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Example sentences for "ennobled"

Lexicographically close words:
ennemies; ennemis; ennemy; ennemyes; ennoble; ennoblement; ennobles; ennobling; ennui; ennuied
  1. Here gallants held it little thing for ladies' sake to die, Or for the Prophet's honor and the pride of Soldanry; For here did valor flourish and deeds of warlike might Ennobled lordly palaces in which was our delight.

  2. Nor were science and art looked upon by the Spanish Jews as mere ornaments, but they exalted and ennobled their lives.

  3. He was a perfect poet, a perfect thinker, a worthy son of Judaism, which, through his poetry and thought, was ennobled and idealized.

  4. The nation, the sovereign who had ennobled him, had ennobled a son of toil.

  5. Not by leaving it and our essential humanity behind us, nor by sighing to be anything but what we are, shall we ever become ennobled or immortal.

  6. Life for them would be enriched, intensified and ennobled in a fashion it is difficult for us in our spiritual and physical squalor even to imagine.

  7. Not by leaving our body and our fundamental humanity behind us, not by aiming to be anything but what we are, shall we become ennobled or immortal.

  8. He was descended from an old aristocratic family, which has been resident in Staffordshire for several hundred years, and was ennobled in 1780--the year previous to the birth of the subject of this sketch.

  9. He is descended from an ancient Polish family which was ennobled in the sixteenth century, and which for more than two hundred years thereafter continued to exercise an influence upon the national affairs.

  10. It has comforted and ennobled the slave under his master's tyranny.

  11. The inspiration came to him then, when he was ennobled by the Governor-general, who represents the Empire.

  12. He placed before himself at the outset a great and worthy object; he felt through life the thrill of an inspiring purpose, which stimulated and ennobled his nature, and tended naturally to success.

  13. Throughout all these ages this Nobility of which we speak manifests its effects in different ways in the ennobled Soul; and it is that which this part of the Song, concerning which we write at present, intends to demonstrate.

  14. The ennobled Soul proceeds in due order along a single path, employing each of its powers in its time and season, or even as they are all ordained to the final production of the perfect fruit.

  15. Similarly in France the "buckled" helmet was considered to be reserved for the military noblesse, and newly ennobled families were denied its use until the third generation, when they became bons gentilhommes.

  16. The lower and weaker feature were in shadow, the eyes that looked up to her companion were ennobled by a sadness which added to their depth.

  17. When this is the case it becomes necessary for the soul's final perfection on earth that it should be born again into the body of a little child, which takes the form of the ennobled spirit.

  18. Yes, when I saw the fresh face ennobled but as simple as ever, the dog in the manger seemed to me a reasonable beast!

  19. Bargeton was the great-grandson of an alderman of Bordeaux named Mirault, ennobled under Louis XIII.

  20. The fact alone of his being ennobled or noble before 1789, obliged him to be naturalized according to legal forms and conditions.

  21. Christopher Columbus was afterwards ennobled by letters patent, and the king granted him a coat of arms bearing this device: "To Castille and Leon, Columbus gives a New World.

  22. This measure of atonement succeeded admirably, for Horatio Fynes was ennobled by James the First, and his family, with the title of Blandamer, endures to this present.

  23. Could this be the preacher whose words had charmed, purified, ennobled her?

  24. She has only raised you the higher--she has additionally ennobled you and endeared you in my estimation.

  25. To use his own words, 'He purified the revolution, he confirmed kings, and ennobled people.

  26. He ennobled the people in giving them the consciousness of their force, and those institutions which raise men in their own eyes.

  27. Chivalry, in her purity, was a holy and lovely maiden, and many were the hearts refined and ennobled by her influence; yet she proclaims to us not one virtue that is not derived from and summed up in Christianity.

  28. The family of Giron, subsequently ennobled as Dukes of Ossona, bear three such figures in their arms, from the following circumstance.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ennobled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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