Robin Hood took the fryer on his backe, Deepe water he did bestride, And spake neither good word nor bad, Till he came at the other side.
The fryer tooke Robin Hood on his backe, Deepe water he did bestride, And spake neither good word nor bad, 55 Till he came at the other side.
The Northen Lords that haue forsworne thy colours, [eaa215] Will follow mine if once they see them spred, And spread they shall vnto thy deepe disgrace.
And sunke, and sticks yet in my marrow deepe And what doth hurt me, I now wish to keepe.
Trebly augmented was his furious mood 8 With bitter sense of his deepe rooted ill, That flames of fire he threw forth from his large nosethrill.
That word so deepedid in their harts impresse, 8 That both eftsoones vpstarted furiously, And gan themselues prepare to battell greedily.
Betweene the maine (as we supposed) and that Iland it was but a mile ouer and three or foure foote deepe in most places.
And that for our inhabiting it was much more needefull for vs to plant in places plentifull of victuall, then in goodly Hauens, faire, deepe and pleasaunt to the view.
Surely the imagination in this present instant calleth me to a deepe consideration of my God.
Doe you pledge me, spare not to take a deepe draught of our homely councel.
O beware of a gray beard, and a balde head: for if such a one doo but nod, it is right dudgin and deepe discretion.
Other prayse he affecteth not, that in a deepe insight into his innermost partes findeth not the highest pitch of his Hope equiualent to the lowest pit of your commendation.
That's a deepe Storie, of a deeper loue, For he was more then ouer-shooes in loue Val.
That's on some shallow Storie ofdeepe loue, How yong Leander crost the Hellespont Pro.
Now that Cotage was the refuge place of a pore Fisher man, who lived and susteined his Wife and children with Eeles which he toke alongs the ditches of those deepe and huge Marshes.
The Captayne all imbrued in bloude, entred the Chaumber of the Duke of Camerino, whom with al the rest of the strangers that were wythin the Castle, hee lodged (without speakynge any worde) in a deepe and obscure pryson.
Why comes not nowe fowle Gorgon full in sight, And Typhon's head, that deepe in hell remaynes, For to torment the silly soules in paynes?
Being at home at his house, he was long time stayed in a deepe consideration, desirous to know the cause of that gentle parte, proceeding from him whose Parents and Auncesters were the capitall Enimies of his race.
Howbeit, we never once regard or look to that, so blind we are in our deepe persuasion of them, and feed our selves each one in a sweet hope and plausible conceit of our health by them.
In this meane time the lord Talbot, besieging the towne of Diepe, inuironed it with deepe trenches; building also vpon the mount Paulet a strong and noisome bastile.
In Nouember of this yeare, there was such a great frost, and after that so deepe a snow, that all the ground was couered therwith, and all the diches frosen.
And mine so deepe in earth, as we would trie To unlocke hell, should gold there hoarded lie.
The Larke here practiseth a sweeter straine, Aurora's early blush to entertaine, And having too deepe tasted of these streames, He loves, and amorously courts her beames.
And I into a Trance most deepe 60 Can cast the Birds that they shall sleepe When fain'st they would be singing.
Their dolefull state moste wisheth death, in dongion deepe of care my harte moste pensiue is, vnhappie state that wisheth death, with ioye long life, eche wight doeth craue, in life who wanteth smart?
In few words is it peace, or shall we fight Till our deepe wounds shall dampe the heavenly light, Make the ayre purple with the reaking gore?
How got his safetie such a deepe regarde Within your heart, that you affect it so?
Amongst whom there was one more mad then the rest, that let many deepe sighes from the bottome of his heart, as though he had beene ravished in spirite, or replenished with divine power.
I faint to tell, deepe sorrow Turning dispiteous torture out of is the sound.
Who hath not heard it spoken, How deepe you were within the Bookes of Heauen?
Colleuile shall still be your Name, a Traytor your Degree, and the Dungeon your Place, a place deepe enough: so shall you be still Colleuile of the Dale Col.
Studie is like the heauens glorious Sunne, That will not be deepe search'd with sawcy lookes: Small haue continuall plodders euer wonne, Saue base authoritie from others Bookes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deepe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.