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Example sentences for "flaxseed"

Lexicographically close words:
flawes; flawless; flaws; flax; flaxen; flay; flayed; flaying; flea; fleabane
  1. Poultices may be made of various heat-retaining substances, but flaxseed meal is generally used.

  2. Describe the method of preparing and applying a flaxseed poultice.

  3. Turn the edges of the muslin over the flaxseed by folding first on the line AA', and then on the lines BB' and CC'.

  4. Show how to prepare and apply a mustard paste; a mustard leaf; a flaxseed poultice; hot fomentations; cold compresses.

  5. Quickly spread a layer of the hot flaxseed from a quarter to half an inch thick on one-half of the muslin, leaving a margin on three sides of about an inch (Fig.

  6. Fold on the line EE', bringing FF' up over the flaxseed and tucking it under at D and D'.

  7. A bottle or two of flaxseed tea, made by prolonged boiling, should also be given at frequent intervals.

  8. In the latter case a menstruum with considerable body, such as molasses or flaxseed tea or milk, will help to hold solids or oils in suspension until swallowed.

  9. Flaxseed or slippery-elm decoction must be given to sooth the inflamed mucous surface.

  10. If the dung is hard, the constipation should be overcome by feeding a little flaxseed twice daily or by giving a handful of Glauber's salt in the feed once or twice daily, as may be necessary.

  11. Sometimes warm poulticing with flaxseed meal or bran is necessary to relieve excessive fever and pain.

  12. Repeat the bismuth and creolin with flaxseed tea every four hours.

  13. Turpentine is given in an emulsion with flaxseed tea in a single dose of from 2 to 8 ounces.

  14. Boiled flaxseed is often the best diet or addition to the wholesome dry food, and, by way of medicine, doses of 2 drams each of sulphate of iron and iodid of potassium may be given twice daily.

  15. Give emetics, then copious draughts of flaxseed tea, milk and water, and other soothing drinks.

  16. Emetics and warm demulcent drinks, such as milk and water, flaxseed or slippery elm tea, chalk water, &c.

  17. Remedy, lemon-juice or vinegar, afterwards milk and water or flaxseed tea.

  18. Add a spoonful of ground flaxseed to each feed and teach the calf to eat a little grain as soon as possible.

  19. Since then I have kept on a flaxseed poultice.

  20. Give 1 quart of flaxseed tea daily, change the food and give 1 drachm of C.

  21. Give her two quarts of flaxseed tea daily.

  22. Treatment: Change the feed and give 1 quart of thick flaxseed tea three times daily.

  23. To the flaxseed may be added a small quantity of mustard.

  24. A flaxseed poultice on which mustard was dusted was also applied over the kidneys.

  25. The application of a well-made flaxseed poultice, which should be neither too heavy nor too hot, is to be regarded as invaluable.

  26. I prefer the application of a thin poultice of flaxseed containing one-sixteenth part of mustard and covered with oiled silk.

  27. The patient is warm in bed, and the flaxseed and mustard poultice over the kidneys is continued.

  28. In all cases feed should be given in small amounts and should be of the most soothing description, as oatmeal gruel, flaxseed tea, hay tea, fresh grass, or rice water.

  29. Give a powder every night and morning mixed with bran and oats, if the animal will eat it, or shaken with about a pint of flaxseed tea and administered as a drench.

  30. Fomentation of the abdomen, or the application of a warm flaxseed poultice, may greatly relieve.

  31. Stuffing the feet with flaxseed meal, wet clay, or other like substances, or damp dirt floors or damp bedding of tanbark, greasy hoof ointments, etc.

  32. The swelling of the glands should be promptly treated by flaxseed poultices and bathing with warm water, and as soon as there is any evidence of the formation of matter it should be opened.

  33. Boiled flaxseed may be added to the drinking water, also thrown into the rectum as an injection, and blankets saturated with hot water should be persistently applied to the loins.

  34. A liberal supply of boiled flaxseed in the drinking water at once serves to eliminate the poison and to sheathe and protect the irritated kidneys.

  35. If these do not correct it soon, a flaxseed poultice should be placed on each breast, and the patient should be made to perspire, either by warm teas and clothing, or by means of steaming.

  36. The smell of flaxseed reproduces every horror of Davy's first attack.

  37. The slime of politics and the smell of flaxseed unite to demoralize the man.

  38. Lockwin has gone to the drug store to get more flaxseed If he get it himself it will be done.

  39. After the man has grown used to the flaxseed he begins to detect the odor of stramonium.

  40. Curses on that flaxseed and that vile drug which made these fields so hard for these little feet.

  41. The flaxseed and stramonium seem like reminders of the past stage of the trouble.

  42. Now, if all these flaxseed rags and this stramonium sprayer and pan could be cleared out!

  43. Hot poultices of flaxseed meal, or other material will relieve any special pain and inflammation.

  44. Egg lemonade Flaxseed coffee Gum Arabic water Hot water Hot lemonade Irish moss lemonade Orangeade Plain lemonade Slippery elm tea Toast water Tamarind water Bread Recipes; Diabetic biscuit Diabetic biscuit No.

  45. The flaxseed should not be crushed, as the mucilage is in the outer part of the kernel, and if braised, the boiling water will extract the oil of the seed, and render the decoction nauseous.

  46. Thus at least sixteen months had passed since the flaxseed had been sown, in which, truly, the spinster had not eaten the bread of idleness.

  47. Usually the upper chambers of country stores were filled a foot deep with flaxseed in the autumn, waiting for good sleighing to convey the seed to town.

  48. Flaxseed is then prepared, by boiling a pint in four to six quarts of water, and diluted with hay tea till it is rather thicker than milk, and fed at blood heat.

  49. Medicated clay--no more flaxseed poultices or mustard plasters.

  50. And did you ever have on a flaxseed poultice?

  51. After the violent symptoms have subsided, the patient should drink freely of flaxseed tea or barley water.

  52. Then give a dose of castor-oil, and let the patient drink freely of flaxseed tea, barley water, or sweet milk.

  53. Protect as much as possible the lining membrane of the stomach and bowels from contact with the poison by large and frequent doses of sweet-oil, mucilage of gum arabic, flaxseed tea, milk, etc.

  54. Early in the morning saw a Brig under our Lee Bow, about 8 o'clock spoke her: from Ostend to Galway laden with Flaxseed took the People their Baggage &c.

  55. Then she said it had the whooping cough and kept you awake all night and I asked her why her mother didn't make some flaxseed tea for it.

  56. Can't your mother fix her some flaxseed tea?

  57. The diet should be chiefly fluid, as milk and pure water, flaxseed tea, or mineral waters.

  58. Or a large, hot, flaxseed poultice may be applied to the back, and repeated as often as it becomes cool.

  59. The local treatment consists in applying large, hot, fresh flaxseed poultices frequently, with the removal of all dead tissue with scissors, which have been boiled in water for ten minutes.

  60. A spoonful of flaxseed tea taken as often as necessary to relieve irritation may bring relief.

  61. Pour a quart of boiling water over two tablespoonfuls of flaxseed and let it simmer for two or three hours, or until reduced to about a pint of tea.

  62. Flaxseed tea is an old-fashioned remedy for coughs.

  63. I runs my arm around her neck and raises her head, gentle, and breaks the bag of flaxseed with the other hand; and as easy as I could I bends over and slips three or four of the seeds in the outer corner of her eye.

  64. Flaxseed in the outer corner of the eye, it says.

  65. The flaxseed remedy is for 'Dust and Cinders in the Eye,' on the line above.

  66. That flaxseed done me more good than anything I ever tried.

  67. A warm flaxseed poultice mixed with laudanum is a very comfortable application.

  68. Hot poultices of flaxseed meal or hot fomentations of any sort applied over the entire abdomen have a soothing and beneficial effect.

  69. When pointing of an abscess occurs, a large flaxseed poultice is a soothing and a mechanically supporting application.

  70. Demulcent washes of elm, sassafras-pith, or flaxseed are often more soothing than simple water.

  71. When caused by the presence of seat-worms, they must be dislodged by purgatives and enemata of quassia or of one composed of one part of carbolic acid to six parts of sweet oil, or of turpentine and flaxseed tea.

  72. A tea-cup of flaxseed boiled till soft, requires no addition to make a good poultice.

  73. Sometimes flaxseed is a useful addition to this syrup.

  74. After the application of the above, injections of a mild, soothing character (slippery elm, or flaxseed tea) should be used very liberally.

  75. As it rose in the distance he could see the white topped oats; and just beyond he could see the deep purple of the flaxseed blossoms.

  76. Hotter it had grown, and at last came a day when all the small grain was beyond redemption, only the corn and the flaxseed were yet a possibility.

  77. Flaxseed that he had raised and sold thousands of bushels of in years gone by for one dollar a bushel he was now compelled to pay the sum of $3.

  78. FOR FELON Poultice well with flaxseed meal until matter begins to form, then at once have it well laid open with a lance, continue the poultice for some time afterwards.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flaxseed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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