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Example sentences for "vnlesse"

Lexicographically close words:
vnknowen; vnknowne; vnlawfull; vnlearned; vnles; vnlike; vnlooked; vnluckie; vnmeet; vnnaturall
  1. Harold spent little time, lost none (vnlesse happely that which hee might haue taken more) both in appointing and ordering his Armie.

  2. For in offences of so high nature, pardon neuer sufficeth to assure offenders, vnlesse by further benefits their loyaltie bee bound.

  3. Canons were not of force within the Realme, vnlesse they were confirmed by the King.

  4. It was further signified to the King, that he should also be excommunicate, vnlesse hee would consent to the same.

  5. Radulph would not giue Imposition of hands to Thurstine, vnlesse hee would professe obedience.

  6. Anselme said, that he was desirous to yeeld vnto the King, but he durst not although it should cost him his head, vnlesse he had a warrant from Rome: and therefore he would send thither againe, to haue a more full and ample answere.

  7. Vnlesse perhaps this be the difference, that flames brake seldomer out of Hecla, then out of other mountaines of the same kinde.

  8. And if a scholar so prospered thorow learning that he degree had, and serued Christ, he was then afterward of dignitie and peace so much worthie, as thereunto belonged, vnlesse he forfaited so, that he the vse of his degree vse he might.

  9. It is as easie for me, Kate, to conquer the Kingdome, as to speake so much more French: I shall neuer moue thee in French, vnlesse it be to laugh at me Kath.

  10. Owy, cuppele gorge permafoy pesant, vnlesse thou giue me Crownes, braue Crownes; or mangled shalt thou be by this my Sword French.

  11. This is his Clayme, his Threatning, and my Message: Vnlesse the Dolphin be in presence here; To whom expressely I bring greeting to King.

  12. Vnlesse you better looke thereto, Dis-use, and Sloth, will you undoe.

  13. Come, Ile to my Chamber: would there had beene some hurt done 2 I wish not so, vnlesse it had bin the fall of an Asse, which is no great hurt Clot.

  14. Hauing thus farre proceeded, (Vnlesse thou think'st me diuellish) is't not meete That I did amplifie my iudgement in Other Conclusions?

  15. All too soone I shall, Vnlesse thou would'st greeue quickly.

  16. Thou hast spoken all alreadie, vnlesse thou canst say they are maried, but thou art too fine in thy euidence, therefore stand aside.

  17. What Angell shall Blesse this vnworthy husband, he cannot thriue, Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heare And loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath Of greatest Iustice.

  18. Take her away, I do not like her now, To prison with her: and away with him, Vnlesse thou telst me where thou hadst this Ring, Thou diest within this houre Dia.

  19. She call'd the Saints to suretie, That she would neuer put it from her finger, Vnlesse she gaue it to your selfe in bed, Where you haue neuer come: or sent it vs Vpon her great disaster Ber.

  20. Dread Lord, the Commons send you word by me, Vnlesse Lord Suffolke straight be done to death, Or banished faire Englands Territories, They will by violence teare him from your Pallace, And torture him with grieuous lingring death.

  21. Then we are like to haue biting Statutes Vnlesse his teeth be pull'd out Cade.

  22. Nay Gloster, know that thou art come too soone, Vnlesse thou wert more loyall then thou art: I doe arrest thee of High Treason here Glost.

  23. I am sorry for't: The man is a proper man of mine Honour: vnlesse I finde him guilty he shall not die.

  24. Vnlesse you be possest with diuellish spirits, You cannot but forbeare to murther me: This Tongue hath parlied vnto Forraigne Kings For your behoofe Cade.

  25. Philip of France, on perill of a curse, Let goe the hand of that Arch-heretique, And raise the power of France vpon his head, Vnlesse he doe submit himselfe to Rome Elea.

  26. Vnlesse the feare of death doth make me dote, I see my sonne Antipholus and Dromio E.

  27. Here comes another of the Tribe, a third cannot be matcht, vnlesse the diuell himselfe turne Iew.

  28. Vpon my power I may dismisse this Court, Vnlesse Bellario a learned Doctor, Whom I haue sent for to determine this, Come heere to day Sal.

  29. Tis vile vnlesse it may be quaintly ordered, And better in my minde not vndertooke Lor.

  30. Not sicke my Lord, vnlesse it be in minde, Nor wel, vnlesse in minde: his Letter there Wil shew you his estate.

  31. I, but the Clark that neuer meanes to doe it, Vnlesse he liue vntill he be a man Bass.

  32. And one thing more, that you be neuer so hardie to come againe in his affaires, vnlesse it bee to report your Lords taking of this: receiue it so Vio.

  33. If you goe out in your owne semblance, you die Sir Iohn, vnlesse you go out disguis'd Mist.

  34. Soules are spirits, but spirits are inuisible, wherefore they cannot so be séene, vnlesse they take some outward shape vpon them.

  35. They had not bin sent, vnlesse before this time also some secrete matters had bene knowne by this meanes: it may be wel answered, that they were good, or rather euil angels which did appeare.

  36. Furthermore, the Heathen thought the Soules should stray continually abroade before they founde rest, vnlesse the bodies from which they were seuered, were rightly buried in the earth.

  37. They make so great account of this drinke, that no man may taste thereof in this assembly, vnlesse hee hath made proof of his valure in the warre.

  38. But they woulde not consent thereunto: whereunto we replyed, that vnlesse they would consent thereunto we would hold them to be our enemies.

  39. It is in length about twelue leagues, in sight very pleasant, but full of woods, no part of it manured, vnlesse it be in certaine places, where a few cottages be for Fishers dwellings as before we haue said.

  40. M89) In the end they threatned that vnlesse they would yeeld, they would kill M.

  41. Iul: Tell me not Frier that thou hearst of it, Vnlesse thou tell me how we may preuent it.

  42. Vnlesse philosophie can make a Juliet, 55 Displant a Towne, reuerse a Princes doome, It helpes not, it prevailes not, talke no more.

  43. Moun: Black and portentious must this honor proue, Vnlesse good counsaile doo the cause remooue.

  44. Mer: No hare sir, vnlesse it be a hare in a lenten pye, that is somewhat stale and hoare ere it be eaten.

  45. The king astonied with that bold and desperate enterprise, fell into a great rage and furie, commaundinge Mutius presentlye to be consumed with fyre, vnlesse he would out of hand tell him the order of the purposed and deuised treason.

  46. At length they concluded, that Valerius and Horatius, should bee sent to the mount Auentine to perswade the people, but they vtterlye refused the message, vnlesse the Decemuiri were first deposed.

  47. Yet doeth not this like, but in such places where the swarmes of Bées do abounde, for that oftentimes it so hapneth, that vnlesse the hiues be dailye watched, that the goers by do take them away.

  48. For seldome when, vnlesse on Church or marriage day A man shall see the Dames abroade, that are of best aray.

  49. To breake the trade betwixt the Venetians and the whole company of the Armenians it is not possible, vnlesse the worshipful will finde some meanes to receiue of them yerely to the number of 100.

  50. They seldome vse to shoo their horse, vnlesse they ride In post vpon the frozen flouds, then cause they shall not slide, He sets a slender calke, and so he rides his way.

  51. Howbeit, he hopeth that hee shall reach to Cathaya that very Sommer, vnlesse he be hindered by great abundance of Ice at the mouth of the riuer of Ob, which is sometimes more, and sometimes lesse.

  52. This is a strange alteration and very apt to deceiue the Sailer, vnlesse hee know the vnconstancie and variation of the Compasse, and take the eleuation of the pole sometimes with his instruments.

  53. I, and vnlesse the destinies be false, I shall be planted in as rich a land.

  54. And I in Athens with this gentleman, Vnlesse I be deceiu'd disputed once.

  55. Dido I am, vnlesse I be deceiu'd, And must I raue thus for a renegate?

  56. Go pack thou too, vnles thou mend thy talk: On paine of death proud Bishop get you gone, Vnlesse you headlesse mean to hoppe away.

  57. Yea sir, and wil work wonders too, which you vnlesse you finde them out, villaine search me them out and bring them me, or thou art but dead.

  58. Housewifes pot, vnlesse she will brue Ale therewith, against the Plague: let him not seede, if you will haue him last.

  59. All your labour past and to come about an Orchard is lost vnlesse you fence well.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnlesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.