Being by chance inuited to supper, where were present diuers, both of worship an good accompt, as occasion serued for entercourse of talke, the present treacheries and wicked deuises of the world was called in question.
TO ALL SVCH AS HAVE receiued either pleasure or profite by the two former published bookes of this Argument: And to all beside, that desire to know the wonderfull slie deuises of this hellish crew of Conny-catchers.
Sidenote: Deuises to withdraw the earles power from him.
Neuerthelesse, they féele themselues sore molested and disquieted, by the wicked deuises of certeine persons about you, that seeke to oppresse them.
Albons, was suerlie great, and manie deuises they had to haue saued those that were executed.
And wee ought not to be so curious or scrupulous, to reiect merry and pleasant deuises that be voide of harmeful talke, or wythout sutch glee as may hynder the education of Youth procliue, and ready to choose that is corrupt, and naught.
Moreouer the place where the king tooke his rest was couered with white Couerlettes embroydered with deuises of very wittie and fine workemanship, and fringed round about with a Fringe dyed in the colour of Skarlet.
Then did hee bring mee to the water tower of the same Citie, that by a sleight and deuise hath the water brought vp as high as any Church in the towne, and to tel you the strange deuises of all, it passeth my capacitie.
But leauing Dunstane and the fond deuises depending vpon the commemoration of his life, we will now returne to the dooings of Egelred, and speake of such things in the next chapter as chanced in his time.
So fast also did these and other like humane deuises prosper after his time, that at their suppression in England and Wales onelie, there were found 440.
Thus we sée how new deuises or orders of religion and heresie came in together.
Those Scots which inhabited Britaine, contenting themselues with their owne bounds, went not about to practise anie deceitfull traines nor fraudulent deuises against the Englishmen.
Some rested their heads in the chaste laps of their faire loues, recounting the pleasaunt deuises of Iupiter, and they instrophyating their curled locks with sweete smelling flowers.
Their ornature and decking with woorkes, and deuises imitating the apparreling of princely bodies indewed as it were with an artificiall reason.
Thus we see how new deuises or orders of religion and heresie came in together.
And now sweet Emperour be blithe againe, And bury all thy feare in my deuises Satu.
Item, that if any man shall practise by any deuise or deuises whatsoeuer, to alter the voiage from the true purpose and intent of the owner, viz.
I haue known within the city of Rome many great personages, which were not so mutch honored for the offices whych they bare, as they were for the meanes and deuiseswhereby they sought to be aduaunced to the same.
He instituted a certaine yerely taxe and reuenew, to satisfie and discharge all charges susteined in the time of peace and warre, with sundry other notable lawes and deuises for the defence of the publique state.
When there are milles & other deuises for the purpose, a commodity of them may be raised because there are infinite store.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.