It ennobles and elevates the mind, and urges the soul upward and animates it to deeds of high and lasting renown.
True love is that which ennobles the personality, fortifies the heart, and sanctifies the existence.
In the Sunday-school room the good woman is a princess and she exerts an influence which purifies and ennobles society.
On the contrary, it ennobles her and brings out all the strong attributes of true womanhood.
Thy name ennobles him, who thus commends: From this fond tribute thou canst gain no praise; The praise is his, who now that tribute pays.
On the other hand, an enlightened understanding ennobles the feelings,--the heart must be formed by the head.
Not only do they attack the artificial coloring that hides truth and replaces reality, but also the beneficent appearance that fills a vacuum and clothes poverty; and they even attack the ideal appearance that ennobles a vulgar reality.
It is not only the mechanical artist who polishes the rough diamond into a brilliant whom we ought to value, but also that one who ennobles mere ordinary stones by giving them the apparent dignity of the diamond.
Thus, in a theoretical sense, it takes us back at the same time that in a practical sense it leads us on and ennobles us.
It is naturally associated with all that ennobles the soul, with morals and religion; but it springs only from itself.
It is human nature that is to be represented to itself under a magic light that does not disfigure it, but ennobles it.
According to Francis Bacon, one "respect which ennobles this part of Metaphysic, is that it enfranchises the power of men to the greatest liberty, and leads it to the widest and most extensive field of operation.
It is the only form in which they find they can speak of nature which at all ennobles it or which satisfies their own idea of the sublimity of nature.
Misery does not depress these people: it ennobles them.
The rostrum overthrows antiquated forms of religious delusion, ennobles rational thought, exact science, and deep investigation.
There is in Juliet's utterance of passion a healthful delicacy that ennobles it; and it need not be said that the presence of this very passion in Juliet's monologue renders it infinitely more chaste than the old epithalamiums.
Perdita herself is one of those chosen flowers which are the product of that true culture which preserves andennobles nature.
This simple fact, that Antony and Cleopatra love one another, ennobles and purifies them both, and consoles us, the spectators, for the disaster their passion brings upon them.
Is it not the idea which is developed through it, the emotion with which it vibrates, which expands, elevates and ennobles it?
Misery does not depress these people; it ennobles them.
The one principle of submission has swallowed up all the rest, and fulfilment of that duty ennobles the iniquitous deeds by which it is shown.
It sustains andennobles the English woman at home and abroad.
Ah," said Parke Godwin once, when in one of his most brilliant Brillat Savarin moods, "how it ennobles a supper to think that all these oysters will become ideas!
He saw that the organ diminishes in volume, but not that at the same time it ennobles itself, and so, against reason, he attributed decline to the path towards perfection.
Neither in bread nor in wine, but in the heart that is hallowed Lieth forgiveness enshrined; the intention alone of amendment Fruits of the earth ennobles to heavenly things, and removes all Sin and the guerdon of sin.
Dowered with all celestial gifts, Skilled in every art That ennobles and uplifts And delights the heart, Fair on earth shall be thy fame As thy face is fair, And Pandora be the name Thou henceforth shalt bear.
A critic already quoted[12] has pointed out that there is “always in Rossetti’s women the kind of sorrow that ennobles affection.
It has been said, distinguishing between the effects of comedy and tragedy, that to render the latter ennobles actors, so that successful tragedians have acquired graces of personal behavior.
Luxury in times of taste keeps up execution in proportion as it saps the dignity and moral principle of the Art; gold is the motive of its exertions, and nothing that ennobles man was ever produced by gold.
Oh, my brethren, we have so much to thank God for; so much that bids us now take courage, so much that ennobles our aims and helps to strengthen our objects.
Everything in God's worldennobles humanity and exhibits life as earnest, solemn, decisive, momentous.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ennobles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.