The Palace of the Governors fronted it along the entire north side, a long, low, one-story structure whose massive adobe walls defy the wearing years.
He could not bear to open his dreadful situation to his Uncle David, nor to kill himself, nor to defy the vengeance of Longcluse.
I defy any man to harm me, Sir, if you please, so long as I do my dooty," said Paul Davies.
But even before I could interfere, she was up again and all alive, with both her arms stretched out to show, and her face set hard to defy herself.
But now I might defy them both, ever to write such a book as this.
My intention is not to defy you, sir; but to please you and gratify you, my dear uncle, as your lifelong kindness to me and to this young lady deserves.
Every child that went to the well knew the truth of everything; and every woman of Newton and Nottage had formed from the men her own opinion, and was ready to stand thereby, and defy all the other women.
Already a few in the North defy all constitutional restraints, resist the execution of the Fugitive Slave law, and even menace the institution of slavery in the States where it exists.
It has no such provision in it; and I defy the ingenuity of man to give a reason for the omission, other than that it was not intended to follow the Utah and New Mexico laws in regard to the question of slavery.
Here Winnie sat down to defy or to convert the world.
He was not called upon to defy public opinion and to confuse the lines of social demarcation, as Godfrey Ledstone had been.
Her reasons for the intimation to Sir Axel defy conclusive analysis.
And if any man gives an entertainment, and hears afar a general ill-suppressed derisive titter, and sees all his guests hurrying towards one spot, I defy him to remain unmoved and uninquisitive.
Indeed I defy the most patient observer, to find any point of resemblance between them.
Of music she knew little or nothing, but her new friend undertook to give her lessons, in exchange for which she was to learn from Lucy the habit of walking, and the art of riding, and the courage necessary to defy the season.
But extraordinary events and wonderful runs of luck defy the calculations of mankind and throw impenetrable darkness on future contingencies.
I can defyall evil spirits, I have spells and charms.
It is always a mark of folly to defy public opinion.
I have no stomach to defy the Yezidees; because, if I do, sooner or later I shall be killed.
You have had courage to defy threats and temptations where your country's honour was concerned!
Hubert, who had good feeling, was more obedient; he did not openly defy her.
The young one would stand sturdily in his little blue shoes and defy his grandpapa already, and assert his own will, to the amused admiration of Captain Monk.
If you choose to defy the King of England, why not debate the matter like a true knight in a pitched field?
The report of these horrors so shocked John Balliol, that he sent to renounce his allegiance to Edward, and to defy his power.
Such a man may, and often does, trample under foot every command of the decalogue, and at the same time defy and violate a good moiety of the injunctions of his caste.
I defy any Hindu to take the narratives of these descents, as found in the Puranas and other books, and show from them that there was anything more than physical and social relief to men intended by them or accomplished through them.
So omnipotent and omniscient is the arm and head of caste that men dare not defy it.
But it is enforced with heartless severity in every case; and any family which may defy the caste in this respect by entering into conjugal relationship with that of the one under ban, is at once outcast.
The comments of others on any business of his had become a matter of indifference to him, and he decided to act on the dictates of his conscience, and to defy the judgment of the multitude.
It is always a man devoid of religion; one of those conceited and infatuated beings who dare to despise the Christian faith, and who may be seen every day flaunting their insolence, and lifting their heads to defy the stars.
You have elevated my unknown position to such a pitch as to defy taunt or jeer, and at any time if I may have, seemingly, ignored your advances, it was purely want of thought, and not through any underhand motive or scheme whatever.
In her bosom man still finds security; such security that "dug in" he can defyat a hundred yards' distance rifles that carry death three thousand yards.
Youth's resources defy monotony and death at the same time.
And you say that a person in the grip of a great feeling should not care a straw for circumstance, should defy it, trample it under foot.
During the whole of your year with us I defy you to recollect a single day, a single hour of gloom.
So primitive, indeed, is nomination of this kind, that I defyany one to show wherein it differs psychologically from what I have called the denotation of a young child, or even of a talking bird.
Except for the two clumsy artifices above described, the bustards are left practically unmolested; their wildness and the open nature of their haunts defy all the strategy of native fowlers.
In the females especially, the spring-plumage is so variegated as to defy description, the patterns, so to speak, being as elaborate as the tints.
I defy any one to find a dozen women who sincerely do," broke in Denzil.
To countenance him, moreover, was todefy her mother's petty rule.
And now this old man was an idolized king, who had led his people in two victorious wars and to-day was being urged by them to defy a country many times the size of his own.
It was understood that Austria had made certain demands, but it did not seem to occur to anyone in Semlin that it was possible for tiny Servia to defy the mighty Austrian empire.
He disavowed nothing: he seemed as if he would defy all things.
May I, in turn, ask by what authority you come at dead of night todefy the laws of your State, and seek to place a crime upon your soul?
I defy you, and dare you to do your worst, you pitiful thing whom God made like a man, and gave the nature of a brute instead of a soul!
Why did not He, Who presently made strong the hearts of the Egyptians to plunge into the bed of the sea, make the hearts of His own people strong to defy the Philistines?