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Example sentences for "feling"

Lexicographically close words:
felicitous; felicitously; felicity; feline; felines; fell; fella; fellah; fellaheen; fellahin
  1. The feling of his sorwe, or of his fere, 1090 Or of ought elles, fled was out of towne; And doun he fel al sodeynly a-swowne.

  2. But who-so hath in his feling The consequence of such shryving, Shal seen that prest may never have might To knowe the conscience aright 6450 Of him that is under his cure.

  3. The counte feling it at the point, and well viewyng the same, aunswered that he neuer sawe a better in all his life.

  4. I will render vnto you none other certificate of myne innocency, but my languishinge heart, which you clepe betweene your hands, feling sutch rude intertaynment there, of whom he loaked for reioyse of his trauayles.

  5. Erasistratus feling the renforcing of the poulce, to proue howe long it would continewe, he remoued not at the comming of the Queene, but still helde his fingers vpon the beating of the poulces.

  6. Oon is, it yeveth comfort to the feling spirites in bodily persones of reson.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.