This double and harmonious working of the law of the Equalization of Demand and Supply is one of the most comprehensive and beautiful laws in Political Economy.
The equalization of Supply and Demand will only be reached in this case, by quickening the demand for the commodity now less in demand through an offer of better terms in trade.
The judicious use of the Turkish bath serves to secure perfect equalization of the circulation.
Happily there is a golden mean, an equalization of those elements which constitutes the acme of individual enjoyment.
Finally, in 1894, the fund called the Equalization Fund was established.
Very recently the Union Pacific Railroad Company proved, before the Board of Equalization at Salt Lake City, by the testimony of engineers, that the average cost per mile of the Utah Central line was only $7,298.
But what the President did not note, but which all others observed, was the obvious fact, that this restoration and equalization were attained without any of the remedies which he had been prescribing for four years!
The same confidence could hardly have been given by them to Lord Hartington, who held that "equalization of the franchise was pressing mainly on account of the pledges that had been given, and not much for any other reason.
From the continued crossing of variable individuals alone, an equalization of differences must at length take place, and with this a new, although not always a widely deviating, constant form must arise.
He proposed, therefore, a duty of one shilling per gallon upon spirits; the equalization of the stamp-duty with that of England; and a tax of four shillings upon coal exported in British vessels from this country.
A hot foot-bath and an ice-cap on the head sometimes aid in establishing a more general equalization of the circulation.
A most perfect freedom of intercourse between different nations in the article of corn, greatly contributes to an equalization of prices and a level in the value of the precious metals.
And while it does not disparage material aggrandizement, it makes it subservient, ever looking to an equalization of the greater revenues of life.
But assuming a more rational ground, it believes in equal rights to all; is based upon a right proportion of motives rather than upon the equalization of property considerations.
Another yet more potent effect of the new order in limiting foreign exchange is the general equalization of all nations which has long ago come about as to intelligence and the knowledge and practice of sciences and arts.
Say rather," replied the doctor, "that the economic equalization of men and women for the first time made it possible to establish their relations on a moral basis.
In this respect you must remember that during its whole course the Revolution had been contemporary with a movement for the enlargement and greater freedom of women's lives, and their equalization as to rights and duties with men.
Remove the obstacles which they encounter from abuses arising from force and fraud, and you will see accomplished in human society this double manifestation of progress--equalization in amelioration.
This is precisely what I am about to do, keeping always in view this general law, which I apprehend to be the law of human society, namely, the gradual equalization of individuals and of classes, combined with general progress.
In a sense, it is a self-adjusting resistance, tending towards the equalization of the flow of current in the circuit in which it is placed.
Ordinarily, when one charged body is connected to another of different potential, the resulting current is of but momentary duration, due to the redistribution of the charges and consequent equalization of potential.
For equalization must be imposed from without, while sharing is a matter of free choice.
The urgent need of some equalization of labour conditions, and of the minimum standard of life throughout the world.
Under modern conditions world-wide economic and educational equalization is in the long run inevitable.
The rooms were crowded with members of the league and their friends, while most of the state officials, members of the general assembly and the state board of equalization were present.
When this bill was pending I stated its purpose and my hope to accomplish a reduction of the expenditures of the government, or, at least, an equalization of the salaries then paid to the different officers.
The founder of the house, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, was held in the highest esteem in Frankfort, and in consequence of the equalization had a seat in the Electoral College.
The promised equalization of the Jews in the newly-acquired or reconquered provinces was continually delayed.
Opponents to the scheme of equalization could further adduce the argument that the majority of Jews did not desire emancipation, and that the six petitioners had acted without authority.
Noel, the French ambassador, in somewhat imperious fashion, took the first step in favor of the equalization of the Jews.
The Jews of the three Hanse Towns sent a Christian lawyer as deputy, to guard their interests in Vienna, who of his own accord had drawn up an appeal for the equalization of the Jews.
The prospect of equalization as state citizens was continually held out to them, but the promise remained unfulfilled for several years.
David Friedlaender and his friends, Berlin capitalists, used their utmost efforts to bring about the state equalization so long promised.
Equalization in the rate of interest of all Savings Banks connected with the Government is far more necessary than that the standard of the one should be raised to the standard of the other.
The farmers protested bitterly against such waste, and demanded the equalizationof wages.
Had the farmers been alone in their demands for an equalization of wages, the situation would have been easier to handle.
Thus the equalization of industry is introduced, the dispersion of the human race secured, and a limit put to the perilous multiplication of its members in particular communities.