And yet (saith he) it may so come to passe, that the Deuils be present at the doing thereof, and reioyce at their tortures.
As for anie tokens that they giue for proouing of this, it is verie possible to the Deuils craft, to perswade them to these meanes.
This parte now is vtterlie vnlawful to be trusted in, or practized amongst christians, as leaning to no ground of natural reason: & it is this part which I called before the deuils schole.
There is it which I told right now, would prooue and strengthen my argument of the deuils entring in the dead bodies of the faithfull.
That abhominable kinde of the Deuils abusing of men or women, was called of old, Incubi and Succubi, according to the difference of the sexes that they conuersed with.
That kinde of the Deuils conuersing in the earth, may be diuided in foure different kindes, whereby he affrayeth and troubleth the bodies of men: For of the abusing of the soule, I haue spoken alreadie.
Two formes of the deuilsvisible conuersing in the earth, with the reasones wherefore the one of them was communest in the time of Papistrie: And the other sensine.
But since the Deuils intention in all his actions, is euer to do euill, what euill was there in that forme of doing, since their actions outwardly were good.
No one houre but he sent a whole legion of deuilsinto some heard of swine or other.
So threw I my selfe pensiue againe on my pallat, and dard all the deuils in hell now I was alone to come and fight with me one after another in defence of that detestable rape.
With an Aunswer unto diuers friuolous Reasons which some doe make to prooue that the Deuils did not make those Aperations in any bodily shape.
A thing manifest to proue that Deuils can speake, unlesse we imagine that age hath made him forgetfull and tongue tyde.
Then the friers sprinkled the sayd fire with holy water, casting the idols into it the second time, and with that the deuils fled in the likenesse of blacke smoake, and the idols still remained till they were consumed vnto ashes.
When they came thether they ran vp and downe with roring voyces crying out like Deuils being then past midnight and very darke.
When the watche sawe that straunge sight they were affrayde, thinking that they had bene Deuils indeede, and that he on horsebacke in that forme had ben the great Deuill Lucifer himselfe.
Why then she is the Deuils Dam: a ioyfull issue Nurse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuils" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.