When the breast of mutton has been stuffed and cooked as above, let it get cold and then cut it into fillets, flour them over, fry in butter, and serve with tomato sauce piquante (No.
Cut up a rabbit, wipe the pieces, flour them over, and fry them in butter until they are coloured all over.
Make it out in small cakes, flour them on both sides, and fry them a delicate brown.
Make the mashed potato in little cakes, flour them on both sides, and fry them in hot lard.
Make it out in small cakes, flour them, and fry them a light brown.
Make it out into thin cakes, flour them, and fry them of a light brown.
Roll these into balls not bigger than a very small marble, flour them, and throw them into boiling water till they are set.
Flour them, and then flatten them into little cakes and fry them a nice brown in some butter.
Cut the cold hominy into slices, flour them, egg and bread-crumb them, and then plunge them into some smoking hot oil till they are of a nice bright golden colour.
Cut the kidneys into thin slices, flour them, and fry of a nice brown.
Then drain them well, flour them, and fry of a nice brown, in hot dripping.
Flour them well, and broil over a very clear fire.
Rub these with some of the above seasoning, putting them into a quart of the liquor reserved for that purpose before the vegetables were added; flour them well, and simmer till they are nicely tender.
Flour them first, broil them of a good colour, and serve with plain butter for sauce.
Flour them, and put them into boiling water: half an hour will be sufficient for one of middling size.
Mix some mashed potatoes with the yolk of an egg, roll the mass into balls, flour them, or put on egg and bread crumbs, and fry them in clean drippings, or brown them in a Dutch oven.
Cut the kidney into thin slices, flour them, and fry of a nice brown.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flour them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.