Foreign powers came to Amsterdam for loans; and vast amounts of Dutch capital were invested in British and French funds and in the various German states.
Such was the inherent weakness of the Republic that it was an independent State in little more than name; its form of government was guaranteed by foreign powers on whom it had to rely for its defence against external foes.
The hopes of this party were entirely sustained by their reliance on the armed intervention of foreign powers.
Abandoned to private debauchery, bought over by foreign powers, sold to the court in order to satisfy his lavish expenditure, he preserved, amidst all this infamous traffic of his powers, the incorruptibility of his genius.
The nobility, effeminate by lengthened peace, emigrated in masses, abandoning their king to his besetting perils, and fully trusting in the prompt and decisive intervention of foreign powers.
Is respectability in the eyes of foreign powers a safeguard against foreign encroachments?
Peace was at length negotiated, and dictated by foreign powers; and the articles of it, to which foreign powersare parties, made a fundamental part of the Germanic constitution.
If associates could not be found at home, recourse would be had to the aid of foreign powers, who would seldom be disinclined to encouraging the dissensions of a Confederacy, from the firm union of which they had so much to fear.
The interests of the Union imperatively demanded outward unity, in order that the Union might be able to fulfil its purpose preserving security to the Scandinavian Peninsula in relation to Foreign powers.
As long as the appointment of separate consuls was not approved of by Foreign powers and so long as ambassadors in a Foreign conntry had not been stationed, the joint Consular Service should continue its functions.
The Company was authorized to take possession of unoccupied territories and exercise legal rights, and the King promised to obtain satisfaction at the public charge if foreign powers assaulted it.
So great a prize had naturally attracted the notice of foreign powers, who sought to secure the advancement of their own interests by obtaining the election of some favourite candidate of their own.
Italians under the government of Victor Emmanuel as a constitutional monarchy, free of all interference by foreign Powers.
He was thwarted by foreign Powers, and deceived by his own instruments of despotic rule.
Moreover, the committee realized that an air service would be needed by the army of Great Britain more than it is needed by the armies of foreign powers.
This freedom of theirs has repeatedly been imperilled by foreign powers, who have always desired a greater degree of uniformity and control than is tolerable to Britain.
The Zeppelin Company, being founded and supported by national enterprise, did not sell any ships to foreign powers.
It was so regulated by the States before the adoption of this Constitution equally in respect to each other and to foreign powers.
In those relating to foreign powers, I am happy to state that peace and amity are preserved with all by a strict observance on both sides of the rights of each.
The conduct of the Government in what relates to foreign powers is always an object of the highest importance to the nation.
It may be objected that if the "face" of the nation is not preserved in view of the interference of Foreign Powers, there will be great danger in future.
How can we control the subjects of foreign powers?
King Leopold must be independent of Foreign Powers.
The power of taxation, which would be thrown into the hands of foreign powers, in the event of the repeal of the corn laws, constitutes, in my view, a most important feature of the case.
This condition of affairs rendered the relation of foreign powers to the Union and to the Confederacy at once urgent and critical.
The building and equipping of Confederate cruisers and their treatment as legitimate national vessels of war in the home and colonial ports of foreign powers.
We were a people unknown, and unconnected with the political world, and strangers to the disposition of foreign powers.
The cortes repelled with patriotic indignation the insolent interposition of foreign powers, and prepared for the doubtful contest with consummate skill.
He would not, therefore, accept it as the gift of the French nation, or of foreign Powers.
It feared reactionary movements and the interference of foreign powers.
His highest claims to greatness were in a vigorous administration of public affairs and diplomatic ability in his treatment of foreign powers, but not in far-reaching views or aims.
Greece probably would have succumbed to a powerful empire but for the aid tardily rendered her by foreign Powers,--united in this instance, not to suppress rebellion, but to rescue a noble and gallant people from a cruel despotism.
They were brought before the revolutionary tribunal, as the agents of foreign powers, and, as having conspired to place a tyrant over the state.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreign powers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.