Jane of Navarre was maryed to Henrye the forthe in the fourthe yere of his reygne, wherein you followe a late englishe cronicler whome I forbeare to name.
For the 4 partie of the roundnesse of the firmament holt 90 degrees: so there faylethe but 5 degrees and an half, of the fourthe partie.
And this by the precepte of sainte Iames the Apostle, and by the ordinaunce of Felix, the fourthe Pope after Sainte Peter: was giuen only to them that laie in dyeng, being of full age, and requyring it.
The fourthe point, that oghte maken a man to have contricion, is the sorweful remembrance of the good that he hath left to doon here in erthe; and eek the good that he hath lorn.
The fourthe grevance is in outrageous labour in werkes.
My fourthe housbonde was a revelour, This is to seyn, he hadde a paramour; And I was yong and ful of ragerye, 455 Stiborn and strong, and Ioly as a pye.
The fourthe is curiositee, with greet entente to maken and apparaillen his mete.
The fourthe is whan, thurgh the grete habundaunce of his mete, the humours in his body been destempred.
The fourthe thinge is, that Accidie is lyk to hem that been in the peyne of helle, by-cause of hir slouthe and of hir hevinesse; for they that been dampned been so bounde, that they ne may neither wel do ne wel thinke.
The fourthesigne is, that he ne lette nat for shame to shewen his confessioun.
And afterward, whan that he saugh his tyme, Up ryseth Ianuarie; but fresshe May Holdeth hir chambre un-to the fourthe day, 1860 As usage is of wyves for the beste.
The fourthe day complete from noon to noon, When that the highe masse was i-doon, In halle sit this January and May, As fresh as is the brighte summer's day.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fourthe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.