In default of important legislative tasks, the parliament which expired in 1806 devoted much attention to various features of the military system, as well as to proposed reforms in the public accounts.
Before the fourth minute had expired the Camperdown rammed the Victoria on her starboard bow.
But his furlough expired and he was due to return home.
He lasted only three days and expired peacefully, a martyr to his sacred calling.
And I have seen the hungry infant sucking at the breast of the already expired parent.
Louis, however, overcame their opposition, and obtained a renewal of the alliance which had expired with his predecessor Charles VIII.
The institution of the court fool was carried to its greatest degree of perfection during the fifteenth century; it only expired in the age of Louis XIV.
Poor Deyverdun is no more: He expired Saturday the 4th instant: and in his unfortunate situation, death could only be viewed by himself, and his friend, in the light of a consummation devoutly to be wished for.
As soon as he was gone, he held his sword upright under him with both his hands, and falling upon it, expired with no more than one single groan, to express his sense of the pang, or to inform those that waited without.
On the day that his term of service expired he rose early, and with his mattock dislodged the stones of the hearth.
He lingered, under great suffering, but with a proud consciousness of the noble sacrifice he was making for his country, until the morning of the 12th, when he expired with the resignation of a hero.
His term expired on the 6th of August, one month previous, but his life was sacrificed to the unjust conscription now being practiced upon those who could not consistently re-enlist as veterans.
Quite a number fell from the ranks with "sun-stroke," and some expired from its effects.
If you would find the inexhaustible mine of that salt which keeps the whole world from corruption, you must seek it in the hill where Paul was buried, and Peter expired on his inverted cross.
At this time Juan de Herrada expired at Jauja, and Don Diego detached a part of his army to the low country of Peru to collect those of his party who were at Arequipa and other places.
While a favourite air was playing, he was said to have beat time with perfect accuracy, and expired just when the tune was finished.
When he was near breathing his last, he wished that the holy sacrifice of the Mass should be celebrated in his apartment, and he expired while making an effort to raise himself on his bed, in the act of adoring the sacred Host.
But the two girls were hastily called back to England before the year had expired by the announcement of the critical illness of their aunt.
Crassus had renewed their agreement, and Caesar's command in Gaul, which would have expired on the 1st of March 54 B.
He immediately ordered his army to retreat, in hopes of reaching his capital alive; but he expired on the way, in 1760, in the fiftieth year of his age, after he had reigned eight years.
The time expired without any answer being received, whereupon Maj.
Before I left him he had volunteered to let me out, give me a horse, saddle and bridle, inform me as to names and locations of different rebel regiments and furnish me with an expired furlough.
For this, and another man I mentioned a little before to haveexpired under the like circumstances, when we returned from this unsuccessful enterprize, we made a grave in the sands.
I had hitherto steered the boat, but one of our men sinking under the fatigue, expired soon after, which obliged me to take the oar in his room, and row against this heart-breaking stream.
He expired at eleven o'clock at night; at nine he felt his pulse and said he saw the end was approaching.
Yesterday morning Louis Philippe expired at Claremont quite unexpectedly, for though he had been ill for a long time, it was supposed he might still live many months.
The case became hopeless, and be expired at half-past five this morning in the forty-first year of his age.
The alliance between Russia and Prussia had expired in 1780, nor had the Empress been willing to renew it.
With the necessity of appealing to the patriotism of their people, by promises of privileges and immunities, expired the disposition to comply with them.
Our poor servant, Allen, was seized with it, and expired in a few days.