Human nature is incapable of such vast turnings from all the habits and environments of a lifetime.
There are a very large number of individuals living in New York City, in the twentieth century, for example, for whom a multiplicity of environments are possible.
On the other hand, the same types of original capacity thrown into different environments will yet attain somewhat comparable results, in the way of character and achievement.
The Empiricist finds the origin of these divergent moral convictions in the divergent environmentsto which individuals in different places, times, and social situations are exposed.
The elevation of the mountains resulted in notable climatic changes, principally the development of sub-humid environments on the Pacific lowlands.
The stock on the Caribbean lowlands remained in mesic environments and evolved into S.
In these moist environments the frogs apparently are active throughout the year.
Climatic fluctuation in the Pleistocene evidently provided sufficient altitudinal shifts in environments in the Talamanca Range to permit S.
He too could devote many happy days with these environments to the gratification of this same desire.
Soil Studies of the effects of simulated Martian environments on sporeforming anaerobic bacteria were carried out by Hawrylewicz et al.
A Russian study of simulated planetary environmentshas been performed with good simulation but for periods of only 2 to 6 hours.
How Earth organisms respond to simulated Martian environments probably has nothing to do with life on Mars, but these experiments may show whether or not anything in the environment of Mars makes life as we know it impossible.
Besides adapting to the extremes ofenvironments on Earth, life is also capable of growing and reproducing under extreme environmental conditions not normally encountered: e.
Numerous studies with primate subjects, including several at Ames Research Center, have been devoted to developing methods for maintaining optimum performance in environments with limited sources of stimulation.
This could be attempted after the planetary environmentsare more accurately defined.
Almost everything which now can be said about the effects of extraterrestrial environments and about life on the Moon or the planets lies in the realm of pure speculation.
Furthermore, many terrestrial sporeformers and some vegetative bacteria, especially those with anaerobic growth capabilities, readily survive in simulated Martian environments (refs.
The formation of these deposits during exposure to large doses of X-irradiation was not increased in environments of 99.
He may inherit an unstable organization that in certain hostile environmentswill lead him to any of these crimes.
When certain sediments are found in the rock record, it is generally assumed that they represent environments similar to modern ones that produce similar deposits.
Further collecting will almost certainly expand the number of fossil mammal species from Fossil Basin and increase our knowledge of the succession of ancient environments which prevailed at different times in the Fossil Basin area.
Fliedner, at Kaiserswerth, went as far as his age and environments would permit him to go.
Yet, scientists concede that living organisms might develop in chemical environments which are strange to us.
Scientists concede that living organisms might develop in chemical environmentswhich are strange to us .
For Lory was at heart a Frenchman, and the French know, better than any, how near together tears and laughter must ever be, and have less difficulty in snatching a smile from sad environments than other men.
And then the count spoke again in his odd, detached way, as if he were contemplating his environmentsfrom afar.
During this time, and probably continuing on into the late Miocene, the geomyines occurring to the south in Mexico became adapted to the arid environments of the Madro-tertiary geoflora.
Radiation within the genus may have begun relatively recently, but the many special adaptations for tropical environments suggest that the genus has been in the Neotropical Zone a long time.
A high C{mw} reduces the cost of thermoregulation in hot environments because it increases an animal's ability to lose excess heat passively.
Thus, Procyon lotor appears to be well equipped physiologically and behaviorally to cope with thermal demands of hot environments in its distribution.
This, and its greater capacity for evaporative cooling (Chevalier, 1985), allows Bassariscus astutus to take advantage of a wider range of thermal environmentsthan these other species.
Their environments were all of a savage character.
A little later they stepped ashore, found themselves in savage environments and face to face with the grave problems they had come so far to solve.
At the feet of the spectator Boston and its environments are spread out in the glad sunshine.
Every day Boston spreads out her environments just that way.
The swan occasionally drops into our secluded lakes, and there alone, or with his mate, remains, if the environments suit him and food is plenty.
In economic environmentswith compromised and impaired trust, loyalty decreases and mobility increases.
The legal, political and economic environments are all unpredictable.
Whoever is removing the stunting environments of our occupations is doing the fundamentals of reform.
The task is turned from the damming and restricting of wants to the creation of fine environments for them.
Intelligence and liberty are the humanenvironments most favorable to the deepening of personal conviction of religious truth, and obedience to the interior movements of an enlightened conscience.
These are mainly the transmissions of heredity, and the environmentsthat are racial, temporal, epochal, or local.
As these powers of sensation and of response have developed, they have gradually revealed to the living germ environments of which at first it could have no conception.
The reader should discard them from his mind when he peruses the life of Ninon de l'Enclos, and examine her character and environments from every point of view as a type toward which is trending modern social conditions.
But a purpose that remains unchanged amid all the shifting scenery of perpetual new environments must eventually fulfil itself.
His successive environments become the expressions of his inner life and energy in their series of development and growth.
It flourishes only under congenialenvironments and favoring conditions.
Sobah craved the opportunity to investigate new things, and the offer of employment in connection with the mission boats was very attractive, yet it is no easy matter to break with the environments and habits of a lifetime.
The transitional nature of the environment is exemplified by a rather depauperate herpetofauna consisting of some species of both dry and humid environments and lacking a large fauna typical of either.
Possibly in drier environments the species characteristically inhabits bromeliads, at least in the dry season.
He makes farm work and farm life full of intensely interesting problems, ever keeping in mind that the things of which the common environments of common lives are made up are as well worthy of study as are those which lie beyond.
Amid these environments instinct and spontaneity do a marvelous work in the growing minds of children, arousing and sustaining varied and various interests, enhancing mental activities, and furnishing an educative outlet for lively energies.
Her voice, after all her hard life, had lost none of its sweetness, nor had her environments in any sense soured her toward any of the little pleasantries of every-day life.
Mrs. Victor's charges, that selfishness and personal aggrandizement accounted for all the sacrifices made by Whitman, are preposterous in the light of testimony, and made utterly untenable by the environments of the Missionary.
These pages are mainly designed to show in brief the historical and politicalenvironments of Oregon in pioneer days, and the patriotic services rendered the nation by Dr.
In fact, as we see his environments in his Mission Station in Oregon, these hard lessons of his earlier years seem to have been, in the best sense of the word, educational.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "environments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.