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Example sentences for "herafter"

Lexicographically close words:
hepaticas; hepatitis; hepher; heptagonal; her; herald; heralded; heraldic; heraldically; heralding
  1. Other thynges been that sounden not wele, but as I fele your wisdham take me in this, so herafter I wil demene me with you in maters.

  2. In yow that ye will witsaffe as I may euer herafter ow vnto yow my Symple seruyce or any pleasure that shalbe within my lytyll power [747] c.

  3. Therfore, herafter I had leuer go fourty myllys aboute, thĂȘ to go that way, thoffe it be moche shorter.

  4. Good lorde I haue good purpose & desyre with thyn helpe to be ryght ware herafter that I fall not in to synne / & I entende to flee the occasions after [the] possibilyte of my power.

  5. This theoreme hath great vse, not only in geometrie, but also in arithmetike, as herafter I will declare in conuenient place.

  6. B, [A,B,] as herafter I will declare in conuenient place.

  7. How, or wyth what maner it toke them, with what grieffe, and accidentes it helde theym, herafter then I wil declare, when I shal come to shewe the signes therof.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herafter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.