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Example sentences for "fattened"

Lexicographically close words:
fatt; fatta; fatte; fatted; fatten; fattening; fattens; fatter; fattest; fatti
  1. And think'st that when the fattened flames aspire, Thou see'st the accomplishment of thy desire!

  2. Pork, that is fed from the dairy, and fattened on corn, is the best--potatoes do very well for part of the feeding.

  3. This variety is agreeable to them, and they thrive apace, being so fattened at less expense than in any other manner.

  4. But pork fattened from the still-house is all but poisonous; it should never be eaten by those who wish to preserve their health.

  5. Poultry should be fattened in coops, and kept very clean.

  6. We had all the pork we wanted without cost, for our hogs fattened themselves on the mast of the woods.

  7. He said to him, 'Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and healthy.

  8. But when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.

  9. This luxury we enjoyed from October 5th to October 10th, and every day the camels were brought to water, and with this and the green feed visibly fattened before our eyes.

  10. By degrees the camels fattened and fattened, until the combination of flesh and the hard muscles their work had formed, made it difficult to believe how great the trials were they had been through.

  11. Other sheep or lambs, fattened or only wintered 3 | 0.

  12. Steers or other cattle, fattened or only | |wintered 0.

  13. At least this animal is supposed to be one of their chief gods, although they ensnare him in winter, keep him in confinement, and when well fattened tear him to pieces, devouring his mangled remains with much feasting and jubilation.

  14. Another meager patient being told that the celebrated Hunter had fattened a dog by removing his spleen, exclaimed, with a deep sigh, "O, sir!

  15. The swan was also fattened by the Romans, who first deprived it of sight; and cranes were by no means despised by people of taste.

  16. The modern gastronome is perhaps not aware that it is to the ancients he owes his delicious fattened duck and goose livers,--the inestimable foies gras of France.

  17. In more modern times we find Chancellor Dupret having asses fattened for his table.

  18. Thus two of three Took death for love and won him after strife; One droned in sweetness like a fattened bee: All on the threshold, yet all short of life.

  19. The earth is fattened with our dead; She swallows more and doth not cease: Therefore her wine and oil increase And her sheaves are not numberèd; Therefore her plants are green, and all Her pleasant trees lusty and tall.

  20. He should then be castrated, and fattened with the old ewes.

  21. They are fattened with great care, in the same manner as wethers, but they are never so good, excepting in very warm climates, where mutton is always ill-tasted.

  22. But whatever mode is followed, it should be done quickly, and the sheep should be killed immediately, for they cannot be fattened twice, and almost all die with diseases of the liver.

  23. They may be fattened in all seasons, but summer is generally preferred, because it is attended with less expence; and by beginning in May or June, we are almost certain of having them fat before the end of October.

  24. These chickens are fattened in wire-bottomed, sanitary coops, thus insuring absolute cleanliness, on a ration of meal, middlings and milk.

  25. Bigot and Cadet lived in luxury; fowls by thousands were fattened with wheat for their tables, while the people were put on rations of two ounces of bread a day.

  26. They do save money, and are thus fattened up to a state which admits of victimization.

  27. He is not the master on the occasion, but the slave--a slave well treated, and fattened up to the full endurance of humanity, but yet a slave.

  28. Now on his fourth voyage Sindbad's ship was wrecked, and he fell among hairy men, cannibals, who fattened all that they caught like cattle, and consumed them.

  29. He being thin and wasted by all his misfortunes, escaped death, and saw all his comrades fattened and roasted, till they went mad, with cries of anguish.

  30. Compared with the enormous numbers fattened and marketed on the hoof, a very small proportion of the hogs turned off the farms each year are sold dressed.

  31. Burton as the most menacing of all public enemies and an ogre who had in a single day fattened his already superlative wealth on the sufferings, the starvation and the lives of his victims.

  32. I don't butcher my swine until I have fattened them.

  33. Our lean old cattle fattened fast and in a little while we could hardly recognize them.

  34. Grass was abundant all through the winter and the cattle fattened rapidly.

  35. The street poets portioned out all his joints with cannibal ferocity, and computed how many pounds of steaks might be cut from his well fattened carcass.

  36. Dogs, fattened on the blood of the slain who lay unburied round the town, were luxuries which few could afford to purchase.

  37. Cattle and sheep are now fattened for slaughter on alfalfa hay fed alone, but when thus fattened the finish made is not equal to that resulting from adding grain to the alfalfa.

  38. The alfalfa furnishes excellent grazing for cattle, whether they are grown as stockers, are kept for milk producing, or are being fattened for beef.

  39. Coiros are beeves fattened at the cratch in ox-stalls, or in the fresh guimo meadows.

  40. He was clad in the gayest and most costly attire, was fattened on the choicest food, and carefully kept in ignorance of his doom.

  41. Thousands of carloads are shipped into the corn country each year, there to be fattened before going to the packing houses.

  42. A steer raised on the western prairies may now be fattened for market in Illinois, slaughtered in Chicago, and served in New York, or sent to England or even to the Orient.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fattened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.