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Example sentences for "fattest"

Lexicographically close words:
fatten; fattened; fattening; fattens; fatter; fatti; fatting; fattish; fattiste; fatto
  1. With greedy wit, Around the flock he made a sweep, Marking, among the fattest sheep, One of enormous size, Fit for a sacrifice.

  2. He is the ugliest and fattest young man I ever saw.

  3. Hunters walked on their backs and shot the fattest of them as trophies of the chase, and the ever ubiquitous, keen-scented wolves came and gnawed their vitals while they were yet alive, but helpless, in their inextricable positions.

  4. The Indian hunter riding bare-backed would guide his horse headlong into the midst of the herd, singling out the fattest and in an instant sending the deadly arrow clean through his victim.

  5. At this juncture, with the negroes grinning and the porter near bursting with rage, there came out of the lodge the fattest woman I have ever seen for her size.

  6. They have spared the best and fattest for to do sacrifice with unto thy Lord God.

  7. Cain offered fruits, for he was a ploughman and tiller of earth, and Abel offered milk and the first of the lambs, Moses saith, of the fattest of the flock.

  8. And as he boasted he looked rather longingly at the fattest arm of the fattest newspaper correspondent.

  9. The smallest and fattest of the men, in a red coat .

  10. The fattest woman in the world was a perfect pendant to the skeleton.

  11. On my way home I passed a booth where a man was calling out that here were the famous German dwarf and his three dwarf children; the living skeleton; and, to conclude, the fattest girl that ever was seen.

  12. Take half a hanch, and cut the fattest part into thick slices half an inch thick; salt and broil them on the warm embers, and being finely soaked, bread them, and serve them with gravy only.

  13. The alcohol put him in good humor, and he proposed they should do as the sailors did in the song: eat the fattest of the passengers.

  14. Finally, one night he stole into the pigpen of the Chateau d'Arville and ate the two fattest pigs.

  15. This was the first he read: "'Mr. Bud Drimple took first prize for the fattest pig at the fair.

  16. The fattest go to feed the voracious stomachs of the queen's suitors.

  17. Most subiect is the fattest Soyle to Weedes: And hee (the Noble Image of my Youth) Is ouer-spread with them: therefore my griefe Stretches it selfe beyond the howre of death.

  18. For me, I am heere a Windsor Stagge, and the fattest (I thinke) i'th Forrest.

  19. According to Jerdon the burrel is fattest in September and October.

  20. The chief of the village, a white man in everything but colour, sent me and mine the fattest broad-tailed sheep of his flock, with five measures of matama grain.

  21. I'd make a hit as the Fattest Boy on Earth in this rig, wouldn't I?

  22. Seizing a pitcher of ice water, he leaped over a bench and dumped the contents of the pitcher over the head of the Fattest Woman on Earth.

  23. Why, each one was larger than the biggest, fattest sofa-pillow Sara had ever seen.

  24. When we halted for the night, droves of fattest cattle, herds of the fattest sheep, and wagonloads of corn and hay, were driven to our camp.

  25. The fruits, the garlands, and the grain are thine; the fattest kids and the first of the springtime ewes, but he is mine!

  26. The horsemen of Boabdul were troubling Syria with the points of spears, devouring the fattest flocks and bearing off rich spoils which the King desired in the building of his city.

  27. So tell me now: what is the strongest and swiftest thing in the world; what is the fattest thing in the world; and what is the softest and what the sweetest of all?

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fattest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.