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Example sentences for "duster"

Lexicographically close words:
dusks; dusky; dust; dustbin; dusted; dusters; dustier; dusting; dustless; dustlike
  1. Take a feather duster with a long handle to brush off the tops of the curtain poles, tops of pictures, and mouldings which are too high to reach with a cloth.

  2. In dusting use a small feather duster where necessary, but depend chiefly upon soft cloths.

  3. I saw as I was gettin' into the duster as all my comfort depended on how I acted right then an' there an' I was decided to be firm.

  4. Kate went back to her seat, and took up her duster again.

  5. Now the said duster was of the finest cambric; so that Alec could not help seeing that she was making game of him.

  6. But Abraham Lincoln, the uncouth man in the linen duster with the tousled hair, knew it.

  7. And on some Saturday afternoons a grim figure in a linen duster and a silk skull-cap took a seat in the forward car.

  8. I brought a duster and went over the sideboard myself.

  9. Then he sent off his answering message, put on a duster and slouch hat, and left the house by the side entrance.

  10. Half the night she lay awake thinking of her secret chamber; and as soon as Dan had gone out next morning, and she had done her housekeeping, she stole upstairs with duster and brush, and began to set it in order.

  11. Miss Luscombe now became a soubrette of a somewhat hooligan type, and pretended to throw a little feather duster she was holding into the depths of the arm-chair.

  12. Whenever I go there I always take a duster with me, because Uncle Matthew so appreciates a little attention.

  13. They too, perhaps, were fairly pleased at the notion of Jasmine's arrival, because Cousin Edith was no use at all as a contrast to themselves; she merely lay untidily about the house like a duster left behind by a careless maid.

  14. Now wherefore should you be dismayed And in confusion fall, Because I spied on you arrayed In cap and overall, And saw you for a moment stand Clenching a duster in your hand?

  15. Daisy Nixon had knocked around quite a little in Toddburn district, and was familiar with most local types of both sexes; but the bearer of the feather-duster refused to be classified offhand in her mind.

  16. RED CAP AND BLUE CAP The players seat themselves in a circle to represent tailors at work on a piece of cloth--a handkerchief or a duster will answer the purpose.

  17. Then the feather duster comes upon the scene, and another cyclone befalls.

  18. All right; give me the duster and I'll wipe out the Professor.

  19. Several officious hands at once clutched the duster and erased the offending portrait.

  20. She stood at a loss for a moment, with her duster in her hand, not knowing where to begin.

  21. The duster in her hand appeared to associate her with the domestic duties of the house; but at that particular moment she was occupied in asserting the rights of nature over the obligations of service.

  22. Illustration] [Illustration] Just as I get to the gate, I find that I have forgotten my duster and the bundle my wife wanted me to take up to the city to her aunt.

  23. I arrive within a few yards of the station with my duster flying in the wind, with my coat tails in a horizontal position, and with the speckled dog nipping my heels, just as the train begins to move.

  24. Do you really think that I would leave the place in such a state that the first person who came in with a duster would see that there had been a robbery?

  25. Have you forgotten the duster that was over these things, Bunny?

  26. Picking up the tray he carried it over to the grate, emptied the powder into the fireplace, wiped the tray and replaced it upon the table, thrusting the duster back into the drawer.

  27. When both were reduced to twisted shapes of carbon, he opened a drawer, took from it a duster and pressed it down upon the metal plate, reducing the contents to black powder.

  28. It would be fine to walk into his office with a linen duster on and have him say, 'From this time on Mister Me you're a Duke.

  29. Go out and get dressed for tea,' and then turn around three times, bow to the Queen, whisk off the duster and stand there in the roil presence with the Duke's uniform already on.

  30. A Feather-Duster May Do Service as a Tail.

  31. A B, lashed to the top tube of the frame and the feather-duster made fast to the tail-end of the rod, A B.

  32. Just as she caught sight of him she remembered she'd left her duster in the sink closet and went back for it.

  33. Anyone could have overlooked it, hardly visible in this little angle where it might have been sent by the cleaner's duster as she flicked about the sill and the ledge.

  34. They said afterwards that this fellow in the duster was the man that had been pegging away at us all night with a rifle that had a bullet that exploded when it struck.

  35. Did you see that man with the linen duster following the command, with a musket?

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "duster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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