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Example sentences for "entrees"

Lexicographically close words:
entreatingly; entreats; entreaty; entred; entree; entremets; entrench; entrenched; entrenching; entrenchment
  1. In his perplexity, he sought advice of an English nobleman, who had his grandes et petites entrees to the Tuileries, and the latter promised to get him an audience of the Emperor.

  2. At a standing-up luncheon the gentlemen should help the ladies and themselves to the various dishes on the table, as dishes are not handed at this description of luncheon; hot entrees and soup are not given.

  3. Lighter dishes are usually served, entrees taking the place of joints and roasts, and the soup or bouillon is served in cups instead of soup plates.

  4. Entrees can be served between any of the courses, or they may be omitted altogether; but a variety of attractive dishes come under this head, and usually one is served after the fish.

  5. Many of her best entrees are but a combination of odds and ends which another cook would throw away.

  6. In it he has given recipes in particular for meat entrees of the savory order, stews, pies and croquettes, hash, salads and fried meats.

  7. These entrees were a concession to modern fashion; Stepan Mihailovitch did not like them and called them "kickshaws.

  8. Of entrees there were only two: salted quails aux choux, and stuffed ducks with a red sauce containing raisins, plums, peaches, and apricots.

  9. The Cardinals and the Princes of the blood had the entrees of the chamber and those of the cabinet, so had all the chief officials.

  10. The fish and entrees should not be substantial enough to satisfy hunger entirely; the relishes will then stimulate the appetite for the heavier dishes.

  11. The soup or bouillon is served in cups rather than soup plates, and entrees or chops take the place of heavy joints or roasts.

  12. Persons who have the first entrees of the Cabinet have the right to enter there at any time in order to have themselves announced to the King, and there to await permission to enter the main apartment.

  13. Next came the first entrees of the Cabinet (this was the name of the hall which, during the reign of Napoleon III.

  14. Moreover, he placed before the King the list of persons having entrees to his apartments or to whom he had accorded them.

  15. The grand entrees gave the privilege of entering at any time the sleeping-room of the King.

  16. Next come the entrees of the Cabinet (which must not be confused with the first entrees of the Cabinet).

  17. Where you have two entrees the heavy (meat) entree comes first, then the lighter (vegetable) one.

  18. In the Entrees will be found how the remains of them may be dressed.

  19. The series of entrees will contain the dishes made from the remnants of the foregoing receipts.

  20. They can be served with any entrees when properly done, and in all cases can be used instead of mushrooms.

  21. When they have been stewed for twenty minutes glaze them; dish them up with a Financiere sauce (see 'Entrees a la Mode').

  22. You can always get small entrees sent down from the Stores,' cried Maude, as a happy thought.

  23. But she is limited, very limited, and entrees and savouries are the two things in which I cannot entirely trust her.

  24. One day, at dinner-time, between the entrees and the roast, a cab drove away from my relative's house containing the box wherein lay the diamonds.

  25. I told her the whole story, between the entrees and the roast.

  26. Provide more entrees and made-over dishes in which a smaller quantity of meat is extended by the use of potatoes, rice, hominy, etc.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.