In fact, the fellaheen look upon the ashes in the same light as they are regarded here in England, if they are thought of at all, as a coarse ingredient to mix with a clayey soil to lighten it in the place of sand.
For we see it to this day very similar in shape in those two vast agricultural countries, India and China, while in Egypt it is handled by the fellaheen labourer in a way which is beyond praise.
Within recent years work-bullocks have risen enormously in price, owing to more butcher's meat being consumed by the fellaheen and the European visitors.
The fellaheen keep one or two, and rear the young bulls.
Doubtless much of the apathy of the labouring man amongst the fellaheen is due, as in the case of the rice-feeding Hindoo, to his being to so great an extent a vegetarian.
A large percentage of the fellaheen are perfectly illiterate, which accounts for their want of readiness to take up the initiative.
These have been, and still continue to be in many places extremely primitive, for, as before stated, the fellaheen in their conservative fashion are prone to cling to the inventions of their forefathers.
Dicky had pinned his faith and his friendship to Fielding, and he saw no reason why he should lose his friend because Madame Cholera was stalking the native villages, driving the fellaheen before her like sheep to the slaughter.
Had he not himself made theFellaheen pay thrice over for water for their onion-fields?
He had mischievously sent him into that furnace which eats the Fellaheen to the bones, and these bones thereafter mark white the road of the Red Sea caravans and the track of the Khedive's soldiers in the yellow sands.
On a cart laden with bread and rice two fellaheen stood and handed, or tossed out, food to the crowd--token of a death in high places.
The fellaheen and Bedouins looked to see the Mudir summon the Ulema to condemn the woman to shame and darkness everlasting.
And it is this: You and my poor self and thefellaheen and even those hell-selected pashalik soldiers--we are all to be rich.
At the mine below him his fellaheen were as busy as so many dirty and gaudy bees.
Najib's hut lay a hundred yards beyond the hollow where the fellaheenand soldiers were encamped.
Many a foreign manager of labour has lost instant and complete control over his fellaheen by deigning to wash his own shirt in the near-by river or for brushing the dirt from his own clothes.
By the time I had shown them six or fifteen of such pictures and read them the law for each of them, those miserable fellaheen and guards were beweeping themselfs harder and louder and sadder than I had seemed to.
Or if the pasha of that pashalik is a brutesome man, will not he cast those poorfellaheen into the prison and beseize their goods?
Unless the fellaheen could be so convinced, it meant the strike would continue until it should break the mine as well as the mine's manager.
The fellaheen were taken away from their homes and set to work at the canal, though there is no doubt that they were as well treated and better paid than at home.
The fellaheen officers, under Arabi, who had been brought to protest against reductions in the military establishment, now claimed that the Circassians should make way for the Egyptians.
It was a source of much gratification that the Egyptian fellaheen had proved themselves so courageous and well disciplined in the encounter with the fierce hosts of the desert.
Still the fellaheenplough with the camel yoked with the ox.
Up the Nile the fellaheen smile as kindly as the policemen, smile protectingly upon you, as if they would say, "Allah has placed us here to take care of the confiding stranger.
There were the tall Egyptians of the towns and fellaheen from the country and Bedouin Arabs from the desert in their long, flowing white cloaks, and big black people from the Soudan in the far South.
For centuries lower Egypt had been periodically flooded and then dried out again, and the poor native farmers and fellaheen had suffered greatly, many, many thousands even dying of starvation.
The fellaheen along the roads caught them as they could, and sold them to their neighbors.
The people are poorer than anyfellaheen (peasants) you ever saw.
At length, some of his fellaheen heard that the feast had begun in another village, and told the Priest.
Then the poor fellaheen were sorry enough that they had bought and eaten the camels, for the Turks made them pay back double the price of the beasts, and the Protestants found that "honesty was the best policy.
They own almost all the valuable land in this range of mountains for fifty miles, and the fellaheen live as "tenants at will" on their estates.
It is not pleasant to have so many fleas annoying us all the time, but we must not be more anxious to keep the fleas out than to get the people in, and as the fellaheen come to see us, they will be likely to flea us too.
They are poor girls, daughters of two of our neighbors who are fellaheen or farmers.
Five thousand horsemen and as many fellaheen were behind the weak ramparts.
Whereupon Sismondi counters: 'Such counsel cannot seriously apply to the Tartars of the Crimea or to the fellaheen of Egypt.
Fellaheen were driven to forced labour on the sugar plantations in their thousands, while further thousands of their number built the Ibrahimya Canal.
The forced labour of the fellaheen was to compete with the Southern States of the Union where slavery had been abolished.
Napoleon III, a settlement to which the Khedive could all the more readily agree, since the very fellaheen whose labour power was the bone of contention were ultimately to be mulcted of this sum.
The marvels of technique which European engineers and European machines performed in the sphere of Egyptian irrigation, transport, agriculture and industry were due to this peasant economy with its fellaheen serfs.
Under the influence of capitalist economy, the screws were put on the fellaheen by taxation.
In addition he imported cotton from East India, sugar cane from America, indigo and pepper, and issued the fellaheen with official directions what to plant and how much of it.
The browns and blacks bear their wounds without a murmur; the poor fellaheensoldiers yell upon the slightest touch to their wounds.
You must consider whether you will not send down those dreadful Bashi Bazouks, the scum of Alexandria, and the fellaheen soldiers, on arrival, for they are of little use, and eat us up.
It is odd that among the despised Egyptian fellaheen soldiers this robbery of rations does not take place.
Four fellaheen soldiers deserted from Nutzi Pasha and went to the Arabs—I expect through his ill-treatment of them.
The fact that the Fellaheen were dragged in chains from their huts, and kept in chains in the streets of Cairo, is well known.
If you do not use the steamers, please send them back empty of these Fellaheen troops, but send me their rifles.
It is the custom to say we acted in the interests of the oppressed fellaheen, but what have the fellaheen gained up to the present time?
One of the greatest problems will be what to do with those Shaggyeh, those Cairo Bashi Bazouks and fellaheen soldiers, whose courage is about equal,—perhaps the palm is due to the Shaggyeh.
As soon as ever I hear of the arrival of troops at Berber, down will go the Greeks, Bashi Bazouks, and Fellaheen soldiers with a month’s provisions.
The troops on board the steamers are Fellaheen soldiers.
I think of all the pusillanimous businesses which happened in 1882 the flight of the Europeans from Alexandria before these wretchedfellaheen troops, was the worst.
Arabs andfellaheen squatting at street corners looked at him with furtive interest.
The battalions of fellaheen were stiffened with battalions of blacks from the Soudan.
The fellaheen had interfered to prevent some English officers shooting pigeons close to their village, and had become very excited when a gun belonging to one of the officers went off and a native woman was accidentally wounded.
The fellaheen enjoyed incomes such as they had never dreamed of, and their prosperity reacted upon the townsmen and commercial and other classes, and in Cairo and the country at large contentment was almost universal and complete.
To the present day the fellaheen indeed are indisposed to credit the fact that a majority of the Moslems of to-day are not only not subjects of the Turkish Sultan but do not speak either the Arabic or Turkish language.
From the possession of wealth that they had squandered in extravagant living and profuse gifts to their wives and families, the fellaheen quickly fell back to a condition of poverty.
Hence, such as the fellaheen or peasantry were when Cheops was building his pyramid, such they remained in almost all respects down to the arrival of the French.
The Sheikhs, Omdehs, governing classes, and high religious heads might or might not be hostile, but nothing counted for much while the millions of fellaheen were solid for the occupation.
These things had caused profound discontent and had roused among the fellaheen not merely passive dislike but active hatred of British rule.
Shortly after the riots Sir William Willcocks, the noted engineer, said in a public statement: "The keystone of the British occupation of Egypt was the fact that the fellaheen were for it.
A colony of Egyptians was settled in this neighbourhood about half a century ago, and as it resembles the head-dress of the fellaheen of Egypt it may have been derived from them, but it is probably much older.
He was a man over six feet in height, with the broad sinewy back and shoulders and general physical strength which is the heritage of the fellaheen race of the Nile Valley.
The fellaheen of Egypt make docile, tractable soldiers, amenable to discipline, keen on all routine work and peace soldiering, but lacking that élan and dash which are so valuable an asset in time of war.
I am not a thief,” he said; “I do not dig into the houses of fellaheen in the night.
When a bride reaches the door of her husband’s house, among the fellaheen of Palestine, a jar of water is placed on her head.
Something like the Consul going in state to ask the fellaheen what wages they got.
He began to sneer at the melocheea of the fellaheen and swore he could not eat it if he sat before it 1,000 years.
The Sheykh is the last of the great Arab chieftains of Egypt, and has thousands of fellaheen and a large income.
He leaves the farm to his fellaheen altogether, I fancy.
If he cannot get it at all the fellaheen are to pay him back without interest.
The darweesh some say is killed, others that he is gone off into the desert with a body of bedaween and a few of the fellaheen from the three ravaged villages.
Maohn said, 'True, the fellaheen are like oxen, but not such swine as to insult the religion of a lady who has served God among them like this one.
I kill a sheep next Friday, and Omar will cook a stupendous dish for the poor Fellaheen who are lying about the railway-station, waiting to be taken to work somewhere.
The fellaheen can no longer eat bread, they are living on barley meal, mixed with water and new green stuff, vetches etc.
They wanted me to stay many days, and then Girgis said I must stop at Feshn where he had a fine house and garden, and he would go on horseback and meet me there, and would give me a whole troop of Fellaheen to pull the boat up quick.
While the man was ill numbers of the fellaheen brought eggs, pigeons, etc.
He too said like the old Sheykh, 'I only pray for Europeans to rule us--now the fellaheen are really worse off than any slaves.
The Bashi-Bazouks, fellaheen regulars, and the Shaggiah irregulars were mostly killed in cold blood after they had surrendered and been disarmed.
The fellaheen battalions numbered from 1 to 4 had British colonels and majors; those numbered from 5 to 8 were officered only by natives.
On our way to Cairo we pass a fertile country, and see crops of sugarcane and rice and maize growing, and the blue-clad fellaheenat work.
Their religion forbidding usury, they take it out of the fellaheen in cotton.
Here the fellaheen assemble daily, with their camels and asses laden with produce, or with droves of buffaloes and oxen, and flocks of sheep and goats.
A great boon has been conferred on the fellaheen by the experimental money advances made by Government to tide them over till their cotton-crop is ripe.
There were a good many tents in the British lines, but relatively few in the Khedivial, for there fellaheen and Soudani had sheltered themselves as usual under palm leaf and grass huts, or beneath their brown soldier blankets.
Here are a few verses of a topical song on the refractory blacks and fellaheen fallen under the condemnation of either the civil or military law and forced to hard labour.
A check to British policy and rule meant to them a possible return of the old corrupt days when they did as they liked, treating fellaheen and negroes as slaves.
Dervish spears were thrown into and over the staunch and unyielding Soudanese and Fellaheen soldiery.
It was that distinguished soldier, aided by an exceptionally able staff, who first took in hand the re-organisation and proper training of the fellaheen recruits.
It was shown that, when well handled, the fellaheen and the blacks could defeat the dervishes.
A sixth Soudanese battalion was raised in 1896, and in that and the following year four additional fellaheen battalions were added to the army.
Fellaheen and negro, they showed a vim and intelligence in track-making that Europeans could not surpass.
There can be no doubt about one thing,--whatever may be said of fellaheen troopers, the Blacks will charge home.
The great danger that Egypt has to fear is the disinheritance of the fellaheen and the alien ownership of the land.
For ages upon ages the fellaheenhave drawn from the inexhaustible storehouse of the Nile.
The crops are growing, the fellaheen are at work in the fields and everywhere the wild flowers bloom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fellaheen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.