Because of their virulent dermal secretions, bufonid toads are avoided by many kinds of snakes and predation on them by the racer probably is unusual.
Amphibians, lacking indigestible dermal structures were in most instances not represented at all in the scats, since their tissues were more or less completely dissolved by the digestion of the snakes.
The last indication of religious declension that we shall now speak of is a careless indifference to the danger arising from temptation.
A genus of slender, transparent holothurians which have delicate calcareous anchors attached to thedermal plates.
A genus of large Jurassic dinosaurs remarkable for a powerful dermal armature of plates and spines.
Now, the pattern is formed by what are known as dermal papilla, which is below the epidermis or outer layer of skin.
With respect to this latter case of correlation, I think it can hardly be accidental, that if we pick out the two orders of mammalia which are most abnormal in their dermal coverings, viz.
With respect to this latter case of correlation, I think it can hardly be accidental that the two orders of mammals which are most abnormal in their dermal covering, viz.
We find it to be the fact that colour increases in variety and intensity as external structures and dermal appendages become more differentiated and developed.
On the other hand, the antennae would not be a natural place to look for an enormous development of dermal glands.
Delicate dermal fin-rays are now conspicuous in the peripheral parts of all the permanent fins.
The term is usually applied to dermal skeletal structures; but the skeleton of the limbs, with which we are here concerned, is undoubtedly not of this nature.
Stephens mentions a dermal horn on the buttocks at the seat of a carcinomatous cicatrix.
There are various dermal affections which sometimes follow the exhibition of mercury and assume an erythematous type.
There was a plain dermal covering over the genital and anal region.
The dermal manifestations, such as urticaria and eruptions resembling the exanthem of scarlatina, are too well known to need mention here.
The Polynesians have carried this dermal art to an extent which is unequaled by any other people, and it is universally practiced among them.
It also has a cervical plume consisting of a long, cylindrical dermal process covered with soft hairy feathers.
The two or three African species belong to Atelodus, and have two horns, but lack the dermal folds, and the incisor and canine teeth.
One of the peculiardermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down.
Defn: A genus of large Jurassic dinosaurs remarkable for a powerful dermal armature of plates and spines.
Defn: A genus of slender, transparent holothurians which have delicate calcareous anchors attached to the dermal plates.
They had a compressed body, covered with dermal ribs (pleurolepida) and with enameled rhomboidal scales.
The chief difference between the Baltic and the North Sea is the reduced salinity of the former, so that it might be supposed that fresher water caused the greater development of the dermal skeleton.
They are parts of the skin, being nothing more or less than enormous enlargements of dermal glands, either sebaceous or sudoriparous.
The epidermic horny tube splits posteriorly towards the apex of the feather, and is divided into rachis and barbs, and thus the dermal tissue within, by this time dead and dry, is exposed and is shed.
This consists of a dermal flap covering a tympanum.
Tvaksara -- Those of which the growth is not in the centre, but in the dermal regions, as bamboos.
In Cartilaginous Ganoids and Polypterus they are well developed, in other Ganoids and in Teleosteans they are in the main replaced by dermal fin-rays.
The pectoral and sometimes the pelvic fins consist of an endoskeletal axis bearing a fringe of dermal rays.
Acipenser and Scaphirhynchus have large dermal bony plates which are not rhomboidal in shape and do not cover the whole body.
These spines are really enormous dermal fin-rays; the pectoral fin-spine is articulated to the pectoral girdle.
Many Siluroids have dermal armour in the form of large bony plates which are confined to the anterior part of the body.
In general fish with a greatly developed dermal armour have the endoskeleton poorly developed; and the converse also holds good.
Each tooth, as has been already described, consists of three distinct tissues, dentine and cement of dermal origin, and enamel of epidermal origin.
In Phocaena phocaenoides the occurrence of vestigial dermal ossicles has been described, and in Zeuglodon the back was probably protected by dermal plates.
Owing to this development of dermal bone, the original cartilaginous arch becomes much reduced, but ossifications representing the scapula and coracoid occur in bony Ganoids and Teleosteans.
Succeeding the radials are a series of small polygonal pieces of cartilage arranged in one or more rows and attached to the ends of the radials, and finally the fin is completed by the dermal fin-rays.
Except that teeth are partly dermal in origin, a dermal exoskeleton is quite unrepresented in birds.
A highly vascular dermal papilla projects into the base of the hair.
The exoskeleton is of two types; dermal bones are largely developed in the head region, while the tail and posterior part of the body may be naked or may be covered with overlapping scales.
Mammals show two principal kinds of exoskeletal structures which are entirely or partially dermal in origin, viz.
The parietals and interparietals are also dermal bones which are united by synostosis to form the parietals or side bones of the normal adult skull.
From what has been said of the relations of the dermal bones to the nose and face in the chapter on the skull, it will be obvious that these must follow the same laws as to degeneracy as the skull itself.
As already stated in the chapter on the cranium, the nasal bones belong to the dermal category, their special function as nose bones being a later acquisition.
The deficiencies in the chondrocranium appear in the occipital bone, which requires a small portion of the dermal bone to complete it on each side.
These cavities were filled by dermal bones, which, at first serving merely as armour in the skin of the head, came to be protectors of the nervous system.
The nasal bones which, together with the vomer, form the nose, are likewise dermal bones, and so are the pterygoids and palatines.
The maxillaries and praemaxillaries, which, with the mandibles, form the jaws, are dermal bones.
The development of the brain therefore depends on the growing and expanding power of the secondary skull formed by the dermal bones.
These two conditions result from the inability of the dermal bones to fill at the proper period the gaps in the chondrocranium.
These secondary gaps are often filled by new dermal bones called Wormian.
One relatively large depressed osculum usually present in each sponge; pores inconspicuous; dermal membrane in close contact with the parenchyma.
Free microscleres abundant in the dermal membrane, slender, nearly straight, gradually and sharply pointed, profusely ornamented with short straight spines, which are much more numerous and longer at the middle than near the ends.
Injured sponges are eaten by the prawn Palaemon lamarrei, which, however, only attacks them when the dermal membrane is broken.
When they occur in the dermal membrane no great difficulty is experienced in seeing them under a sufficiently high power of the microscope, if the material is well preserved and mounted and stained in a suitable manner[M].
Dermal membrane in close contact with the skeleton; pores and oscula inconspicuous.
The dermal membrane adheres closely to the sponge.
They are arranged in definite vertical groups, which project through thedermal membrane, and in irregular transverse formation.
When pigment is produced it takes the form of minute granules lying in the cells of the parenchyma, the dermal membrane being as a rule colourless.
As the bud projects more and more from the surface of the sponge the dermal membrane contracts at its base, so as finally to separate it from its parent.
As the bud of Spongilla proliferens grows it makes its way up the skeleton-fibre to which it was originally attached, pushing the dermal membrane, which expands with its growth, before it.
These features may include impressions of sensory canals on the dermal bones of the skull, persistence of visceral arches, reduction in size of appendages, and failure of tarsal and carpal elements to ossify.
Among Urodela nodermal bones occur in the pectoral girdle.
They are possessed of dermal bones and other ossifications, and are characterized by their lobate paired fins, which have a thick axis beset with biserial fin rays.
That they existed as far back as the Silurian age is proved by many enamelled spines of the dermal armour, chiefly from the dorsal fins.
A heavy dermal fold from posterior corner of eye above tympanum to insertion of forelimb, covering upper edge of tympanum; tympanum elliptical, its greatest diameter equal to its distance from eye.
A thin dermal fold from posterior corner of eye above tympanum to insertion of forelimb, covering upper edge of tympanum; tympanum nearly round, its diameter equal to its distance from eye.
This may well confuse the fingerprint examiner in that what may be a loop having 10 ridge counts may appear to be a loop having 20 ridge counts when the impression is made from the second or dermal layer of skin.
The second or dermal layer of skin is composed of what are called dermal papillae which have the appearance of minute blunt pegs or nipples.
The dermal papillae are arranged in double rows (fig.
In the early stages of vertebrate life, while the differentiations of dermal tissue went mostly to the production of hairs or feathers or scales, sundry special differentiations went to the production of ears and eyes.
The most perfect organs of touch are the vibrissæ whiskers of the cat, which act as long levers in communicating impulses to the nerve-fibres that terminate in clusters about the dermal sacs in which they are inserted.
Embryology shows that in mammals the bulb of the eye and the auditory chamber are extremely metamorphosed hair-sacs, the crystalline lens is a differentiated hair, and the aqueous and vitreous humours are liquefied dermal tissue!
But Francois and Anseau are growing up reasonably honest, thanks to frequent dermal pain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dermal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: cutaneous; dermal; epidermal; furry; hypodermic; skinny; subcutaneous