King Henrie himselfe taried still at Caen, fortifieng the towne and castell, and put out fifteene hundred women and impotent persons, replenishing the towne with English people.
So also that the sayd Barons and their heires, do vnto vs and to our heirs kings of England by the yeare their full seruice of shippes at their costs by the space of fifteene dayes at our somounce, or at the somounce of our heires.
And vpon Thursday at night, being driuen some three or foure leagues from Tercera, we saw fifteene saile of the West-Indian Fleete comming into the Hauen at Angra in Tercera.
Sacre hath fifteene hundred poundes, and is three inches and a halfe wide in the mouth.
This citie was builded (as some write) much about the tenth yeare of his reigne, so that he liued not aboue fifteene yeares after he had finished the same.
The riuer of Dart or Darent (for I read Derenta muth for Dartmouth) commeth out of Dartmore fifteene miles aboue Totnesse, in a verie large plot, and such another wild morish & forrestie ground as Exmore is.
It is taxed to the fifteene at forty-six pounds, and accounted in the Exchequer at forty-five pounds ten shillings.
Howell incontinentlie assembled his people, to the number of fifteenethousand men, and taking the sea, landed with them at Southhampton, where Arthur was readie to receiue him with great ioy and gladnesse.
Madan came to lawfull age, and then she gaue ouer the rule and dominion to him, after she had gouerned by the space of fifteene yeares.
And beside those fifteene Gripes came a good ship whose capitaine and owner was a rich yong gentleman Venetian, Messire Iohn Antonio de Bonaldi, which of his good will came with his ship laden with 700.
But it is sayd that from that hill there passeth yeerly of that commodity fifteene moiles [Footnote: A Mule.
There were in times past fifteene cities or famous townes in it, but now very few, amongst the which Famagusta is the chiefest and strongest, situated by the sea side.
But in conclusion, the enemies beaten on all sides, and in so many sorts, with artillery were put backe, and vanquished, that there died that day at all the foure places fifteene or sixteene thousand.
Of the men of war that are in the fifteene prouinces, as wel footmen as horsemen, and of the great care they haue in the gard of the kingdome.
The prouince of Quincheu, hath fortie eight thousand and seuen hundred footemen, and fifteene thousande three hundred horsemen.
The number of such subiects as doo pay vnto the king tribute in all these fifteene prouinces.
More of the men of war which are in al these fifteene prouinces, and how many there be in euery one of them, as well horsemen as footemen.
The tribute that the king hath in thesefifteene prouinces, according vnto the truest relation.
This mightie kingdome is diuided into fifteene prouinces, that euery one of them is bigger then the greatest kingdome that we doo vnderstand to be in all Europe.
The Subbassi of Pera payeth him yeerely fifteene thousande ducats, and so likewise either of the others according as they are placed.
He that hath that to farme, with a faire and profitable garden thereto belonging, paieth euery yeere to saint Marke, fifteene hundred crownes.
At the sea gate fiue and twenties upon the walles euery night doe watch fifteene men in watch houses, for euery watch house fiue men, and in the market place 30 souldiers continually.
Shortlie after, the conspiracie of the euill disposed people grew to an open rebellion, so that there assembled to the number of fifteene thousand men, euen readie bent to set on the citie of Yorke.
Beside this, to haue an amitie with his next neighbour the king of Scots, he winked at the losse of Berwike, and was contented to take a truce for fifteene yeares.
And suerlie it soundeth to reason, that the pestilence should fetch awaie so manie thousands, as in iudgement by proportion of fifteene yeares warre one maie gather; and manie more too.
Hall saith) ten thousand at the least, where Fabian saith but fifteene hundred and somewhat aboue.
There were also fifteene thousand archers with bowes and arrowes, of the which a great number were on horsbacke.
For the space of fifteene daies this rumour incessantlie ran through both the realmes of England and France, and there was ringing for him through townes and villages, as it had beene for his funerals.
The yeare following a blasing starre appeared, for the space of fifteene dayes together; the greatest bush whereof pointed towards the East, and the lesser towards the West.
Once hee withdrew himselfe onely with foure, and was met with by fifteene of the enemies.
At Finchamsted[75] in Barkeshire neere vnto Abington, a spring cast vp a liquor for the space of fifteene dayes, in substance and colour like vnto blood; which did taint and infect the next water brooke whereinto it did runne.
My Lord high Constable, the English lye within fifteene hundred paces of your Tents Const.
All is imparted into fifteene prouinces, with that of Aynao,[78] and euerie one of them hath a principall citie, of the which it beareth the name.
In this prouince they sawe but onely fiue townes, in the which there was a great number of people, which, vnto their iudgement, did passe fifteene thousand soules; and doo worship idolles as their neighbours doo.
All this coast is black people, gentiles, and idolaters, and is in fifteene degrees in altitude towardes the south, and in the same maner are all the rest that are inhabited from Mazanbique vnto the Cape of Buena Esperansa.
Let me see, euery Leauen-weather toddes, euery tod yeeldes pound and odde shilling: fifteene hundred shorne, what comes the wooll too?
It is fifteene yeeres since I saw my Countrey: though I haue (for the most part) bin ayred abroad, I desire to lay my bones there.
He had feyle off full gret bounte; Bot thar fayis war may then thai, Be fifteene hunder, as Ik herd say.
Madame wife, they say that I haue dream'd, And slept aboue somefifteene yeare or more Lady.
These fifteene yeeres, by my fay, a goodly nap, But did I neuer speake of all that time 1.
The French chronicle (to the which the chronicle of Dunstable and Matthew Paris doo also agree) affirmeth that he receiued fifteene thousand marks.
He also tooke order that euerie man that might dispend yeerlie fifteene pounds in lands should be made knight.
The king caused a proclamation to be set foorth, that all such as might dispend fifteene pounds in lands, should receiue the order of knighthood; and those that would not or could not, should paie their fines.
Now when Constantine had the halter about his necke, he offered fifteene thousand marks of siluer to haue beene pardoned, but it would not be.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fifteene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.