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Example sentences for "entrenched"

Lexicographically close words:
entred; entree; entrees; entremets; entrench; entrenching; entrenchment; entrenchments; entrent; entrepot
  1. The entrenched camp was laid out and ordered with a military science in advance of the age.

  2. Talbot's mistake lay in the confidence with which he attacked an entrenched army much stronger than his own, and especially in his contempt for Messire Jean Bureau's guns.

  3. They entrenched themselves in Jaffa with all the chivalry of Palestine that yet remained, and endeavoured to engage the sultans of Emissa and Damascus to assist them against the common enemy.

  4. Thibault count de Champagne took up arms in defence of the Papal authority, and entrenched himself in the town of Vitry.

  5. The remaining three thousand retreated upon Civitot, where they entrenched themselves.

  6. The place was very strongly placed, being protected on two sides by the rivers St. Lawrence and St. Charles, and watched by Montcalm's entrenched camp at Beauport.

  7. He allowed himself to be shut up in his entrenched camp, saw his supplies cut off, and was finally compelled to make a retreat in the depth of winter, after signing a humiliating treaty with the Afghan chiefs, and giving them hostages.

  8. Their assumption that integration would spread to all branches of the Navy neglected the widespread and deeply entrenched opposition to integration that would yield only to a strategy imposed by the Navy's civilian and military leaders.

  9. He led the army after Lee, found him entrenched on the heights back of Fredericksburg, and hurled division after division against an impregnable position, until twelve thousand men lay dead and wounded on the field.

  10. He strengthened his existing works, and entrenched himself particularly well at Bunker Hill.

  11. Though the British, aware of the attempt, fired with their remaining guns all night at Nook's Hill, the Americans doggedly entrenched without returning a shot, and in the morning showed a finished redoubt.

  12. From their current positions on high ground the Marine commanders could see the harbor just a few hundred yards away, but continued attacks against a well-entrenched enemy with fire superiority seemed wasteful.

  13. For the remainder of the day the raiders fought to gain control of the saddle from the entrenched enemy, who would not surrender under any circumstances.

  14. That day the wireless and electric power stations were wrecked, and large attacking forces crept further forward, despite severe fire, and entrenched closer to the enemy's lines.

  15. In enclosing the Germans in an entrenched front he so economised his force that it became, though less in number, equal to that of the enemy in power.

  16. A vast amount of labour is needed to complete a modern entrenched post, yet such posts were to be counted along these lines not by thousands but by tens of thousands.

  17. In time the entrenched front became completely organised, a system of settled communications linked up by telephone wires in every direction.

  18. This closeness of the opposing entrenched positions in many places led to repeated night raids; a form of activity in which more especially the Indian troops proved adepts.

  19. This work occupied the night, so that when the morning of March 13 dawned the Germans found the British firmly entrenched east of Neuve Chapelle.

  20. After an interval of not more than six hours Dixmude was retaken, and the Belgians, advancing from Nieuport, took and entrenched themselves in Lombartzyde.

  21. Just below the crown of the hill we found four thousand Turkish troops entrenched and blazing away at the Russians who were developing the attack on the position.

  22. Very shortly after the battle we found that the 4th division of the Roumanian army was entrenched about six hundred yards to the east of the Bash Tabiya.

  23. Now I do not know if they had "smelt a rat," but they were certainly well entrenched near the station on ridges to the south-east and to the north.

  24. The English had entrenched themselves at the Modder River, we at Magersfontein.

  25. They retired to their old entrenched camp.

  26. The foot of the mountain, on the west side projecting into the water, was strongly entrenched to its edge, and the entrenchment lined with heavy artillery.

  27. General Macomb had a small American detachment entrenched on the southern bank of the Saranac in hastily constructed earthworks, some remains being yet visible.

  28. Johnson after the battle built a strong fort at the head of Lake George to hold his position, while the straggling French and Indians, who had retired to the foot of the lake, entrenched themselves at Ticonderoga.

  29. Culloden, while the French named their entrenched camp at Ticonderoga Fort Carillon, or the "Chime of Bells," in allusion to the music of the waterfalls in the outlet stream flowing beside it between the lakes.

  30. When Bentham was admitted to the bar, he found the English law, its principles and its practice, entrenched behind the interests of powerful classes, and embedded in the prejudices of all.

  31. At the December elections the contending forces were so solidly entrenched that the party quotas in the House of Commons remained all but unchanged.

  32. Italy to-day the theory of parliamentary omnipotence is scarcely less firmly entrenched than it is in Great Britain.

  33. Monarchy remains impregnably entrenched because the crown, in addition to comprising an accustomed feature of the governmental economy, fulfills specific ends which are recognized universally to be eminently worth while, if not indispensable.

  34. So he waited and entrenched himself, sorely troubled, but uncertain what to do.

  35. The beginning of the expedition swelled it into an entrenched camp, holding nearly 6,000 men.

  36. Akasha was now converted into a strong entrenched camp, in which an advanced base was formed.

  37. On the 3rd of July the whole railway from Wady Halfa to the Atbara was finished, and the southern terminus was established in the great entrenched camp at the confluence of the rivers.

  38. Upon this the alarmed crowd retired out of musket range, and entrenched themselves in some neighbouring houses.

  39. The cathedral was still safe, and in it were entrenched the remnant of the Catholic clergy; but it was apparent that at the earliest opportunity it too would be turned into a meeting-house; and this opportunity was not long in coming.

  40. Moreau himself took the centre, and personally defended the fortified bridge of Cassano; this bridge was protected by the Ritorto Canal, and he also defended it with a great deal of artillery and an entrenched vanguard.

  41. Jumping off his horse, he entered the narrow pathway which led to the top, and entrenched himself with about a hundred men in this natural fort.

  42. Mary advanced and entrenched herself on Carberry Hill, in the old works which the English had thrown up before the battle of Pinkie.

  43. Henry advanced to Northampton, where he entrenched himself in a strong camp.

  44. Popovitz was living in a shed away at the bridge-head, and his soldiers were disposed along the line of the entrenched position in the reverse slope of the upland curtain.

  45. These efforts lasted till sundown, when the slopes leading up to the entrenched line were strewn with Turkish dead.

  46. There was no lull in the fighting on the following day, although the Turks held their hand for the time from the effort to storm the entrenched position.

  47. That entrenched line carried, the Bashi-Bazouks would be in the streets of Alexinatz half an hour later.

  48. Athwart its valley, some seventeen miles lower down than Alexinatz, stretched the lines of the entrenched camp at Deligrad, where, according to the original Servian plan, the great stand against the invading Turk was to be made.

  49. The light was increasing every moment; our own men had begun to shoot immediately after entering the entrenched position, and aim could now be taken.

  50. A great hostile army was entrenched less than sixty miles away.

  51. It has another interest, because it is one of the few places along the front--as far as I know the only place- where troops have not entrenched themselves.

  52. One of the worst of them was seen in the forest of Apremont, in the district of Woevre, where the enemy was strongly entrenched in some quarries quite close to the French trenches which sapped their way forward to those pits.

  53. The principal Chinese position was at Peitsang, where they were strongly entrenched on both sides of the river.

  54. This was resisted on the expressed condition that the entrenched force, though in the minority, were "able to defend themselves," and would do so at every hazard.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrenched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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