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Example sentences for "sneered"

Lexicographically close words:
sneakingly; sneaks; sneaky; sneck; sneer; sneering; sneeringly; sneers; sneeze; sneezed
  1. A few soreheads were glum, or sneered at the enthusiasm of the others.

  2. The Englishman's releechion," sneered Sir Joseph, "to be ein Sportmann.

  3. We paid well for that," sneered Lady Webling.

  4. If I had my way, you wouldn't," sneered the guard.

  5. All in good time, my lady," sneered the viscount, commencing the humiliating search.

  6. The Englishman, secretly cynical, sneered at all this; but openly courteous, made himself agreeable to all the prettiest of the country belles, who ever after had the proud boast of having quadrilled or waltzed with Lord Vincent.

  7. Well, that's a nice question," sneered the villain as he thrust his hand to his hip pocket.

  8. Perhaps you can substantiate that statement," sneered Cora.

  9. And quite dramatic in effect," sneered Davlin, flinging himself into a chair.

  10. He sneered as he looked at a diamond ring that glittered on that slim brown finger.

  11. Say, you're quite high and mighty for a young fellow," sneered the short man.

  12. Remember that the woman who dares to live alone, and be sneered at, is braver, and nobler, and better than she who escapes both in a loveless marriage.

  13. He sneered at stops and pedals, and believed, in his foolish way, that all polyphony was bound within the boards of the Well-Tempered Clavichord.

  14. She had previously somewhat sneered at Amethyst's praises of her paragon brother, but she could understand her feelings now that she had met Marcus Drury.

  15. Monica, and there was a suggestion of scorn in her tone, which touched a weak spot in Olive's nature; she could not bear being sneered at.

  16. This is all very fine acting, but it does not impose upon mamma and me," sneered Bertha.

  17. So the laggard at last draws sword," sneered Hroar.

  18. Count Olvir doubts the faith of his host," sneered Hardrat.

  19. You mean, what became of you afterwards," sneered Barthorpe.

  20. Angrily she sneered at the simple homeliness of the old German custom.

  21. No," he sneered bitterly; "there isn't anything more.

  22. You're on the job quick," sneered the cattle detective.

  23. You're making a heap of formality out of this, Mr. Buttinsky," sneered the cowpuncher.

  24. Say it anywhere to oblige a friend," sneered Boone.

  25. The English officers sneered in derision at "the fleet of whaleboats.

  26. Macaulay said that no one ever sneered at the Puritans who had met them in halls of debate or crossed swords with them on the field of battle.

  27. Your wish is unkind, considering the favor which we intend to show you," sneered the bushranger captain.

  28. Why, Captain Fitz, you had better offer to defend the prisoner, you speak so warmly in his behalf," sneered the colonel.

  29. His feeble joke was much enjoyed; He sneered as bullies do, And with a scrubbing-brush he guyed The Man from Waterloo.

  30. That would be a fine thing," sneered the little Master; "and perhaps thou imaginest that thou wouldst be doing a great service to the whole world?

  31. There are some things in heaven and earth that refuse to be governed by a phrase," sneered Mr. Durdan.

  32. They straightforwardly avowed their independence of public opinion, and sneered at arguments founded on the doctrine of ministerial responsibility.

  33. Every yonker hath become a seer," sneered one of the older men, as Meryl was admonishing them in the poor priest's absence.

  34. It was the haggard face of the priest who had sneered as the procession passed by.

  35. His devotion has been sneered at; but it has never been proved to have been insincere.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sneered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.