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Example sentences for "specimens from"

  • Size large, largest of the species; average and extreme measurements of 8 specimens from Orick, Humboldt Co.

  • Size medium for the species; average and extreme measurements of 9 specimens from 9 mi.

  • Size large for the species; average and extreme external measurements of 11 specimens from Oakridge, Lane Co.

  • Through the kindness of the last, specimens from a kjökken mödding at Hastings are shown in Figs.

  • Specimens from Ekaterinoslav in the South, and Olonetz in the North, were exhibited at Paris in 1867.

  • Acklin=, number of specimens from =34=: 50.

  • Cariacou= number of specimens from =34=: 49.

  • Crooked Island=, number of specimens from =34=: 50.

  • Connoun=, number of specimens from =34=: 49.

  • Thomas, however, would not have referred to specimens from "Bahia" as being comparable to elegans had they not been different from albispinus which he discussed in the same paper.

  • Age Group 2 and Per Cent Difference of Females to Males (Specimens from Michigan).

  • Those specimens from Oasis have the hair on the underparts white all the way to the base as also do specimens from Morans, 5000 ft.

  • As may be seen from the cranial measurements recorded above, specimens from Mt.

  • Specimens from Draper, which locality is likewise east of the river, are uniformly lighter, but also vary in color.

  • Specimens from Colton, show intergradation between moorei, uinta and wasatchensis, but are referable to moorei in the majority of characters.

  • As a result of these studies and due to the paucity of specimens from Utah, it is advisable, for the present, to refer all these Utah animals to fossor.

  • Specimens from Texas, California and Maine manifest not more than ordinary variations of size.

  • Specimens from Texas, with egg-complements, have been found on or near the fifteenth, which had doubtless been commenced two weeks before.

  • The average measurement of a score of specimens from widely-separated localities is .

  • Specimens from a small area north of the Arkansas River in the vicinity of Canyon City (see fig.

  • Specimens from 20 miles north of El Mante were collected from a cave about 50 yards deep.

  • Specimens from Miquihuana, Palmillas, and Nicolas were shot in flight at dusk; those from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were collected in a mist net.

  • Specimens from La Mula were obtained in a small cave, which was inhabited also by Desmodus rotundus and Tadarida brasiliensis.

  • Specimens from 10 kilometers north and eight kilometers west of El Encino and 70 kilometers south of Ciudad Victoria, judging by their large size, dark color, and ochraceous brown (rather than pale ochraceous as in S.

  • Specimens from El Guayabo were taken in a natural cave which they shared with Desmodus rotundus murinus and Artibeus planirostris planirostris.

  • The zygomatic arches are less widely flaring in specimens from TancA-taro than in those from PAitzcuaro.

  • On the periphery of the range, specimens from a given locality may resemble D.

  • Intergradation with Dipodomys ordii luteolus occurs rather freely in northeastern Colorado, as indicated by specimens from 3 miles northeast of Fitzsimmons, 6 miles east and 1 mile north of Denver and Barr Lake.

  • In specimens from 6 miles southwest of Muleshoe, Texas, intergradation with D.

  • In specimens from 5 miles east of Abiquiu, New Mexico, three-way intergradation occurs.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "specimens from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    broad valley; common carrier; east window; even less; ever knew; exert themselves; felt somewhat; generally found; great thing; here referred; human intelligence; more real; motor trucks; potential energy; publication office; really exist; rifle ball; seems necessary; specimens from; specimens taken; specimens were; sweet sounds; the legislatures; various occasions