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Example sentences for "cutis"

Lexicographically close words:
cuter; cutest; cuticle; cuticular; cution; cutlash; cutlass; cutlasses; cutlers; cutlery
  1. The same biographer relates that at St. Kentigern’s tomb in Glasgow lepers were cured—“leprosis cutis munditia restituitur.

  2. In his brief but interesting Cosmography and Description of Albion, Boece, Canon of Aberdeen, at the commencement of the sixteenth century, states that the oil of this well “valet contra varias cutis scabricies.

  3. A net-work of arteries, veins, and nerves, upon the upper surface of the cutis vera.

  4. The CUTIS VERA (sometimes called the co´ri-on) is composed of minute fibres, which are collected into small bundles or strands.

  5. What is the appearance of the upper surface of the cutis vera?

  6. A little bladder, or a portion of the cuticle separated from the cutis vera and filled with serum.

  7. The cuticle is insensible, and serves as a sheath of protection to the highly sensitive skin (cutis vera) situated beneath it.

  8. What vessels are found in the cutis vera?

  9. The cutis vera contains not only Arteries, Veins, and Nerves but Lymphatics, Oil-Glands and Tubes, and Perspiratory Glands and Tubes.

  10. The poison of the germs has killed all the leucocytes and also all the cutis immediately around them, and now digestive fluids from the dead leucocytes is turning the whole dead mass into liquid pus.

  11. In the cutis one sees that the blood capillaries are just wide enough for the blood-cells to pass through "in single file.

  12. The cavity of the epimere disappears, and its walls form the muscle and cutis plates of the body.

  13. It is thought at times to bear some resemblance to goose-flesh (cutis anserina), the miliary papular syphiloderm in its desquamating stage, and lichen scrofulosus.

  14. Variable [oe]dema of the prickle layer and of the cutis is found.

  15. Are other forms of tuberculosis cutis met with?

  16. These various types of tuberculosis cutis are, as a rule, more amenable to treatment than that form known as lupus vulgaris (q.

  17. How does the common type of tuberculosis cutis begin?

  18. The cutis consists of a fibro-areolar tissue and vessels of supply.

  19. The surface of the cutis is covered with minute, conical projections called papillæ (Fig.

  20. This hard portion irritates the sensitive cutis beneath, and so causes pain.

  21. The cutis and the corresponding layer of the mucous membrane consist chiefly of a fibrous substance interlaced, like felt.

  22. Each hair grows from a tiny bulb (papilla), which is an elevation of the cutis at the bottom of a little hollow in the skin.

  23. It consists of two layers, termed the Cutis Vera, or true skin, and the Epidermis, or cuticle.

  24. The Cutis Vera is composed of fibers similar to those of the cellular tissue.

  25. Like the cutis vera, it has two surfaces composed of layers.

  26. The internal, or Rete Mucosum, which is made up chiefly of pigment cells, is adapted to the irregularities of the cutis vera, and sends prolongations into all its glandular follicles.

  27. As soon as dry, they are removed in the form of scurf, and replaced by new ones from the cutis vera.

  28. Now, although the nerves of the cutis are the instruments by which impressions are received and transmitted to the brain, yet the cuticle is essential to the sensation of touch.

  29. The surface of the cutis is not smooth, but is covered here and there with minute elevations, called papillae.

  30. Describe the cutis or true skin and tell its use.

  31. Cutaneous " An annulated tegument, cutis or true skin, appears for the first time in the Worms, with here and there lateral filaments and tentacula.

  32. To distinguish it from the general tegument it may be called the cutis or skin--Cutaneous animals.

  33. Intestine and cutis belong to one formation, or to the integument.

  34. I dreamed about cutis oenea half the night after I came to see you.

  35. For example, in describing the treatment of fistulae Celsus says: In has demisso specillo ad ultimum eius caput incidi cutis debet (VII.

  36. In the mildest cases the cutis is destroyed in its whole thickness, and the parts injured are occupied by eschars of a yellowish-gray or brownish color.

  37. Taylor[844] compares this parchment mark to the cutis from which the cuticle has been removed for two or three days.

  38. Tongue not swollen or protruded in any case, and cutis anserina absent in all three, which may have been owing to the high temperature.

  39. Duhring reports a very rare form of disease of the skin, which may be designated neuroma cutis dolorosum, or painful neuroma of the skin.

  40. Sometimes, upon catching cold, before quite free from feverish symptoms, a second separation of the cuticle from the cutis occurred, but it appeared so thin as to be like scurf, demonstrating the quick renewal of the parts.

  41. The cuticle rose in the palms and soles like blisters, having, however, no fluid beneath, and when it came off it left the underlying cutis exposed for a few days.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cutis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.