In the long narrow house which forms the general cooking and lounging room of the men of each village, and the sleeping room of the bachelors, were many people preparing large messes of grated yam and cocoa-nut in flat wooden dishes.
Local chiefs exercise some small authority in each village.
According to the account given at Orattanadu, the members of Ambalakaran families sit by hereditary right as Karyastans or advisers to the headman in each village.
Each village is under a Kottukkaran, each nadu under a Nattu-kavundan or Periyatanakkaran, and each group under a Pattakkaran.
Each village of a province was organized under a ruler, who was styled halach uinic, the true or real man.
In the immediate vicinity of each village, and often in the village itself, is a small temple sacred to Vishnu or Shiva.
The quantity of this commodity supplied by each village on which it is assessed is put at 10 bags per fortnight.
The Decree then goes on to provide for the manner in which the “prestations annuelles†imposed on each village were to be assessed.
Each village I visited around the lake, save that of Q* and one other, had been abandoned by its inhabitants.
When villages did not so club together, each village or farm may have procured its own representative of the corn-spirit by dooming to death either a passing stranger or the harvester who cut, bound, or threshed the last sheaf.
M209) The flesh cut from the victim was instantly taken home by the persons who had been deputed by each village to bring it.
Each village used to practise this mimic contest for possession of the straw woman, who probably represents the Barley Bride, but nowadays the custom is growing obsolete.
Each village is fortified by an earthen rampart so thickly overgrown with cactuses and other shrubs as to be impenetrable.
There is in each village a general wash-house, where the clothing of the unmarried people is washed, but each family does its own washing.
The foremen and elders in each village carry on the work and keep the accounts.
All that they need is kept in store in each village, and is sold to the members at cost and expenses.
It is supposed that the labor of each villageproduces a profit; but whether it does or not makes no difference in the supplies of the people, who receive every thing alike, as all property is held in common.
Each village is under the control of a headborough, called the schultz, and two assistants.
Each village has a granary for reserve against seasons of dearth; it must always contain two tchetverts of wheat for every male head.
They worshipped the panes bird, which seems to have been an eagle or vulture, and each year, in the temple of each village, one of them was solemnly killed without shedding blood, and the body buried.
And the earth-goddess of each village was a separate form or part of the goddess, so that her land should only be tilled by the descendants of the cultivators who were in communion with her.
Thus it appears that the cultivating community of each village constituted an exogamous clan, the members of which believed themselves to be kinsmen.
Each village on the Shevaroys has its own headman, an honorary appointment, carrying with it the privilege of an extra share of the good things, when a feast is being held.
Early on the morning of that day, all the men of each village have to turn out into the forest to hunt, and woe betide the unlucky individual who does not bring home some game, be it only a bird or a mouse.
Each village has a headman called on the Pachaimalais Muppan, and on the Kollaimalais Ur-Kavundan or Kutti-Maniyam.
The details are agreed upon at a meeting called for the purpose in some temple convenient to all the villages, and the meeting is attended by representatives of each village interested.
There is most frequently a head man to each village, and sometimes a chief of the whole tribe, but in reality each head of a family governs his own domestic circle as he thinks best.
Their rewards for this will be a certain portion of land in each village, and the favouring eye and protection of government.
When public works are to be executed, or supplies are to be furnished, each village is called upon to furnish its quota of men, of provisions, &c.
It was customary, as well to deter beasts of prey as thieves, for a part of the men of each village to keep a night watch round it, and to perform this duty in successive rotation.
For the provision of cheap capital, each district assembly will open a bank: this bank will have branches in each village-group.
It will supervise the sanitation of the villages included in each village-group: and will be directly responsible for the sanitation of the district council.
Then a census must be taken of the adult males of each village-union: These will form the primary village assemblies; and they will elect from among themselves a panchayet or executive body of five members.
So you have a wife--one in each village up the whole of your route.
Thereby the trader has a quantity of debts outstanding in each village, liable to be bad debts, and herein lies his chief loss.
Each village is under a headman called the Ur-Nayakan, and each nadu or mandai under a Pattakaran.
There are said to have been about two kiriyams for each village.
There are two headmen in each village, who punish social delinquents, and preside over caste ceremonials.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each village" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.