Regarding the environmental influences, the way that unfavorable surroundings decimate the numbers of the plants of any one generation has already been noted, and it is typical of the vital situation everywhere.
Congenital factors reside in the physical heritage of an organism, and their results are often evident before an individual is subjected to environmental influences and before it begins to use its various organs.
The mutants like any other variants must present themselves before the jury of environmental circumstances, which passes judgment upon their condition of adaptation, and they, too, must abide by the verdict that means life or death.
An organism can certainly change in direct response to environmental influence or by the indirect results of use and disuse, but not unless it is so constituted by heredity as to be able to change adaptively.
The influence of climatic and other environmental factors has been ably treated by Prof.
It instinctively senses environmental changes and adapts itself so rapidly that it escapes the injurious consequences of disharmony.
A partial compilation of certain selectedenvironmental factors has been made by Vallentyne ([ref.
Rapid genetic selection combined with radiation and chemicals to speed up mutation rate under these conditions should reveal possible evolutionary trends under the planetaryenvironmental conditions.
Space offers biologists completely new environmental factors, such as the effects of zero gravity and of removal from Earth's rotation.
A compilation of available published data on certain environmental extremes, particularly from recent NASA-supported research (compiled by Dale W.
Certain parameters of the environmental and space-flight conditions drastically affect man's ability to maintain equilibrium and spatial orientation.
Life which has been exposed to totally differentenvironmental conditions may have markedly different physiological characteristics.
The essence of these techniques is in the proper programing of environmental stimuli ([ref.
The study of the effects of unique or unknown space environmental factors will probably yield unexpected results which may drastically modify future technical approaches.
Properly designed experiments should be conducted to explore the effects of different environmental factors when these impinge simultaneously on test organisms.
The extreme ranges of physical and chemical environmental factors for growth, reproduction, and survival for Earth micro-organisms are phenomenally large.
NASA should support studies of biological rhythms in plants and animals including man as part of its effort in environmental biology.
Such an attitude favors an easy escape from both the labor of character building and the obligations of environmental salvation.
To recognize the environmental phase of salvation and to undertake this broader task in addition to the "cure of souls" may be to expose the minister to the cross-fire of economic sharp-shooters and a fusillade of sociological field guns.
When this ceases, environmental phenomena are void; and when these are void, thought ceases.
To eliminate environmental phenomena, just put an end to your conceptual thinking.
Ordinary people all indulge in conceptual thought based on environmental phenomena, hence they feel desire and hatred.
Assuming that home ranges in general tend to have a circular shape, except as restricted by limiting environmental factors, the area can be easily computed from the average recorded movement--the home range radius.
They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental temperatures, but the higher the temperature the more rapidly incubation proceeds.
As the species occurs throughout most of the United States and south through the coastal lowlands of eastern Mexico to Guatemala, it is found over a wide range of environmental conditions.
Obviously, these species are adapted in various ways for survival during the dry season, at which time environmental conditions are such that the animals cannot carry on their normal activities.
They had entered Level One via a trapdoor in the stone water conduit that picked up waste heat from the environmental control unit in the residential quarters.
Instead there was only stony silence, punctuated by the mechanical hum of the facility's underground environmental control system.
Environmental conditions can at best give rise to minor perturbations; they do not initiate a cumulative sequence which can profoundly affect the outcome or the ulterior course of the cultural process.
The inductive evidence in support of the conclusion that bodily modifications due to use or disuse or environmental influence can be as such or in any representative degree transmitted, is very weak.
In general terms, a process of Becoming everywhere leads, through the interaction of inherent potentialities and environmental conditions, to a new phase of Being.
In the chapter "Adaptation" Spencer practically restricted his attention to a certain kind of adaptation, namely the direct modifications which result from use or disuse, or from environmental influence.
Furthermore, in the progressing differentiation of each organism there is a progressing differentiation of it from its environment; it becomes freer from the environmental grip and more master of its fate.
Not unnaturally, therefore, he was to begin with a Lamarckian, believing in the cumulative transmission of the transforming results of use and disuse and of environmental influences.
Environmental Requirements The Chinese chestnut requires much the same conditions of climate soil, and soil moisture as does the peach, but there are indications that it will succeed somewhat farther both north and south.
Since the middle 'thirties, superior strains have been introduced, cultural and environmental requirements have become better understood, and the outlook for commercial orchards is much improved.
But in the case of America, the environmental cause was absent.
It is what may be called the environmental cause that drives nations quickly into war.
They vary within all possible limits; and always in terms of environmental conditions.
The logic of fact is ultimately more powerful than the logic of theory, and as environmental forces brought the gods into existence, so environmental forces carry them out again.
They must, so far as they can, protect the growing child from the influence of all those environmental forces that make for the disintegration of religious beliefs.
While conduct is a function of the organism, and while the kind of reaction is determined by structure, the form taken by the reaction is a matter of response to environmental influences.
It was not at all a case of feeling, or of degree of feeling, or of having a better brain, but simply a matter of reacting to an environmental influence in terms of an understanding of certain things.
There is one other fact that brings into prominence the importance of the kind of reaction which we make to environmental stimuli.
Environmental studies indicate that the area had a warm, humid climate.
When limestone is found in a rock sequence, it is usually assumed that the same or similar environmental conditions occurred in that area in the past.
It would consider structure and form independently of adaptive or physiological or environmental modifications.
But it is becoming obvious enough that objections to environmental destruction are not necessarily sentimental, naive, or impractical.
The report examinesenvironmental problems in the Potomac Basin and possible solutions for them.
Troubles and threats All these things, then, are a part of what the Potomac Basin has to offer in the way of environmental blessings.
New threats are going to arise, some of them quite possibly based in a divergence of aims among various government programs with environmental effects.
But it is still being steered toward the same goal of environmental grace and decency and seems likely to arrive there.
The worst environmental threats are here as well, despite the foresight and pride that have saved much more open space and pleasant park land than most other American cities can show.
The essential thing in all social effort to do justice to the wayward is to find out about them and manage for them the essentials of environmental influence.
In his clarion call for the better education of all people of every race and condition, he affirms his faith in environmental opportunity and a finer personal development as the chief things needed to send the race onward.
Following my 1977 Environmental Message, the Administration development assistance programs have added emphasis to natural resource management and environmental protection.
In the environmental areas, I have been especially concerned about the importance of balancing the need for resource development with preserving a clean environment, and have taken numerous actions to foster this goal.
Technical refinements in the basing design over the last year will result in operational benefits, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact.
The United States is a world leader in wildlife conservation and the assessment of environmental effects of government actions.
My 1979 Environmental Message called attention to the alarming loss of world forests, particularly in the tropics.
A challenge of similar nature faces economic thinking as a result of the environmental crisis.
Modifications in development discourse do indeed occur, accommodating differences of culture and political system and responding to the alarming dangers posed by environmental degradation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "environmental" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.