The Spanish fleet numbered one hundred and thirty huge galleons, the English only sixty sail, of lighter and less cumbrous build.
His family numbered among those of the legal aristocracy, and many of its members were noted for poetical propensities and abilities; there were no fewer than three poets by name of Beaumont living at the time of Francis' death.
By some error, which furnishes us with another hint, the second and third pages of this play are numbered 79 and 80.
Julius Cæsar begins upon the next page, which is numbered 109.
In the following year the two important Sonnets now numbered cxxxviii.
Our guest did more than show his liking for the shining light of the profession: henumbered friends also among the humble performers at the Grand Theatre.
It was as though he had received a mysterious warning to tell him that his years were now numbered and that he must hasten the realisation of his numerous and immense schemes.
For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me, 'And he was numbered with transgressors'; for what is written about me has its fulfillment.
In the time of Josephus the Essenes numberedabout four thousand.
At the close of the eight months' campaign they numbered 9,000, taken from the press of California alone.
The welcoming address was made by Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, the speakers comprised the most prominent women of the nation, the audience numbered 3,000 and the enthusiasm was unprecedented in all the records of this movement.
And, as I have waited the telegraphic word that trembled along the western wires, telling of your successes and your defeats, it has ever been with bated breath lest those of my own home circle, too, should be numbered among the slain.
So even Josephus could be numbered among those who had benefited by the healthful, unselfish, out-of-door life on the mountain side.
I hope some bridge players will be numbered among the guests.
A Rebel officer states that it numbered not over twenty-five thousand.
The force which Johnston had brought out numbered not far from thirty thousand.
The army commanded by General Lee in the battle, according to Pollard, the Southern historian, numbered seventy thousand.
General McClellan's troops in front of the enemy, present and fit for duty, numbered one hundred thousand strong.
The army numberedone hundred and twenty-three thousand men present and fit for duty.
General Lee's army numbered not far from one hundred thousand, having been reinforced by troops from the South.
It should also be noted that in the roulette the divisions, in addition to beingnumbered alternately high and low, are also alternately coloured red and black, and the players have the option of betting upon either colour.
Into this bottle are put twenty-four balls about an inch in diameter, each of which is numberedupon a facet, the numbers running from one to twenty-four consecutively.
Then, if the divisions are numbered alternately high and low, it stands to reason that the high numbers can be closed and the low ones opened, or vice versa, at will.
In a low dispatcher the process is precisely the same, but the sides are numbered with one, two and three pips, instead of two, four, and six.
Accordingly, the Tract consists of 12 Queries propounded for consideration, each numbered and beginning with the word "Whether.
This is what is done in the 24 numbered pages which form the body of Milton's tract.
These numbered pages, forming the body of the tract, are abridged translations by Milton of the passages from Martin Bucer which he wished to introduce to the English public.
Letters of the King, to the Queen, numbered xxvii.
At the end, after the numbered pages, there is a postscript of two pages, in which Milton again speaks directly, and winds up the tract.
The names are numbered according to the standing of the student, all the best scholars being clustered at the head, and the poorer following in a melancholy train.
Christ is the suffering servant who is numbered with the transgressors and who bears the sins of many.
His gamut of shades numbered only four or five, and the standard of colour then demanded was very low.
Each lot of plait for dyeing carries a numbered wooden “tally,” the number corresponding with the dye ticket left in the office or “giving out” room.
Of the tunes, as he had numbered them, the bird "sang No.
This gang of desperadoes numbered more than thirty men, and Palacios resolved to lead them over among the ranches of the Texans.
They were not long in proving to their comrades that they were worthy to be numberedamong their desperate ranks.
And yet this knowledge did not alarm him, and the very presence of his foes did not make him afraid, though they numbered "ten strong, brave men.
The force of the Guerrillas under command of Todd numbered more than two hundred men, and as both were determined, a desperate fight ensued.
Gradually it began to dawn upon their dull comprehension that the whole force of the Gringos numbered just two men.
His publications in all numberedmore than sixty volumes.
No matter what might have been the strength of Alexander's force it could only have been numberedby hundreds and not by thousands, when it reached the summit of the mountain.
The light infantry, bowmen, and dartsmen numbered about 6000.
His fleet, whichnumbered 500 ships, was stationed chiefly at Misenum and Ravenna.
The Senate not onlynumbered Hadrian among the deities, but ordered temples to be erected in his honor.
The Senate ordered him to be numbered among the gods of Rome.
If the tribenumbered fifty individuals it was already a large tribe.
There were a few small tribes or families scattered here and there, but it was seldom that these tribes numbered more than twenty or thirty members.
Though they have lived obscure lives and have filled obscure places they have been precious in Thy sight and are numbered with Thy saints.
May we be numbered with those who are pure in heart, and see God in the humblest service to the humblest people.
O God, I thank Thee that Thou hast numbered me with the children of the day.
Soliman is not numbered in the list of the Turkish emperors: yet he checked the victorious progress of the Moguls; and after their departure, united for a while the thrones of Adrianople and Boursa.
Then the votes were cast "and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
That Peter would be numbered with the martyrs was made known by the resurrected Lord.
Ishmael, with his family, joined Lehi in the wilderness; and his descendants were numbered with the nation of whom we are speaking.
And the Lord God spake unto Moses, saying: The heavens they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine.
And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.
The Moabite maiden, Ruth, who wasnumbered among the ancestors of Jesus Christ, is another example of the same kind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "numbered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.