We ar joyned in the sute of the obligacion in the Comon Place ayenst Jenney and Howes.
I am eased of my spyrytes now that I hafe expressed my leude [ignorant] menyng, because of my felow Barker, as of such othyr berkers ayenst the mone, to make wysemen laugh at her foyle.
London that maketh mencyon of grete besynesse ayenst us, and an accion toke ayenst yow, Howys, Bokkyng, &c.
And because hys fadre was so maryed ayenst my maister wille, he nevere wold hafe affeccion to hym all hys lyfe dayes.
Y pray yow, and ye se Maister Yng at a leyser to commaund me to hym, and trustyng hys gode maistershyp that he wille be of my councell ayenst one William Fouler of Bokyngham thath kepyth from me a litelle lond.
I hafe remembred as well as I can both the stuard and Bertilmeu Elys for execucion ayenst the pleggs of your seyntuarye, carpenter (?
Margyt Bryg upon a defence of atteynt, because a quest passed ayenst hyr of xij.
And like it yow to wyte, myn attorny, Raulyns, hathe enformed me that the Jugis have ruled processe to goo owte ayenst the priour of Hikelyng of distresse per omnia bona et catalla, of whiche the writte and other ar not yet come fro London.
But afterward, whan Crist took his manhede, Pees was the firste thing he leet do crye Ayenst the worldes rancour and envye.
That knowen hem-self, that they don ill Ayenst Christes commaundement, And amende hem never ne will, But serve Sathan by one assent.
There ben citezens many, for-ferde of execucion that shal be doon; for 135 extorcions by hem committed ben evermore ayenst these purposes and al other good mevinges.
These wollen make men to swere Ayenst Christes commaundement; And Christes membres all to-tere 255 On rode as he wer newe y-rent.
But [of] suche diversite of sectes, ayenst the rightful beleve of love, these errours ben forth spredde, that loves servantes in trewe rule and stedfast fayth in no place daren apere.
Wherfore al lawe by mannes witte purveyed ought to be underput to lawe of kynde, whiche yet hath be commune to every kyndely 60 creature; that my statutes and my lawe that ben kyndely arn general to al peoples.
And this wyse, two that wern firste in a litel 105 maner discordaunt, hygher that oon and lower that other, ben mad evenliche in gree to stonde.
Now see, in good trouth; holde ye nat such sonnes worthy of no reverence, and dignites 115 worthy of no worship, that maketh men to do the more harmes?
In alle thing which is of god begonne Ther foloweth grace, if it be wel governed; Thus tellen they whiche olde bokes conne, Wherof, my lord, I wot wel thou art lerned.
Wherfore thilke power [with] suffisaunce, so enclosed with dignite, by al reson renome must have.
I trowe, ne had I shewed thee thy Margaryte, thou haddest never returned.
And the pope were purely pore, 1085 Nedy, and nothing ne had, He shuld be driven from dore to dore; The wicked of him nold not be drad.
And wythstondeth and socouryth by vertue ayenst many syknesses and euylles.
And wh[=a]ne they ben full growen they sprede theymselues ayenst the sonne rysynge.
And also my Lord of Norffolks men wyll be with hym ayenstme I wet well as yet, tyl bettyr pesse be.
I shall do tonnen[272-1] in to your place a doseyn ale, and bred acordyng, ayenst Wednysday.
Also, modyr, I beseche yow that Dollys and his felawe may be sent to, that I may have my money redy ayenst that I come home, whyche is dew to be payid, for thys mater hathe cost me the settyng over.
My modyr wold fayn have yow at Mawtby; she rode thydyr ought of Norwyche on Saturday last past, to purvey your lodgyng redy ayenst your comyng.
Item, me thynkyth that ye do evyll that ye go not thorewgh with my Lady of Suffolk for Heylysdon and Drayton; for ther shold growe mony to you, whyche wold qwyte yow ayenst R.
Ther is a grosser dwellyng ryght over ayenst the well with ij.
Wheruppon my Lord York, unadvertised of the trouth, sent a lettre to my Lord Oxford to support the Pryor ys tenaunt ayenst Seggeford namely.
I shuld hafe, desyryng that the processe I was purposed take ayenst hym shuld be respited, and all that reson wold he shuld obbey.
I here sey Heydon seweth for an ende to be had with the cite of Norwich, and as to the namys of them that passed on ther acquitaile ayenst yow, Broyn can weell informe yow.
Nicholas Bokkyng beryth for excuse of my cosyn Inglose, because grete labor hath be made to my Lord York ayenst my cosyn Inglose and Seggeford, that they shuld endyte the Priour of Walsyngham tenaunt yn Salle.
Sacrement, and usyd it, never for to bere armes ayenst Englond, in the presence of the Kyng and all the Lordes, except my Lord of Gloucestre.
And the Ladies biganne the table in the myddes of the halle afore ayenst the table of the Maire and Aldermen.
And in maner of werre assaulted them and doo their werst to take and despoile them the whiche demeanyng is full gretely ayenst our honeur and worship in especial sith the saide marchantes been heere undre our sauf conduit and ligue.
Of them that folvsshly speke ayenst the workes of god.
Philip that reigned after hym, that he shulde kepe hym welle, to meove no werre ayenst no christen man, but if he had grevously done ayenst him.
Also youre second cousyn Johan duc of Bedforde, that in his grene age was lieutenaunt of the marchis, werrid ayenst the Scottis, keping them in subgeccion, havyng gret journeis and batailes ayenst them.
Now therfore, in repairing this undew intrusion uppon yow, mantelle, fortifie, and make yow strong ayenst the power of youre said adversaries of Fraunce.
Romains abandonned her bodies and goodis, only putting them to the uttermost jubardy in the feelde ayenst theire adversaries, for the avauncement and keping in prosperite, worship, and welfare of Rome.
Fraunce and Normandie and of the counte of Mayne, thoroughe umbre of the said fenied colour of trewes, ayenst alle honoure and trouthe of knighthode.
John baptiste[105]] the gret bataile uppon the see at Scluse ayenst Philip de Valoys callyng hym the Frenshe King and his power, and alle his gret navye of shippis destroied, to the nombre of .
Also the said regent of Fraunce, with the power of youre noble bloode and lordes, wanne the feeld at the forseid grete bataile of Vernelle in Perche ayenst the power of the Frenshe adverse party of Fraunce, being assembled to the nombre of .
And for thestablisshing thereof to make and ordeyn on both sides suche straite lawes ayenst the brekers transgressours and offendours as shalbe to hevye daungerous and weightie for them or any of them to bere suffer and susteyne.
Sidenote: 1503] Mastyrs bothe, I recomand me to yow, and send yow closid herin a booke of the seying of dyvers folkis, whiche testyfiee ayenst Thomas Rutty and other.
If you cast saynt Petre forthe of the churche, he may serue || you of the same sauce, and shite vp heuyngates ayenst you.
What canst thou doo ayenst saynt George whiche is bothe a knyght & all armyd with hys longe spere and his fearfull sword?
I graunt, he could not haue had an accyon ayenst me in ye law, but he myght from hensforthe be deafe to my vowes, orels pryuyly send some calamytye or wretchednes amongste my housholde, yow know well enuffe the maneres of great men.
Absteyne you as pylgryms from all desyres of [the] flesshe / the whiche dayly bataylleth ayenst the soule.
Grutche not ayenst aduersyte / but take it as swete as encence.
Grutche not ayenst ony persone without thou see that [thou] may profyte what soeuer cause [thou] haue.
Blessyd lorde I knowleche [that] I haue synnedayenst thy goodnes thus and thus Rehersynge thy synnes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ayenst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.