Afterwards placing al his rich Iewels in surety and sauegard, hee discoursed vnto his vncle what had chaunced vnto hym till that time.
For shee had neyther brother lefte wyth whom shee myght soiourne, ne yet vncle to gyue her good counsell.
He published that he would redéeme his Vncleout of Captiuitie, and expulse the Straungers, or else kill and eate them.
At the which mariage were present the father and mother of the bride; the French king himselfe, which was vncle to the husband; and the French queene also, which was aunt to the wife.
These two dukes come into the towne of saint Omers, the duke of Bedford being then regent of France, sonne, brother, and vncle to kings, thought that the duke of Burgognie should haue come and visited him in his lodging.
For which traitorie albeit he was once vanquished by Leonine Traheron, great vncle to Constantine: yet after the death of this Traheron, he preuailed againe, and vsurped ouer all Britaine.
And the Earle when he had made his vncleknightes suffered him to retourne in riche estate to Florence.
The simple yong man giuing faith to the words of his vncle that was honoured as a king (thinking perhaps that it proceeded by the perswasion of the Duchesse) followed his commaundement, and obeied whollie his traiterous and abhominable hest.
Who (oportunitie found) accomplished from pointe to point, that which his cruel vncle had commaunded.
Our vncle was not the tutor and preseruer of our stocke and linage, but the confounder & destroier of our bloud and progenie.
Also I had an vncle called maister Iohn Stalin, dwelling in the parish of S.
The house of Cosowarth, and the auncient inheritance there adioyning, he gaue to the heires male of his stock, by which conueyance, his vncle Iohn succeeded, who married the daughter of Sir Wil.
Emillius, let the Emperour giue his pledges Vnto my Father, and my Vncle Marcus, Flourish.
Good Vncle Marcus see how swift she comes, Alas sweet Aunt, I know not what you meane Mar.
Vncle this is a Mountague, our foe: A Villaine that is hither come in spight, To scorne at our Solemnitie this night Cap.
The nephewe of Olaus deceased, by the brothers side: also hee being a Noruagian was elected the same yeere wherein his vncle deceased.
One Wilstenius schoolemaster of Oldenburg, in the yere 1591, sent vnto mine Vncle in West Island, a short treatise which he had gathered out of the fragments of sundrie writers, concerning Island.
He declareth also a little after, that this Maglocune in his yoong yéeres slue in battell his vncle being king, with the most valiant souldiers in maner that he had.
Britaine Armorike, there to remaine out of danger with their vncle the king of that land.
After that Kenelme was thus made awaie, his vncle Ceolwulfe the brother of king Kenulfe was created king of Mercia, and in the second yéere of his reigne was expelled by Bernwulfe.
After Kenred succéeded Ceolred, the sonne of his vncle Edilred, & died in the 8 yeere of his reigne, and was buried at Lichfield.
But vpon some malicious [Sidenote: This Bearne was the sonne of Vlfusa Dane, vncle to this Swaine by his mother, the sister of K.
His bodie was buried at Glastenburie, neere his vncle Edgar.
Sidenote: † For he was son to a king, and vncle to a king.
This yeare, the lord Auberie de Veere, vncle to the late duke of Ireland, was made earle of Oxenford.
Moreouer, his father the king wanted monie and treasure to furnish him withall, howbeit prince Edward borrowed of his vncle erle Richard four thousand marks towards the maintenance of that war.
We haue heere writ To Norway, Vncle of young Fortinbras, Who Impotent and Bedrid, scarsely heares Of this his Nephewes purpose, to suppresse His further gate heerein.
Robert and Reignald (which Reignald was vncle to the king) and lastlie two knights templers, had not mooued him to yéeld to the kings will.
This deceit he vsed towards them in reuenge of the death of his vncle Henrie of Hereford, whom vpon easter euen before, they had through treason murthered, and were now acquited with the like againe.
For being not contented with the earledome of Mortaigne in Normandie, and the earledome of Cornewall in England, he made sute also for the earledome of Kent, which his vncle Odo sometime held.
Vnto which words the king answered; What my brother marquesse hath doone I cannot saie, but in good faith I dare well answer for mine vncle Riuers and my brother here, that they be innocent of anie such matter.
The prince (as soone as the protector left that name, and tooke himselfe as king) had it shewed vnto him, that he should not reigne, but his vncle shuld haue the crowne.
Thus farre Richard the vsurper, vnnaturall vncle to Edward the fift and Richard duke of Yorke, brethren.
At which word the prince sore abashed, began to sigh, and said: Alas, I would my vncle would let me haue my life yet, though I leese my kingdome.
And knychtly prowes in hym steris frendis befor, 25 Baith fader Eneas, and hys vncle Hector!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vncle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.