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Example sentences for "exode"

Lexicographically close words:
exits; exitu; exitum; exitus; exoccipital; exodus; exogamic; exogamous; exogamy; exogenous
  1. The Exode was "a struggle conducted by human means.

  2. So tedious was the exode of the force, such were the embarrassments that beset its progress, that when the shadows of evening began to descend upon this melancholy scene, the rear-guard was still on the walls.

  3. The Exode did not begin until Terah’s death; then Abraham left Haran, and the Exode began, as is clearly proved by Acts 7:4.

  4. Exode in Egypt from Abraham to wilderness state.

  5. For Coemhain reckons the exode 502 years after the birth of Abraham, or B.

  6. The identity of the number 1002 proves the mistake in the reference to the exode of the Israelites, instead of to the Christian era, which depresses the arrival of the Scoti five centuries too low.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    act; bit; burlesque; camp; chaser; comedy; curtain; divertissement; exodus; farce; finale; interlude; intermezzo; intermission; introduction; musical; number; prologue; routine; scene; shtick; sketch; skit; tragicomedy; turn