when Safian Dono came to Langasaque, he should get some frendes to make way to hym, and to tell hym he had rather have a littell with his favour then all with his ill will, desyring hym to consider his povertie.
Soe herfrendes came to me and Andrea Dittis to speake to the justis for her, which we did.
The Sunne was vp, whose beames shone hot, and nothing was done: his frendes came not.
And what doe I knowe (maistres) if in the choise of your frendes ye do the like?
To whome Cyrus sayde, “I accepte you, and for this tyme dismisse you, to goe and suppe with your wife: then you shall agayne be placed in my Tente about me amonges your frendes and myne.
Vnto our frendes wee giue the fruictes, gotten with the labour of our Oxen.
Beware thou take them not for thyfrendes whome thou doest subdue, and bring in obedience.
And beyonde Tanais all is ours so farre as Thracia, and the fame is that Thracia bordreth vppon Macedonia: wee being neighbours, to bothe thy dominions, chose nowe whether thou wylte haue vs frendes or foes.
Whereupon he cited the mayde to appere, herfrendes promised that she should according to the Lawe, make her apperance.
So yet an other tyme agayne, his frendes warned him of his wyfe, and badde hym rebuke and chastice her.
Phocion on a daye, treatynge a longe oration to the people of Athenes, plesed them very wel; and whan he sawe that they all to gether allowed his wordes, he tourned to his frendes and sayd: haue I vnwarely spoken any hurte?
A Certayne man, whose wyfe (as the voyce wente) was nat very chaste of her bodye, was warned of his frendes to loke better to the matter.
The man wente home and sharpely rebuked his wyfe, and told her betwene them bothe, what his frendes had sayde.
He tourned towarde his frendes and sayde: I am nothynge affrayde: for in that space, either I, the asse, or elles my lorde may dye.
Item, ye make yow sywerer than I deme yow bee, for I deme that her frendes wyll nott be content with Bedyngfeldes sywerte, nor yowres.
John Osberne seythe that he woll do me a frendes turne ther in and yitt gete hym self an hakeneye.
I wolde fayn doo well yf I cowde, and as I canne I wol doo to youre pleasure and profet; and in such thyngs as I cannot skyle of, I wyll take a vyse of such as I know that be youre frendes and doo as well as I canne.
And, syr, I be seche you to recomaunde me with all reverence un to my masteras your wiff, and to all other maysters and frendes ther.
I wulde I were youre nygh kynnesman, yef hit plesed God, and than shuld I know yef hit shuld greve your herte asmeche as hit dothe other of my kynne and frendes to see me thus cowardly hurte and maimed[267.
But forsothe, frendes ne sholden nat be rekned a-mong the godes of fortune, but of vertu; for it is a ful holy maner thing.
But whether swiche men ben frendes at nede, as ben conseyled by fortune and nat by vertu?
And when the Kyng Demetrius had caused hir to be buried beefore hys chamber-window, hys chiefestfrendes asked him, wherefore hee had entoomed hir in that place?
And knowing his ende to approche, he was shriuen and receiued the holy Sacrament, purposing of present passage by panges of death, neuer to see any of his frendes againe.
And when his countrie was in peace and quiet, he sought to serue in straunge places, being loued and estemed both of his frendes and enemies.
Albeit shee desired earnestly to reioyce hir frendes for hir recouered life, and so promised vppon hir faith.
And the space of fiftene dayes (contrary to his custome) he feasted his frendes and neighbours, and after euery those bankettes, he caused the minstrels to play, to make the Gentlewomen daunce.
But the frendes of the father's side by no meanes would consent vnto it.
Whereunto Florinda answered readily, saying, "I will euer geue councell to my frendes to speake and not to dye: for there be fewe wordes spoken but that they may be amended, but the life lost cannot be recouered.
He caused the fautors and frendes of Seruius to be put to death, whereby the numbre of the Fathers was diminished, whose places he suffred none other to supply, of purpose to bring that honourable order to contempt.
Thou spak right now of thilke traitour Deth, That in this contre alle our frendes sleth; Have her my trouth, as thou art his aspye; here Tel wher he is, or elles thou schalt dye.
But natheles if I can schape it so That it departed were betwix us tuo, Hadde I not doon a frendestorn to the?
Hudson are at this instant ready to departe towardes Edo with our presentes for themperour and his Councell, as the Hollanders are the like, and our frendes geve us councell not to stay behind them.
And som have byn in this place and brought by our frendes to the English howse, where I used them in the best sort I could, as I have advized to Bantam, Pattania, and Syam to doe the lyke to all Chinas.
And he gave me faire wordes, and willed me to retorne to hym to morrow after nowne, for that he was envited out to a frendes howse to a banket and at instant ready to departe.
Thus much our China frendestell me, and I hope it will prove true.
Unto which I answered they might showe them selves frendesto thenglish, yf they pleased, ether now or hereafter, but for my parte I did not care a halfe peny whether they did or noe.
And the King of China would gladly be ridd of their neighbourhood, as our frendes which procure our entry for trade into China tell me, and doe say that he wished that we could drive them from thence.
But, when they saw me about to goe to the tono to complaine, they made frendes to speak unto me, and asked me forgivnes on their knees: they being in danger of lyfe, yf I complained.
We envited our neighbors and frendes to dyner this day, after the Japon fation, with caboques, viz.
The tono and all the caveleros sent messengers to bid me wellcom home, and all the neighbours and other frendes came in person to doe the lyke.
English ships at sea or 10 others, frendes to his Matie of England, on for a junk bound to Tonkyn at Cochinchina, and the other 3 for 3 junkes bound Island Formosa, called Taccasanga or Piscadores.
God knowing, and yet I am foule and noysyngly vexed with hem, to my gret unease, and al for my lordes and frendes matieres, and nought for myn owyn.
I and myfrendes haff miusid of this and thowt he was hard to do thus.
Adam, to my Cosyn Fyncheham, to Edmond Piers, and to other divers of my frendes to be my helpers in thes mater in myne absence.
Ryght worchipfulle Sir, yours goode cosynes and frendes avyse yow to come to Walsyngham, and that ye be there to morw betymes at vj.
But forsoþe frendes ne shollen nat ben rekkened among þe goodes of fortune but of vertue.
But wheþir swiche men ben frendes at nede as ben conseiled by fortune {and} nat by vertue.
Alas," thay sayn, "we fayne perfeccion, In clothes wide and lake oure libertie But all the synne mote on oure frendes be.
Whan thai are receyvede and professede, if thaire frendes of thaire almesse wylle any gyfe to the place, we suffre wele, commende and conferme hit to be receyvede[92].
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frendes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.