And we redyn to Maister Shereve and to Mayster Southwell for remedye, and thei advysed us to ryde to Mayster Wyngfeld; and thenne we understode that Mayster Wyngfeld was reden to London, &c.
Sidenote: Date uncertain] Right worchepfull and oure specyall good mayster and loord, after our dewe recomendacion with owre servyce.
Also I wuld ye shold desire your brother to be good mayster on to her, for I suppose be that tyme ye have herd her excuse in such materes as he shuld be displeased with her husband, ye shall hold you pleased.
Bekkeham, and alle other thynggs that longyth to zow, that he trustythe that ze wylle be hys good mayster heraftyr.
The seruaunt loth to offend his mayster held his peace, heauy for all that in heart, to remember how the poore gentleman was resolued to finish there, (in a desert unknowen to his Freendes) all the remnaunt of his life.
And you Mayster Girolamo, what constrayned you to forsake your Wyue's Bed to come to my Husband's, where no man euer had, or at this present hath to do but himselfe?
But hereof what neede I to dispute, wherein the blind may see to bee none offence, because (thankes bee to GOD) Mayster Aloisio liueth, which declareth the fonde Confession of our vngentil husbandes to bee contrary to trouth?
Which was the cause that the Duchesse became extremely in loue with the mayster of hir house.
This is a sausye knaue, that wyl contrary his Mayster alway.
Simon soone agon is he, that when hisMayster hath any thing to do, he wil hide him out of the way.
Couerlet, & so take their farewell earely in the morning, before the mayster or dame be sturring.
Choplogyke, is he that when his mayster rebuketh him of hys fault he wyll geue hym .
Mounch present is he that is a great gentleman, for when his Maystersendeth him with a present, he wil take a tast thereof by the waye.
I bryng my mayster a dosen or two of his owne conyes that were stolen in dede and theyr horse and theyr haye, and [I] made them for feare to ronne awaye.
Then quod the prest: tel thy mayster that he must * * Several lines wanting.
Of the beggers aunswere to mayster Skelton the poete.
By this ye may lerne, yt is greate folye for a mayster to putte a seruaunte to that besynes whereof he can nothynge skyll and wherin he hath not ben usyd.
Of mayster Skelton that brought the bysshop of Norwiche ii fesauntes.
But this fole loued his mayster meruaylously, because he cherysshed hym so well.
This Welchman dyd of hys cappe, and made curtsye to the ape and sayd: my mayster recommendeth hym to my lorde youre father, and sendeth hym here a letter.
Mayster Vauasour had nat ryden past ii myle but that it began to rayne; wherfore he calledde for his cloke.
To my synguler frendMayster Edmunde Herwel marchant at Venyce 134.
The Interlud was callyd the tryumpe of Love and Bewte, and yt was wryten and presented by Mayster Cornyshe and oothers of the Chappell of our soverayne lorde the Kynge, and the chyldern of the sayd Chapell.
As he seyde that word · themayster outlawe Saugh Gamelyn and Adam · under woode-schawe.
Sloane has Here endethe the tale of the Mayster of phisyk; Hl.
But trewely, myn owenemayster dere, This is a pitous tale for to here.
Lytyll Johan let it lye full styll, And went to his mayster full lowe: 170 "What tydynge, Johan?
Welcome be thou to grene wood, Hende knyght and fre; My mayster hath abyden you fastynge, Syr, all these oures thre.
The sheryfe rode, and Lytell Johan Of fote he was full smarte; And when they came afore Robyn, "Lo, here is the mayster harte!
Gandeleyn lokyd hym est and west Be euery syde; "Hoo hat myn mayster slayin, Ho hat don this dede?
Mayster Simon Lambertson: [Sidenote: When and how the ships set saile.
Month died Iohn Dignumsz Mayster of the Lyon of Holland, and was buried the next day after.
Mayster Iohn Iacobson Schellinger, the Factor Reginer van Hel: The fourth being a Pinnace called the Doue, of the burthen of 50.
Mayster Iohn Dignums, the Factor Gerrit van Buiningen, the thirde called Amsterdam, of the burthen of 200.
Mayster Iohn Moleuate, the Factor Cornelius Houtman: The second named Hollandia, of the burthen of 400.
Trewly, mayster amener, I thinke it longe to here the ende of our Certes, monsieur laulmosnier, il me tarde douir la fin de nostre begonne communycation.
And those who are foolish enough to drink water he warns by quoting the authority of "Mayster Isaac," who "sayth that it is impossible for them that drynketh overmuche water in theyr youth to come to ye age that God hath ordeyned them.
But ye see wel that false opinion of the people for my trouthe, in telling out of false conspyred maters; and after the jugement of these clerkes, I shulde not hyde the 190 sothe of no maner person, mayster ne other.
Mayster Parson, I marvayll ye will give Lycence To this false knaue in this Audience To publish his ragman rolles with lyes.
Thomas Lodge, who nowe is gone to sea with Mayster Candish'.
Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poete Virgill Translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel & vnkil to the Erle of Angus.
Three collections under the title of 'certayne bokes c[=o]pyled by Mayster Skelton' had already appeared without date.
And thys is in the name of Mayster Hobbe Hyrste, Robyn Godfelaws brodyr he is, as I trow.
Breten schyppe, the whyche was late come over with salte, and bad the mayster sett them a lond in Breten.
Calays at y{e} englysshe pale the sayd great mayster hauynge two greate lordes in his company of theyr ordre and a hondred gentylmen attendynge vpon them.
October my lorde of Norffolke accompanyed with my lord of Darby and a great nombre of gentilmen besydes mette with the great mayster of Fraunce vj.
The barons of the portes with y{e} mayster of the chauncery the fourth table.
And in lykewyse dyd the frenssh kyng in Caleys of our kyng and mayster at his there beynge and optayned grace for all banysshed men whiche wolde make sute for theyr pardon.
And there my lorde of Norffolke and the greate mayster deuysed the place where the two kynges sholde mete whiche was at Sandyngfelde.
And whan they came nere to y{e} towne the frensshe kynge caused our mayster to tary whyles y{e} gonshot was shotte whiche was herd fro Bulleyn.
And y{e} Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles.
And the sayd greate mayster with dyuerse other straungers dyned that daye with y{e} Kynge.
October at Caleys our kyng made the great mayster of Fraunce and the admyrall of Fraunce knyghtes of the garter.
Amongst ‘the things which Mayster More wrote in his youth for his pastime’ prefixed to his Workes, 1557, Fol.
Thus," adds our author, "ended themayster enchantour: and so he was payed hys wages according to his desertes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mayster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.